The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 12, 1921, Page 16, Image 16

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« ¿»¡to.- k w ■ *•-
w & lM v I m
i bis w tf e at
■ v :
of Ur. Bleek*s|
M aasxpsetsd.
aa e shock to p » elder resi­
dente who for ysars had coanted film
ad oae of thè meet upright, progTee-
sivs citiaena t f Cede eeaetf.
Henry Netherton Black waa borni
in Grani county, Missouri. Pebraery
8, IMA. H i» aariy y e n » -
tirare « Ì H he enlisted far thè O v ili
war, aerving andar Generate Mc-
Clellen and P r i» during thè strug-|
gas Jwj <•
• ?
$9.50 per ton
Beaver Hill Lump
$8.50 per ton
O V , ,
’ ** •
„ ■
-W . • *
* ' /' ”
”* *
Delivered in ton lots where it
can be shoveled from Wagon
m L' ■
Pi :£
_____i.____ a— J f«r » o
________ _______ for ile
¡.,j- -
la 1664, he loft Missouri and |
crasaed th » plein* by ox t
family louted first gt Oakland.
Douglas county.
Tirare thè
quest year he married Sarah MsGee.
In 1876 th*y moved te Caos county,
loeating sii Ora ranch where he died.
Pive children were bora te them
end all aurviv*. They are: John
Black, of Radiami*, Calli., Frank
Black, of Marshfield; Mra. Geo.
of Cmtehing Inlet; Geo. N. Black, of
Marsh Aeld; and Mr». Cari
of Catehing Inlet.
Mra. Black died July 11, 16*0.!
They had celebrated their golden
wedding annivarsary bt 1616.1
were ideal ly mated and thè Iosa
bis w if» waa a hard Uow to Mr.
Black. A few yuan ago Ma eye-
light hegaa te fsfl and «ntfl a few
minute* prior to Ms death, hi* Vision
seeteod to come back, and although
too weak to speak, hi* children ero
convteesd that he orse agata aUe to
sue them.
Bis death waa a meet, pse* «fai oae.
_ issiag away without
Bey Ttame.
- . *
-------- --------------- 1 M rg * « B ik M e i
Nt, ' \
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ranwt-A 1
Quality is the genius of production;
and the dominant characteristic of Rad
Crown gasoline is quality.
t C .
One cannot experience Die results of
quality unless qusdity Min the product
“Red Crown” is en all-refinery gaso-
Mne; a product of quality— a perfect
stream of power—that makes it pos­
sible for yon to enjoy the maximum
power and the msurimt
Our Prices Are^the Lowest!
The afternoon train from Portland
Wednesday did not arrhre in Coquille
until after oae o’clock that night, ow­
ing to a wreck at Nakoaaa, on the 81-
uslew. Seven »r a loaded with cedar
lege were derailed at that potat *
Are o’clock Tuesday afternoon and k
was not until late Wednesday after­
noon that the wracking crew from Eu­
gene were able to get the track cleared
far tragic. Wednesday morning's train
from Portland was also held in Eu­
gene end preceded the afternoon train
to Marshfield
leaving for the north again about mid­
Abner Tribbey, formerly of the
Marshfield police-, and Chester Alex­
ander ware arrested over at the Bey
Tuesday by Game Warden McDaniel
far killing deer out of season. They
had been selling fresh deer’ meet in
Marshfield at 60 cents a pound. Their
bail was fixed at |M0 and fEOO re­
You Can Save Money Here!
not m a to keep th» children to pese»
t i » long enough to gir* thè cantato.
We didn’t west it e ffilure ns it would
be a beautiful llttU play tf preparod
righi. We are eerry to aee euch •
iack of tatereat in heiping to talee
ided torfMtnf.
a buildipg for
Coquille certainly
will be rery «ratefei to both of yea.
"1 here a lot of gratitude la my Bee­
tle been, for yoa .know If one feels
lots of gratltud^ one la very trappy.*
"Whet dees ell that meanr asked
Mr. Benjamin Beetle.
••Gratitude." aeld Ur. Blaek Beetle,
"b another word tor Urapta a end-'
“One rant rea oat of gratitude or
thanks like ladles can run oat of eggs
or butter or milk. They ran out-of each
thing* when they haven’t enough to
brat ter all the meals-they plea te
have. . -1, r-,:<
, r ,7?
"That la quite natemi. Bot with
gratknde It tat different Gratitude »
something We ran hll have. HewT By
Trfod to Beat fite Board BUI
H y4
R . -
v -,
^Derailment Delays Trails
Arrested for Selling Doer Meat
I feel a greet deal of «retini le and
«banke to ray good mende v ho are
"Tirami yen," *ald Mr. Ben tamia helping bk \ /.ad I my ao to irate of
Bestie, “1 v. Ili be «lad th conio to four
Tbao U»w rm tiif' frftunfel In tWIr
parti. Ahd what tiara de yoa plaa te Beetle fn^biuu and iTaWWd off te aak
héVe thle party 7"
the other meek Beetles to n,*.« to Mr.
"Righi. a»ey." salii Ur. Black Beetle.
Blent Beetle's party.
"I ere no teason for wuitftig."
"Meither de V «std Mr Benjamin
■••tic. "t |ike p a rti» Ulti begli» al mnn.v, »any Black Uetta* at the
o a » end doo't end for e long lime. I party. Mr. Benjamin Beetle and Mr.
trust yuur* wlR lagt fer e luo« Urne, BUty Beetle ala« belong« <i lo tl.f I’.luck
Beetle fealty, end they were very
Ur. Black Saettar
much excited ever the pony.
The guests en had' ea extremely
good tlraeT They ptayed
"May I help yea «ire the lavttt-
tlon «r asked Ur. Benjamin Beetle.
“By a » meena," aeld Hr. Black Bee­
tle, “end 1 «H I he «retefel la yeu far
year help." , . -,
"Pray dea’« m enti» I f enld Mr.
Ben jam I p Beetle. "I'e rlll he amch
¡M l ' •
.ifi. Back
Good Coffa#
No. 9, First
WÈ& Boom
BklßX' s*- Wf f ., “.v
Sheriff Elllngaen want down te
Curry county this wash te arrest Jaa.
Brewer, who was wanted for beating
a |70 board b&l'et the Vtrginie Grill
at Powers. He paid «S6 of it and wee
released in order that be might ears
enough te pay the baton» due.
. "MW I Metpr
by| thinking of nH the things a
10 days’ us w ijit te be thankful.
Celling Cards, lfiO
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