> a V .V - V - iiÀ L m .-<• • ’ k| Ä : ' ». áSfj j j : ‘.fh V WELCOME , s*4 V $ S kl ■< i4 ' • » t ^ ' to Coquille P O R F I V E Y E A R S we have waited for the cUy we could extend to you this welcome. During the hoars our ¿tore will be open on Saturday you m ay leave in our care all your extra, bundles, borrow our umbrella, or aak us the time o f day. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Another big shipment o f Pore Grade has ju st b ^ n received. There is an attraction about this line which will make an irresistible appeal to the housewife. For instance the large Roasters are fitted with a convex arrangement in the cover that makes them self-basting, and all pieces have some distinguishing feature. ' Dish Pans— Fine for c a n in g Double Boilers, Convex Kettlea Come in and see this new stock Racket Store MBS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop. Cash M arket FRESH H A L IB U T Pot roast beef. ____16c Pork Roast_____ --.26c Boil beef____ ____14c Pork Steak......... ...26c Round Steak ____23c Pork Chops......... .--30c Veal Roast___ ____20c Fresh Side Pork. ...26c Veal Chops... -_.-2 5 c Mutton Chops... ...25c Veal Stew___ ___ 16c Mutton L aw __26c Sausage 20c Hamburgher 20c Weinies 26c Bacon 25c Lard 16c Bologna 20c All kinds of Lunch Meats W e D e liv e r F re e r - • f > ; * . a ./ - -. -------- m m k : i P P EES i ® # « Teakettles, Percolators, F rait Jar Covers «■ y . tail ex-1 w. Under data o f April 27, Mr. J. D. Mfekls, car tern 1 '/ ¿ P h on e 8 8 1 Ritter & Martin ■ T » the Edifhr: Yon have | numb valuable spec* ia the The tinel te a discussion a t «he affairs | a t tbs Oregon Dalryi tlve League, and your editorial meats have always been candid fair, which we fully appreciate. ur columns have always been te League m mi tiers ai Ike. Your eoaaaeent aa the letter o f I one Geo. A. Maas in your issue c f | April 22nd is directly to the point. Mr. Maaa is not a member a t the ] League and just whet for criticising it are not apparent. We I do not object to honest, constructive I criticism. Wc welcome the same if I given in the proper spirit W* do ob- [ jeet, however, to twisted at facte and to downright at falsehood, such as Mr. ids. For instance, in hie letter he I says “up to the first o f April the League did not pay the dairymen a [ penny for delivered milk for Deeen ber, Janaary, February and March, I and if a dairyman was ia need a t I money he would have to borrow this I money from the Longue and pay S| par cent interest, and it does n< lake a particle a t difference how | neb the League owes him for deliv­ ered milk." One would naturally suppose that | before nuking sock a the above, to be pat into print ovari his own signature, the author would [ have taken the pains to assure him­ self that the same eras true. Other-1 wise, such a statement shown to true would tend to discredit the I whole article and the veracity a t its author, and that is just the position in which Mr. Msec has placed him-1 self. Had he nuda inquiry at the League I lee fai Portland, he would have found that for the month o f Decern-1 ber, on the regular payday, which! ia the 28th a t the following month,! ! 12.00 per hundred weight for SS waa [ paid as a partial payment 9» whole milk shippers; 40e par pound hotter- fat waa paid to soar cream shippers} end 60c per pound butterfat to sweet cream shippers. For the month of | January, im advance a t «2JM per idred mao made apes» whole asllk; mum jpt.îyrtf I A 7 E J O IN w ith th e o th e r b u sin e ss h o u s e s a n d th e p e o p le o f C o ­ q u ille in e x te n d in g t o th e citiz e n s o f C o o s C o u n ty a n d th e S ta te a t la rg e a h ea rty w e lc o ip e t o th e H ig h w a y C e le b ra tio n to m o r r o w . M a y th é e n jo y m e n t o f th is o c c a s io n a d d o n e m o r e p lea sa n t m e m o r y t o b rig h te n th e h ig h w a y o f life. Busy C om er Store will be Closed A ll Day Saturday and 60c per pound a t fa t on sweet am. For February an advanes of «1.7« par hundred was made «pan whole asilk; 20c per pound a t fat on sour cream end 40c par poaad o f fat On sweet cream, and advene# o f «2.02 per hundred upon whole milk, with this advance issued | by check at the rate of «1.01 per han- , Ji sdwoight and a trad* acceptance at same rate; 20c per pound fat on soar cream and 40e per pound fat on sweet Sewing and drew making at lira . oughly qualified H U U tr * Bonnie Walker'* Millinery Store ia dreaamaker. Thia d e p a rta » The Lumberman’i Truat Co., o f in charge 'txf a competent and thor- o f which wa are vary proud. Portland, ha* purckaaed the Bandon municipal hydro-electric power bead*. The offer waa on a baaia o f M conta on the dollar for the «110,000 lean a, which ia fire pointa below par. The bond* draw I per cant internat and according te the te n u a t the bid topic of Coquille and vicinity for their vary liberal SUM f t and they are to be dated May 1, -1M1, in the past. Wa ara swamped with Cleaning A Framing and are to bo cooae due aa follow*: week «7000 per year between May 1, 192«, and May 1, 1999, both inclusive, and Quality Work and Bat i k e wants ««,000 on May 1, 1*40, and May 1, There is a Usasse 1941. The boada are to be delivered not later than June 21, 1921, and the .Oar Dressmakers are aa busy as wa bidder agree* to pay accrued interact on the bond* from the date o f iaane to the date o f delivery. Another pro- viaion ia that «40,000 o f the money C ity C le a n e rs a n d T a ilo r s from the Bale af the bond* ia to be 1 0 3 3 Sharon Bide. Front S t Coquille The League doss not receive 9 cents per quart for milk sold to re­ tailers. Under the ruling of the Portland Milk Commission, which was In effect up until April 6th of this year, the consumer paid 14c per quart in the city of Portland, Of which . M aul Tanka far Bala the distributor or retailer received Long square tanks. « * cento sad the producer 7.2. A f­ look ot oar stock o f . Steal lined tanks. ter April «th the dealer* Established 40 OaL heavy copper tanks. the pries, making IS cento to the con­ 20 OaL heavy copper tanks. sumer, taking 7 cento for themselves 12 GaL square heavy copper tanks. and giving the producer « cento, also Bring your cash. requiring the League to carry its own I have the boot stock o f bowls in the county and O. K. Creamery Place, surplus, which in effect farther reduc­ yon will Marc than pay for ydbr trip in the 14t2 J. O. Banholster, Mgr. ed our division to 6 cento per quart. money yon will oova From the tone of Mr. Maaa* letter, it is quite clear that he docs not know anything of those matters, and hit 4 E . G . O p p e rm a n We take this Opportunity to Thank W hen Visiting Coquille BUILD NOW Electric Lighting Fixtures s tractive. Therefore, wo fool that wa I «i*Totodo.