The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 25, 1921, Image 1

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• .' ' ’ I B B S n ’ !
c o q u il l e . 0 0 0 6
i n
iæ t t e r
K fH
tit dun it
of ta»
! Endicott v u bald at the Episcopal \ m
[ church Ta—day morning at 10: » ,
conducted by le v . W. E. Coupar. A / vBlJ| u l i l _ fc llU
private aarviea for tbs family had
[■■rinnaHl * * * * * * * *
bssn bald at nine o’clock; but tbs
O p ta td la T w o W eeks I f
church was not largo «nought to ae-'
p . t . a »—
commodate those who desired. to, pay ~
their list rcsDocti to the dtoirted ^
st tbs public «¡¡S o n y . A m T ! (
April 16 is tee tentative date sst
choice and cut flower, ware mute evi- by Engineer Chandler of the state
denes of tbs high esteem in which h« hw* r commission for throwing
Mrs. Endicott w Tlm ld. Betide. th. »1*«» * • Coquille^Coo. Bay high­
est, piece, and floral contribution.
* throu» h tr*® c‘ t
whlch filled tbs ip w . around th. cm - in* ci t^ ,ConC? t*v
* • >“ * « * -
bet and tbs altar rail, tbs Interior n« ctin* tok wil1 ** «>«P«risd ho­
of the building bad bean beautifully f or* »«turday night, unlsas unusaal-
adorned with flo w n by loving »F *■* wmlher prevails.
tb s last
.t a n »
have ta
to have
have about
The Episcopal burial service was
rendered by Mr. Coupar after which opened to traffic, «ays the Coos Bay
the audience dispersed, many of teem Times.
There will remain some work by
following the hearse, oa foot, to the
Masonic nm story. Autos could not the Scandia Co. at the Coquille sad
travel the real en account of the con - but there is e fairly good plank road
around it. There also will*”]remain
dition of the highway at present.
The pall bearer, were JL,- A. Lamb, e abort stretch of concrete ia Bunker
L. H. Hasard, A. N. Gould, W. H. Hill at th. end of the Coal Bank In­
Lyons, C. J. Fuhrman and L. J. Cary, j let bridge. The Bunker Hill piece
will be put in by the state Just as
soon m the engineers definitely com­
Land and Livestock
plete plana for the new bridge. This
In "Farm Business” J. L. Smith will probably ba within thirty days.
announces the formation of the
Mr. Chandler will Ipv* some work
"Cooe-Curry Land and Livestock BeB- in putting the "shoulders” oa the
ing Service,” which will be entirely paying which will taka a few weeks
separate from tbs banks which em­ but this will not interfere.
ploy him. Ho is to bo the manager
There K m been considerable talk
of tbs now organisation, which will of staging a big celebration at Ce-
bo an extension of bis activities ia quiDe oa tbs day of opening tbs road
behaftf o f the rancher, and stock to through traffic.
It ia expected
growers of the two counties. Lot him that every mute on Coos Bay will
know what you have or what you carry a load of passengers to Ca-
want in those lines.
quille end Myrtle Point to extend
A t last wa are up against the
proposition of getting a right of way no instructions as. to now work a f­
for the Bandon road to the foothills ter tbs completion of tbs Coos Bay-
at Hie Hathaway place, which luu Coquille work. This is waiting oa
been to long unsettled.
tbs statehighway commission to com-
Commercial Club Discusses Question
Where It Should Be Located—Bandon
Trying to Leave Coquille Off Map.
fits Highway Commission to locate
the reed from Myrtle Point to Fish-
trap sad over the hills from there to
Lamps, leering Coquille entirely off
the map.
C. F. Pape, of that city, was pres­
ent and while he admitted that each
a resolution had been adopted, he
declared that sixty per cant of those
present at their meeting favored the
river rued end that Bandon desired
to work in harmony with Coquille if
Coquille would likewise work with
This boreght Mr. Sanford to his
feet to inquire why, if such w u Baa-
don’s desire, they had adopted a
Bourse which could have ao other ef­
fect then to make Coquille start a
light to protect its own interest, and
which might endanger the whole road
program for tbs Coquille valley.
T v this Mr. Pape could give no
istisfaetory answer.
It waa pointed out by Mr. Norton
ment used on this weald ba hums-
diately swung on the CoquiUe-Myr-
tle Point stretch end that concreted
also. A good share t f this could ba
completed this
« if the work
"They heve erected a
in this county which they point to aa
•aerifica ñateas tea dairyman win
tea vs the League. Wo have aa
sirs to aas this occur. O b the
hand wa (the farmers of this
ty), heve a away times larger
than they, which we feel wu
protect, and ia doing aa wa da
act tori that wu should deliver
salves ovar entirely to one
Especially not te a cándesesd milk
market when that morirai ie ia
banda ef tee party to whom we
liver ourselves.
"Daring the past season a larga
ef Jslijwm ia other states,
j ths Nestis’s Co. are
have feuad their Condensers
aad their milk suddenly thrown upon
other markets not preparad to receive
it. Consequently the
fared heavy tesene. f
"W a know what hM happened in
of the United
forced the price pate f<
the coat of
have lost heavily.
"We know that (tees county
dairy and choca
rat this advantage
iueh for as
to hold the highest
ing and captivating program
ml and instrumental muais,
votes* Mandad wall, tenir
ue and meat my «fi their palte
nd, aad whan they booaud
the- O. A. C. college airs, it
I* right to tea campus where
is aad thoasands of under-
Isa wer* rejoicing that they
r saxophone, banjo, slipsgkk
mo aernbm were most enjoy-
id when they began the jasx
o f their program the audience
ed Ms. applause and encona
aten frequent. Ia feet they
tiled back for ever twenty se-
i, in addition to the fourteen
a on the printed program.
art W. Tulley, o f the dam of
a the unique member o f the
I that the two aoloo ha sang,
tie Thought” and "Th# Tree
w en o f his own composing.
>“ * during high water. Ha said he
had basa authorised to donate a right
i f way » feat wide for the mile and
three quarters wjrich such a read
would run through the Boas property,
A t some points he realised that the
right of way would havu to be more
than sixty feet wide, but ho thought
that could ba satisfactorily arranged,
A. N. Gould mad# on* point clear,
quoting Judge Wads aa authority,
and that was that the Highway Com-
mission acted entirely without re-
gard to county desires or personal
wishes on the part of abutting land
owner» in locating nada in every esse
when state money entered into their
construction, end ell that thin aac-
tion o f the Coquille Valley could do
was to secure a right o f way and
offer it to the Commission for con-
Tony Biases, Cadi Elwood and J.
P- Johnson, owner, of land abutting
meads tion of its engineers, and by
ha county court, after a conaidera-
ioa of that road, the North Bank
road, and the Fiehtrap-Lampa road,
ind the action of the Bandon club
w m like throwing a monkey wrench
nto the works.
H. W. Young made $b* point that
as this river road had been adopted
by tea Commission and there was no
3ridanes of en intention to change
their minds en the p u t of the Coes-
nissionecs, Coquille was getting whet
it caked for and that it would be un­
wise to assume for a moment that
they intended to do anything differ­
ent. Ha qaoted Judge Wads ha his
luthprKy for tbs statement that the
:ounty court was ia fall accord with
.ho highway commission in favoring!
As road few a tea river on the south
lido. Indeed, the money appropriated
for the Coquill»-Bandon road ia the
:ounty bond issue cannot bo uaad for
my other rente.
A fter the meeting adjourned a
number of dtisens continued the dls-
.-uscion with Mr. Paps until midnight
end while he did not convince them
teat Bandon’. action was of a friend­
ly attitude, be still maintained that a
majority of Baadon’s business men
tsmplstsd for the you l t t l will bo
approximately »6,000.00. This in­
cludes tba building of a modern cen­
tral office and warehouse at Coquille,
end also a change of service from
the magneto to harmonic typo, can
trel energy. That is, they w ill be
able to ring different parties oa n
party line without disturbing the
other party’s bell.
The rebuilding of the ton line be­
tween Coquille and Myrtle Point will
bo completed.
It is also planned to rebuilt vari­
ous portions o f farmer lines which
radiate from Myrtle Point.
Extensive cable facilities Will be
added, and the necessary cables
erected in Marshfield, North Bend,
Myrtle Point, Bandon and Coquille.
Mr. Gates further states that in
order to keep pace with the develop­
ment of Southwestern Oregon K has
been necessary to secure a supply of
new capital,
amounts in order to develop the tele­
phone business in this growing terri­
tory. The amounts have varied from
6»,000 to »0,000 each year for the
past few years.
B etter G et T o geth er
th* dob end they course, desirous of having the road
by Prof. W. F. maintained where H is now, Mr. El-
tool o f Musk at wood declaring that it would require
enormous expense to maintain a dike
w an ia the audi- and road through the swamp where
ting $190-50. Of the river overflows several times a
cehred about » 6 year.
school | » , the
0. C. Sanford made th* suggestion
that the way such a road should be
built w m not by throwing up a dike
■ • B urro
by ditching the low land, but by run-
king for a burro ninf * tramway from the hill to the
fi.w .n y h .«, tee *outh “ fi dumping enough of that
iviwg represents- hill into the swamp to make
to this county in * dike of sufficient width to aecommo-
sown the coast to <***• th« sixteen foot roadway which
rover the moon- would be built thereon. He made e
got mat «rial notion that a committee of three be
paper. She appointed to ascertain immediately
•ras last ———— what the coat o f a right of way would
i Olvmoic pen in- **« ior thru# possible locations one
. hnrro to rarrv «long the river bank, ona 1 » feet
Coquille wants the road from
Roseburg built down the valley to
Bandon and en to the California lino;
*o does Bandon. It looks m if they
would secure th* result they both de­
sire a good deal quicker by working
for the same route then by becking
different ones. And after tee state
highway commission and the county
court have both agreed on the route
approved by the state engineers, to
begin to pull for another looks very
much Ilk* spilling th* beeps.
G o D ow a W ith th « R e »
That the lower price of dairy pro­
ducto now is a part of th* general
fall in priesa of sil agricultura! pro­
ducto should, of conree, be understood
by everybody es weU m th* fadt that
ths faüing price* of th* past six
months are not th* fault of aay or­
ganizaron but o f ths world wide de-
flation that tuu hit abnost everybody.
A tten tion , Leagu e M em bers
A meeting, fer League members
only, will b* held at the Coquille Club
rooms at 10 a. m. Wednesday, March
» t h , to discuss presenth unsatisfac­
tory conditions. League raprsasnta-
ttes and representative* of other in­
terests not walswns. Cnaw H tii.
- •
■icas hen without any charge beyond
-.heir traveling expenses. In this way
b* church hen waa enabled to ac­
cumulate a few hundred dollars; so
test now even though it is consid­
ered highly improbable that any mte-
ilon funds will be available during
Jie year, there is e nest sgg on hand.
For a time the only thing to do ap-
mared to ba to doss tec church
igain; for the membership is neither
numerous nor wealthy. But with a
Sunday School of over 1$ members
it seemed e pity to do test, end aa it
w m the old story of the farmer aad
.he lark over again, and th* members
decided to make an effort to rate*
enough at horns to secure a pastor
—and at present they think they have
reached th* goal of self support that
has always been recognised m desir­
able but at the earn« time seemed ae
unattainable. That they have raised
four times M much m ever before for
he work of the church demonstrates
igain the old adage that where there
Is e will there ie a way.
* *
On* Day ta Jail
A. J. Paaveetoff , w m err sated
her* Tuesday and served one day’s
time ia jail for failing to provide for
his divorced wife aad hie children.
The technics! charge against ht— was
contempt of court. He had not paid
alimony since last November, and
Judge Coke imposed a foie of »6 0
for his failure to fulfill th* ardsr of
th* court. Hs quickly amds out a
mortgage on some property fee own.
to set himself right and was dis­
charged from custody.