The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 20, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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"Get Hie Red Stai
U t . Hnastton, of
her son, L. L.
tifis i
i Flossie Knight, of Oetehing
Is spending the Week with i
Sister, Mrs. Gus Hamilton.
Mrs. Currie Boon and daughter,
w r.h. 1 , of Coquille, visited friends in
| Myrtle Point over the week end.
The grout Bishop De Boise, deliv-
rad s sermon to S Urge congregation
• t the M. E. Church South Inst Mon-
d » y jK
Mrs. Cheney and children, of Myr­
tle Craok, are k e n visiting her son,
Roscoe. And wife.
William Culbertson end famUy
rere visiting in town lust Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fsuslar, of this
pises, and Charles,Fsnaler, of Pow­
ers, metered to ¿Portland this wmk to
buy goods for the new deportment in
the Hah store her«. They expect to
by the time of the F air with a
IhtuU line a t d rjg _ . | | B |
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Knrry end
u c h te r .
have moved to
the Alva Lee place on the Grovel
Ford road.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schroeder end
eon. Larin, of Coquille, returned home
Saturday a i t « a two weeks’ visit
•with relative, la this city.
Mrs- Gao. Ward and children and
Alice Ward, of Coquille, spent the
end visiting Mrs. R. J . Clin­
ton, o( t i d a b _
Perry Lawrence, of Coquille, who!
ns been working bs Eugene, was in
town M oudatfW ,
Deputy Sheriff Malehorn was in
town Tuesday «erring pup«».
L. H. Hazard a
J . g. Lawrence, all of Coquille, were
In town Tuesday on buetaeas..
Mr. Hale, a proeperou. etockman
of Bride*,
»een on our street*
on* day this week.
L. E. Brown, who represents the
New York Mutual Life Insuranre Co.,
haa been in town quite often of late.
Attorney A. G. Thompeen’a family
returned Sunday from their eumptag
■trip to Bandon bench.
John Appleton, of Bancroft, passed
through Myrtle Point on hi* way to
Bandon, where > r will spend two
weeks on the bench.
A farewell party wan given by
O liter Clark* at hi* hoaa* last Tues­
day n ig h t The boys in hi* Sunday
School class a t the M. E. church were
furias nui»!
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Y O U 'V E wished that clothes
prices would com e down.
They have; we've seen a gov­
ernment report that says cloth­
ing prices have com e down 3 4
per cent as compared with a
year ago. W e've helped bring
them down by marking our
goods very low.
M m L»
W e're still doing that; and to­
day you can buy a good suit or
overcoat at a price much below
anything we could offer a year
$ 3 .00 por load
Laave orders at the mill or
with me.
P .E .D R A N E
? ;
L. Riddle were guest* of honor. About
2 p. m. they motored to Mrs. C. E.
Schroeder’s where they exhibited
many article of sewing before the
Arago Progressive Club. Their work
eras excellent and deserve« the high­
est praise for their efforts under their
most competent instructor, Mrs. John
Belloni, who has boon vary patient
and faithful. What a wonderful work
haa been accomplished in teaching
that large class of gifts the fin* art
at sewing correctly. No one can es­
tim ate the value in money th at it will
mean in beauty and usefulness. They
will always remember Mr*. Belloni
with greatful hearts.
Miss Riddle gave a demonstration
in detecting the various fibres in
cloth through different chemicals to
ascertain their substance, purity and
durable wearing qunlitiea.
class eras vary much interested. Mies
Riddle also demonstrated canning
with the new steam pressure cooker,
which the club has purchased.
The following nr* the name* of the
hewing dub: Mary Gasner, Helen
Hampton, Irma Schroeder, Tine Moo­
maw, Augusta Fredenburg, Christine
Vetter, Elisabeth Mintonye, Opal
Robison, Ruby Robison, Hilda Frod-
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hanley and
Thomas, from Lam pa Croak, and Miss
Margaret Hanley and Mias Alice Cox,
of Bandon. visited a t the home of C.
E. Schroeder Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jams* Robison, Mr.
end Mrs. Gilbert Pinkston and family
and Shirley Hfekham left Wednesday
for a trip in Northern Oregon and
v* * *,
Every ten cent cash purchase entitles
you to a Red Stamp, p u t them in your
book and when it is filled bring it in
and get the cash for i t
Put all your Red Stamps in one book
it makes no difference wnat store you
get them from. .
V v
Take advantage o f this discount i f s
worth while and you'll be surprised how
quick your ordinary purchases will en­
able you to fill a book.
W e will give the the stamps on all
regular monthly accounts which are paid
S ' . . S >'u }
Get the Habit—Save the Red
The Busy Comer
3 Phones—Call 691
and cape a t Mrs. C. E. Schroeder's
Tuesday and Wednesday.
The following families from Arago
and vicinity attended the Argonne
display a t Marshfield Saturday: Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Schroeder and family,
Mr. and Mr*. J. D. Carl and family,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. O. H.
Aaaen, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lett and
family, Mr. and Mrs. W alter Schroe­
der and family, Mr. O. A. Mintonye,
Jake Moomaw, Prank Moser, George
Gainer, Mr. and Mrs. W alter Farrier,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tracy, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Hatter, Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Myers and family, and
Wayne Woodward.
The following teacher* hare been
engaged for the school a t Aragb,
Miss Hockema, primary room; Miss
Miss Agee, of O. A. C., principal.
On* more teacher is required for the
High School.
Mrs. J. H. Moody, of 8an Joaquin
valley, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. E. J .
Arms, of North Bend, motored over
Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mr*.
George Clinksnbeard. Mrs. Moody
and Mrs. A nsa are sisters and both
former schoolmates of Mrs. Clinksn*
Mrs. William Candlin waa the guest
of Mrs. George Clinkenbeard Wed­
nesday and Thursday.
Regular meeting o f . the Grange
wds held a t Arago Inst Wednesday
evening, there being 61 present with
about twelve from Myrtle Point
grange. A fter the business meeting
refreshments were served, consisting
of ice cream and cake and a very good
time was enjoyed by all.
meed proper attation the m e as anything eke.
In the Cleoaiag, Prmmlng aw
• garments we defy competition, in
service sad price.
• Pairoaiae year home town la
■ 1 *■ ' - '- . \ C
Tuition at U. of O. and O. A. C.
A tuition fee of 6«0 will hereafter
be charged student* from states out­
side of Oregon, in addition to the fed*
now charged all students, following
a joint action at committees of the
boards at regents of the two state in-
. • . *
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jt ' ■ - $ ' - ■ / ' .
City *■ Cleaners
& Tailors
ea*j- - A *s - .
JrTM» street, l
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The tuition ehnrg*
at the Oregon
institutions becomes effective for all
new registrations from states other
than Oregon, beginning naxt month.
The |« 0 will be payable in 6 » install­
ments at the beginning of each tens.
Men in the service at the United
States during the U te w ar coming to
the university or the agricultural col­
lege from other states will be examp-
IcNelly’s Quality Always
S a W iß h p h k la
O otTiM -N nysSsti
F. C. McNeDy, fra