ill »• .« M W . »*****»• ,* • * ■ omen s -f: K ‘ e i n a a J P ' 1 ' n of Pall Coats that is, we be- comprehensive in the valley. lieve, I r ■ ■ j I i ; ■ I p i r j r X ''* i B , V 1 e t the B rtn d e n Ste rte » of the Oregon A gricultural The new and favored modes for the season are embraced in the collection and, even though you are not ready to buy, you will enjoy seeing the new creations. Our coats are chosen for their superb style,, workmanship and quality. Coats are based on the 1921 price level. I__ I - y you to call and price them before purchasing S Corsets c o m p ie te te rn a of K obe, ÎÂÀ AL» J a i k n s m s l f i w W e rc h e a te r ?W * '<■ * Fall Showing ij lin e M yM i n % H * "7 v ; ' i*; ’ 'Z , ,! A —-w —----3 dWL1»’ 97c I C or® ............... — .4 c u » , M e I bnm i ------------- » . . . ____: ................6 cans, 73» I -------- 1------- ..............— ,4 cum , 99c .— . „ . 3 fo r 2Sc for 25c 2 large cans, S5c _12c-17e-27c, cob ......... $7.25, jack -37c* pkg. if P h«pe. A ttra c tiv s ly '¿i > ‘ J t ’ ■ Just Received in L a d ie s S h o e s , O x f o r d s « i d B. . ‘.-T ■••• I p rta o d $2.00 to $10.00 ■Tf* $5.50 to $7.50 sai“-‘ -• • fok *' -~- A ll (M p u sM A D ro ss G oodb. M e rc h a n d ise W id th s th e o f W o o te n A ll of is N ew p rio ri Low In order to strengthen both line* of | work, to prevent confusion in the mind* Of the people, to avoid dupli­ cation. and to render tbs « o at ef­ fective sssr k s ' to the public, this or understanding is to by tha S tate Bureau of j Nursing, of tha 0 and tlu . of th a . O. A. C., aa tha poHey which y ill gov­ ern tha relatione ef County Nurees I and Hoaae Demonstration Agente in | their co-operative The County Public Baalth N one I forks directly andar a County Pub-1 ¡lie Haulth Association. Tha of the nursing estiv iti« I I of tbo county aaaocia tton and tha} ia givsn by lof Nuraing. Tha eoe pa of tha anraaS activities I lincludaa work in tha schools and | Are the Lowest! th is at *>?.»• j tJ L f l' ■ , •- a * A . -j V- . > K - m . j J R l, It’s Cool , » :1 A .- •' -L # ■ Opposite Postoffice In ro L . . 111 i • ’ ■ ' 1 N------ > ' TM T.' !! You Can Save M oney Here! genmuHaad public health nuxs-1 ing, i. et, aha endeavors to ! ary type of probtet* involved in Puh-1 Ik health work far-which th a n ia no | other special worlmr in Her activitiee includa: Franatali h am N ow ^ In Ten Mile Lake and the Umpqna £. Ur ZC1‘k> V . v ac ati» , a d a g » W eek Z- 1. End Trains Saturday and Sunday Z Z - Cooa Bay to Lakeside, Reedsport / a Gardiner and return y-s jk / _,_____ ,_,___^Z ^ k JM You will enjoy the excellent Ask­ ing, bathing, boating, hiking and camping. Whoa going to and from Portland \ ' Travel with Comfort In Through Sleeping Cara Tri-Weekly Night Train Lamm Coos Bayt Ig b d f e Wednesday A Friday Leaves Portland: SnadST Tuesday A Thursday befer* witnsessd 80MB party. 8** “Patty** Arfeudde in “BRBW STK’8 MILLIONS'* at tha Liberty Aug. 16 aad 17. The program la aa page ■ilk «01 rig a ta ti« , Nutrition claaa- « for malnourUAri children. Nutri­ tion eoafaranaaa for pra-«ehool child­ ren- Clothing: Draaa Pom a; Garment, Con »traction. Alteration of p attern . . a -A a l __t __ 1 rurrner , ____ particulars inquire of Tickst Agente SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINI 5*7'" JfiLg John M. Scott, Agent ___ i. [t’n :• :• V * bfZ -»¡jAj Coot Bay P oti No. 17 American Legion CITY BAKERY and B. P. O. EU» N o /1160 S Kì V i" b a ' ì l '' a 3 H O I Fresh Bread, Cakes and Fancy fadry 1 C o p u lile , O r « « »«Inatiema and do àU physical fol Marshfield: Elks State Convention The aea, a moon and a girl hare upset g n a t ambitions and mighty project« before tin». See “Patty Ar- buckle" in “BllEWSTEft’S MIL­ LIONS” a t the Liberty August 16 and IT. Sao tha program on. page three. JOHNSON ? > d i g _ Mill Wood on Earth jk 4~ " 'Z' * ' - ¡1 ■! » «A Î. •;. v - ' v -â«Ç Leave orders a t the a ill or Bir:’- -- a with me. - Real Action E. DRANK -{ N o , . M o tio n f Cerda. 106 for tlJA, ÌSI-. M m ■ -x • ¿*,3 i,- $3.00 per load I km ® > & ., » fjf ■ • • C m ; ' . i- r L