's~rm g»or. n*r ti P " B B a Jtv V . y. ranch msa Whitney, tity and waived he seemed to fa# s plea of Burner, of - I 3 ' int, Oregon .V , 1 ing of July IS. __ '•ft with for The elua .................... in Canada, The ofleara am quaintancee of Or. plftely baffiod by the surrounds the package, the «toaba for possession of which proved «0 be the undoing of tho alleged mardaror o f Dennis Rasasi. Why rikÉÌt;4titi Brumfield ba M tically tents of duplicated any plea» to » 6 9 T Six Horse Races Aeroplane Stunts - Baseball Games - Boxing Mate t as to the Evening.»M any Other Attractions THIS IS YOUR FAIR ■ COME OUT AND BOOST Ü I have bean I In fact, it was a# ! per- That could bava bean j any town or atty a f and why sd capture, or ' c ¿ r T A atgg ta a a h Laat Satarda^ Matthews hreUm-s, theta wtooa an Sevan of the ten M dran, « Í Pamper, riding in a M r- have adapted home tmprovemeut as a tog ear on their way I» Myrtto Point part o f thatr year's i 7 o’etook. ari- had repreaentatwroe at the county pro­ ject meeting whld» waa bald at Myr­ in tle Point oa Wednesday, August t t Thu masting was catted by Miss G. • ** far» »be tom, sibly the ease, but the Hared I that they have n#_ n^dfaw t eyt- as to whom aho m what motive aha could h ire ta ih. However, this lowed by odtaer ¡nr for the worn pink skirt. This aMrt was smined by Dr. BrwMtald, tt small for his wife, the clerk a chard’s Square store, whey* h r always tradst consequently he left K. On "the fol­ lowing day, the day of the murder, a Hr*' u < lir e Stock Show - Agricultural Community Exhibits . Domestic Exhibits - Children’s Banff, plained by the On the surface there must ba a with tba earn. TU» ther pick ailk skirt b y ,g m > . r ■. EST YET EST I I u>d examined thTdMrt. 1 Ji meagrrly described at, being dark and dressed In a Mn# 1 suit and small hat WkSw hi looking at Ihe skirt Dr. came in and asked far a packing ban. He was diteeted to the back room and there took the bon, into whkh A large amount of mtoeellanebus rafuao had been placed. As h# started toward the room he smiled and nodded to the ta thè ’ « ' ' . MODERN CRANKCASE agent, tar the purpeee of outlining « an the lesend «urva aast of the Geo. aa a basis for all an- Woleh ranch on the tivitiea in this project to all of tho oouaty. was riding la Mrs. C. E. Schroeder, county ¿ailed the CLEANING lE R V iC I Í 1 «ft - * 5 ? gfaff it *>;• ■% The Sign of the faea andjhuria by the TW i into the bary car and Ole where Dr. Law 3c/#P H u m Study tours will bo p lu - nod far the naa r fu ton . Whan several homes win ba vieltod for tba inapce- Uau at satisfactory toidhaa, laundry equipment, efficient ldtohan tm ig a n n t, lightin* and heating *ystems and intartoro doacoration. A apaeial effort will ba made to im­ prove home yards. This will ba bo- gun by a series o f toetafos oa T W acm. K, UO aerea, IMA per U M » amase 111» IH» , IM aereo, fid i p r­ University of Oregon co trrA O O L * m m am Th. Graduata School. Tbs School o f. The School of Law. The School < T V School o f Business . % The School« Tho Cotags o f ________ *•’ l u— end lbs Arts. TlwSthoaAriBtomtion. The School of Physiml The Estenda, Division. TheSchool'riSaciokgr. V* Present the . K ‘ f * ‘ . ^ *» ì * • m 1 I I'.'C 'dp i i K Ä / . # ' i «A i - , . .. U.C " ’ T M * REGISTRAR. UNIVERSITY O f OREGON. - JOHNSON «Wood 1 Ï a n d R ï^ d E B «N a U 60 j Ë i ^ - M a > - Fall Term Opens September 26 Coo* Bny Pott No. 17 American Légion '^ * : W . — = i^mrnrii'ViiiinniT r.m iw ri W r ...................— Tho meat heart-breaking, meat estava and pila up money Jetai eat, tbrJUiagast,- youngest and I ON* WOMAN" at the oldest gaase in Mm world is mea try­ Liberty Aagust SB and M. See the ing “ TO PLEASE ONE WOMAN," at the Liberty Aug. tS and M. was in a hurry and bought ba program oa page three. Why not sand the Sentinel to and w«nt out. In treeing I Cerda, ISO for astern friand* the * \ . i per load orders at the mill or with me. H be mode to the hotmowifo's work aa easy aa ■ibis, to amka the and wall equipped «ad to home a more comfortable ai tive place to which to Uva. At noon a vary l alMnai u served to those fa attendance at ’ he Sugar Bowl onto. It wi by all who attended t o bo a tooyad by ffre Just before midnight Atabla aa writ aa enjoyable day. last Monday night. The owners are twelve woman 0» W. Thompson and W. C. Bradley, from Myrtle Point, go, Norway, Bandea aad Haynes m ist ^ • P. E. ORANE The house waa insured for $S5M, L Why wffl a a a eonnpM orimo and "90 HIM a • feel IW o f himorift p l e a AB ONE ON WOMAN" at the Lib. •rty Theatre August St and 14. Boa the program on pegs three. ' — e— .. Why will a man commit crime and make n fori of hhgprift "TO PLEASE ONE WOMAN," at the Lib­ erty Theatre August 28 and 24. See ; * •* • j t.’V ' 'i ->w \ r ...v • . . , \ » / ’. StLf .W-. . « a A’ .. m W ;yJ H j - fl i ?WL. I. H M ■■■ ■ ■ ■ # # Uh 1 * i. M