The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 29, 1921, Image 1

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t u it t e n ^ is o n
M W N M * M u l te d e ’C U t-
burn, of Baadoa.
One of the biff m M of the Jubilee
•rill not bo open to the general pub­
lic; that la the initiation o f about ISO
candidate« into the m ysteries of th l
Dramatic Order of Knights of Khor-
Between 1,000 and 2,000 visitors
.are reported U be ia Bsndon today.
place it Will be
warmly commmtded by the grand «f-
fleen for the w ay In whkh she par-
formed her part In the work.
Mrs. Burkholder waa always a
great worker ia anything ska at­
tempted, aad the wonderful vitality
which showed throughout her active
life, kept her alive for weeks when
It 7,1---- * that a breath would Mow
W away. |
Universally respected by a ll who
various stages of ma
spectator waa carried
myriad departments ai
the valves, springs, differential,
tors, and all the other parte
Orford oa
“The airplane of the Gatee-Morrie
company srwihsd to the ground here
this afternoon aad waa completely
wrecked. Captain Emmett Tanner,
pilot, and D. K. Gates Ware badly
scratched but not seriously injured
ia tbs fall, which was from a lew al-
“The airplane had beea firin g ex­
hibitions and carrying p a a p n .
A minor accident occnrred Thursday