The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 18, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' • V **
under d ea n and sanitary conditions
Gallon cans |1.66
gallon cans {
Cane and Maple Syrup
Gallon cans $1.70
K gallon cans i
Royal Club Brand Coffee 45c lb
Fancy Rice
Onion Sets
3 lbs 2f
Garden Seeds
Seed Grai
' W />
Grass Seeds
Opposite Postoffice
«goal to butter for
s h o r t e n i n g — mt
abouthalf the cost.
U nder new m anagem ent
Fresh Bread, Cakes and Faacy Pastry
Laird Building
Coquille, Oregon
11 m class of onderweights in tho
Primary Building upcritie« d ra n
pleasant visits last Tuesday morning
from Mis* Lane, ot the Oregon Agri­
cultural College, and Mias Kalbus,
Homo Demonstration Agent tor Coes
county. These visits were made in
the interest a t the official duties and
the ladies took advantage of witness­
ing the little people enjoy their mld-
I forenoon refreshments of whole milk |
taken through straws. At th f close
of the period Miss Lane talked to the
children about the need of bringing
their weight and height up to normal,
and how this can be done by the use
of wholesome food at regular inter­
vals, plenty of fresh air and going
to bed not later than eight o’clock
each night. Moving picture shows
were out of the question on school
nights after Miss Lent and the child­
ren had completed their discussion
and they are now arranging to keep
a chart to record each week of loss
or gain. Miss Kalbus is kindly pre­
paring theee individual charts, which
have been found successful incentives
in other schools.
Visitors—Mr. Robert Holverstott,
Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Katherine Hansen.
Miss Fitsgerald spent last week­
end at Hauser viyitlng Mrs. Harvey
May, formerly Miss Gladys Howard.
Perfect in Spelling
Second B—Menalkas
Irene Scndon, Allington Giaisyer.
Third B—Lei* Ocheltree, David
Smith, Henry Standiff, Primo Seal-
tritte, George Hurd, Grace Whitting­
ton, Beryl Buell, Einore Elliott, Elda
Gilman, Mary Hoover, Cleta Johnson,
Mary Van Dooser, London Jenkins.
Third A—Agnes Ice, Helen Belloni,
Flora May Johnson, Emm* Flitcroft.
Fourth B—Neil MeGilvery.
Fourth A—Gloria Get*, Gerald
Sendon, Maxine Neal, Viol* Pribble,
Blanche Gregory, Luriine Wilkinson,
Audry West, Ross McQuigg, Donald
Carver, Bessie Hollenbeck, Liale
The Quaker Pipeless Furnace is built' of heavy
riveted boiler plate steel—and steel radiates h in t three
times as fast as cast b o il That is why Quaker heated
homes are always so comfortable on cold mornings.
Just open th e draft and up through the Quaker Register
pours an enormous volume of warm, pure, d ean air.
Before you buy a furnace, find out about the
Q u a k e r
P U _ J K fi
" The Pipeless Furnace
th a t Is built o f S te e l"
It not only gives you quicker heat hut more
of it from the same fuel. Every corner of every
room is warmed thoroughly. It’s cleaner too be- . t
cause every joint is riveted tight like a steam {
•5& j5i; i
I n S 'l
W illey & Son
Plum bing and H eatin g
organisations. The meeting was at­
Tree end Folse Hanger
Sometimes appetites become so per­ tended by a large number of repre-
verted that it is hard to distinguish lentative men from the Taxpayers
League and the Chamber of Com­
between true and false hunger, i
I The true appetite may be recogniz­ merce and the plan was thoroughly
ed by a feeling that the food is going liscussed.”
to taste good. Thai gnawing, burning,
Gravel Ford Items.
a!l-goile sensation in the stomach is
often due to an inflamed mucous mem­ I H. E. Brown, of Marshfield, has
brane caused from indigestion. Bet I purchased the home of Guy Wilburg-
ter than to add more food, no food I ar, part of G. G. Swan’s place on the
should be taken fer several meals, la I Coquille river at Gravel Ford. It is
the mean time water should be taken I Understood that Lucien P. Brown, his
freely and the stomach given complete
, has leased the place for one year
will reside there. The parents
The following may have a familiar
I make , this their home later on.
ring to some folks:
I Danny Q’Meely is visiting at the
A Boy's Stomach
I lame of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and
What’s the matter with you, ain’t I Mrs. N. W. Kelty.
always been your friend T
Mr. Biggies gave i very splendid
Ain’t, 1 been a partner to you, all my I sermon at the Gravel Ford church last
pennies don’t I spend
I Sunday.
Getting nice things for youT Don't I
Little Mies Elinor Bruner is visitinj[
give yen Iota of cake?
I it the home of her grandmother, Mrs.
Say stummick, what’s the matter that I L. A. Pinkston.
you have to go and aeheT
Miss Alice G. Banbury, who has
Why, I loaded you with good things I been on the sick list for the past two
I weeks, is again able to resume her
yesterday, I gave you more
turkey than I luties of teaching school.
M n. Knenick, teacher of the Shiloh
you’d ever had before,
11 gave you nuts and candy, pumpkin I school, district No. 48, enjoyed a visit
I from her husband and brother last
pie and chocolate dike,
An’ last night when I gtf’d to bed you week end.
Mto. t . G. Sumerlin has been on the
had to go and ache.
sick liet tar the poet few days.
Say, what’e the matter with you, ain’t
Mr. Biggies spent Saturday evening
I you aatlefled a t all?
with T. G. Sumerlin and family.
I gave you all you wanted, and you
Alice Banbury spent Sunday at the
was hard just like a ball,
iome of M n. E. J. Casebeer.
An’ you couldn’t hold another bit of
Mrs. T. D. Hockema is enjoying a
puddin,’ yet last night
visit from her brother.
I You ached moe’ awful, stummick, that
Andrew Cotton has been quite busy
ain't treatin’ me just right.
sawing wood in this vicinity for the
I've been a friend to you, I have, why past few weeks.
ain't you a friend o’ mine T
Mrs. E. M. Clayton, who has been
I They gave me castor oil last night be­ -ick for the past two weeks, is very
cause you made me whine.
lowly improving.
I’m awful sick this morning, an’ I’m
Mr. Waters, the eye-glass man,
foelin,- mighty blue,
assed through this country Sunday.
Becos you don’t appreciate the things, Don’t forget the Easter sermon and
that I do for you.
aaket dinner at the Gravel Ford
hurch house Sunday, March 27th.
House Bunted Monday
-everyone invited to attend.
The six-room house belonging to
Charles H. Kroeger, the McNesa
I Mrs. Eli Dean and occupied by John raveling man, was seen in this terri­
I Hurley, on the fotrview road just tory the middle of the week.
I around the point of the hill north
Little Helen Detwiier is visiting at
I frrm the Watson ranch, was destroy­ he home of her aunt, Mrs. T. O. Sum­
ed by Are at 8 o’clock last Monday erlin.
evening. Mr. Hurley was down at
Cedar Point at the time loading cat
Paving on Marshfield Road
tie and when Mn. Hurley discovered
“So near and yet so far.” That
the flames breaking through the roof
it was too late to put it out. She and paving the Scandia company has be-
the children and a neighbors saved all I Tun at the Burkholder corner about
the household goods on the lower floor I three block* north of thia office unfor-
but lost what was in the bedrooms I unately is going In the wrong direc­
upstairs. How the fire started will I tion, and w* have no intimation when.
never be known for it originated If ever, the modhole alongside this
about 25 feet from the chimney in the I office will he obliterated, or "spurfoe
attic. The most likely explanation is I versunket,” as the Hun instructions to
that rats had carried matches up I their naval commanders sometimes
[ there and had ignited them when they I read.
bit the sulphur as several wood rats I
Didn’t W ant It Known
were seen to run from the building. I
Mr. Hurley has not yet got Into com-1 We met a beamingly happy pair in
mun¡cation with Mrs. Dean to learn I the County Clerk’s office one day not
whether the house was insured or not. long ago. They had juat secured n li­
His goods were net.
cense to travel life’s highway togeth­
The house stood about 800 yard* er, but wnyinid the reporter with n
back from the road and could hardly I request to “keep it out of the paper
be seen on account of the brush and I far a week,” As they gave no reason
trees except from across the Cun-1 for the plea the new* was not withhold
n l n g h f valley at th* McCurdy plaaa-l
W hich is m ore im p o rtan t to th e fan n er, a stra in
th a t produces beau tifu l individual specim ens
o r one th a t gives i ab u n d an t yield o f consis-
te n t good quality ? o you w ant blue ribbons—
o r bushels per a c > A new w ay o f judging
farm produce is d<
A . R . R ice tells o f ag ricultural exhibits w here
com , for exam ple, is judged on its germ inating
an d producing qualities—n o t on its good looks.
I t sounds like a sane idea.
to its 800.000 prosperous feed­
ers the developments and im­
provement» that will show on
LONG’S Machine and Repair Slop
Acetylene Welding
Machine Work
Anto Repairing
I have the beet o f Mechanic« in my shop
Have your car repaired by na
We faaraatee both labor and satisfaction
Phone 611
. ;•'<>-
a im
■■■■ ■
• -
At Grah&m’s Garage