wm V m 3 »¡ •‘¡y Ww m §ñ g ü lR i t . HE» S 3 ÍM ih A lA ftT E H F rom itorat, un. mu Dn- They Are In Favor Against Those I Elsewhere. >15 statute «M I that statute was at about 10 •'«lock, with B, W. aa marshal, in tha following f totes have for their object and pur- •loose tha empowering of persons to r I form co-operative organisations, and M the contract before us is one which ’ Ihas been drawn pursuant to the terma of the atotote. And now, referring ■ specificially to tha quaation of agency * —plaintiff la an organisation of dairymen, % large number o f whom m ft*- all the milk sold ies. The answer ande U in the form of a demum COUNTY CÓÜRT u. IN SESSOl I improvement ad thia highway it would require at the rate of $80,000 per year, with ita added maiataneace and rtpalra. twenty yean time and a million dolían in money to accom­ plish whet can be aeeompHahed to about two years time wRh the «■- panditure on tha p a rt'o f tha couady of only $800,000, end Whmeas, the prop oe ad bond lasa# is e pert o f the State’s rand program .wherein then la to be spent to Osea f commercial purposes, shall be de­ livered and said only to the league. The league la, by Its contract wMb ita members, authorised and empower­ ed to receive j a y for and manufac­ ture into Ity-producta, if It desires, star* sad dispose of all milk or by­ products thereof supplied by Ha mam- J ot PAVILION? .ifie Highway, wad gram próvidas far three ways, extending south, «eat, respectively; of wfcj | while the gravea af tha i íeeí *s day to hllMr th air. attend the Union at tha Liberty Theater. A choir i a ih itag o f V. « . CL E. McCurdy, Mrs. Wm. Bi a e n .M ra .C T . Skoek and Min Wlllay rende, for the occa (T Box Dallas, paeachad tha Mi thaakfally thg aer- l by m t nation's but uttering wc for too fu- Uoa Is t i take charge of tha park only, fitting H up for samps, ate. It is even said that it is doubtful if they jrould give their ow e ant to tha erec­ tion of n pavilion on the aite whkb the city purchased last fan for thia purpose. Opposition to Ha erection there has ariaan in certain quarters ' 1 1 1 1 of the M. E. the invocation Smith, o f the Coanty Superintendent Mufcey has this weak sent out petitions for doing away with toe oOct of county school supervisor in thia coanty. The county court has agreed to famish adequate oAse help and pay travell­ ing expenses, if Mr. Molkay win do the supervisor’s work; and H is thought that la this way a saving •f $1408 a year la sehoel adminis­ tration eaa bo sffoatod. To make the change, however, R in aeeieaary that M majority at the m ambers o f Bis school boards of the county petition for H daring the present month. Commission to provide ua with the pavilion ao absolutely necessary for tha future of our com shew. Mare than that, the city purchased a larger tract than that covered by the grove with the express understanding that the pavilion would ha wee ted en that Community Club heartily i d cree the proposed bond issue and urge A t votara af Coo# coanty to give H their unqualified support at the polk - BANDON COMMUNITY CLUB G. R. McNair, O. A. Trowbridge. P. faith to oppose the location o f the 3. Perry, C. D. Geroutto, J. A. Rich­ .building there now. When the Commission mat Tues­ ardson, executive Committee. day, they organised by the election of Walter Oerding as president, A. O. Walker aa vice president, and Mrs. The Coas County Baseball L. P. Branstatter as secretary-tress will open tha m North Bend next being the visiting here and Myr­ tle Point at Norte Bond. The teams are in good condition and all ready for tha umpire’s “ Play ball." Coqailie will net bo able to put bar Minn Fake C o m m Horn faU strength on tha diamond host Mist Bake, of tha Bad Croes, waa Sunday, as Spike Leslie and the two here agate Wadnaaday to mset any playera from Eugene who are going ax-sarvice men who have claims to work hero this summer, will not against the government and assist be hero for a couple o f weeks yet, bat them in preparing their papers. She M h o well balanced team which will will be here every Wednesday for a time. She requests os to advhe the men that any dental bilk they have contracted since leaving the' service, due to teeth trouble while in the army, will be paid by the govern­ ment, and she will nuke out the pa­ per« applying for the refund If the men will call on her and give her the Cooe Bay urent into effoct Wedaeeday. The traía from Eagene srrived on eehedule time at 7:16 a. m. It «ar­ riad tile through sie*per which was attached to the trata made up at Eugsne. The trata alao «arriad maU f or thn Coas Bay eMes as well as for pótate ta the Coqeüle valley. The trota vrfll arrie# at MmeMeM on Monday, Wednooday and Briday monjinga and lea vea