The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 18, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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fa C m * Bay
P. oi) ta
tofane ht
rotor». Tfco
heve boon to
im In
tly convicted
t am Dan
... George Christo, Jim Lok»,
Pute Vagato«» and J. N. Stärkte. Tha
lutte» was fined WO but given time to
Bated this 10th day of March, 1921.
aero» because bis w ife is ÌH.
P. Ell Ing»*".
of C om County, Oregon.
Constable C esim i» to asid te bave re­ 8t6
ceived fldO as hto sbare of the fin »
in the en e» the other men » ttled .
Is it possible that all the gambling
Notice is hereby given that I, Nick
to done by the Greeks T
Johnson, have been duly appointed by
Deed of Assignment, duly executed
Call an os for
and recorded, the Assignee of the Es­
Elisabeth Atterbury, W. B. Atterbury,
Jam » Yoakam, Jasper Yoakam,
John A Leneva, Angelina Leneve,
Irene Livingston, John F. Livingston,
Allen Leneve, Ida Leneve, Edward
Leneve, Bertha Lenve. ValiU Wilson.
James W ilson, Verne Leneve, Samuel
Leneie, Thelma leneve George Len-
ave, The City of CoquiUe, a municipal
Corporation of C o m G oaty, State of
Oregon, Virginia A. Rose, W. C. Rose,
Annie J. Robinson, George A. Robin­
son, her husband. W C. Rose and G.
A. Robinson, Defern ants.
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the Complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
tate of Annie Burkholder, lately do­ within ten days from the date of the
ing business as a merchant ia tha service of this summons upon you
if served within this County; or, il
of CoqUiUe, C om County, Ore­ served
Bids will bo rocoivod by the County
in any other Couuty of this
Court of C om County, Oregon, at the gon. And notice is hereby given to State, then within twenty days from
county court room in the court house eli persons having claims against » id the date of the service of this Sum­
mons upon you; and if served by pub­
fX C.®?ui Ul Oregon. tiU th«
W o’clock A. ML, April 6th, 1921, for Annie Burkholder to present the same lication then on or before the first
We regrading of the section of the with the vouchers therefor duly veri­ day of April, 1921, and if you fail
Glnsgow-Houser road, between ___ fied, to the undersigned, Nick John­ so to appear and answer, for want
poet dumber 2 and the Larson Slough son, who has been duly appointed As­ thereof, plaintiff wil! apply to tha
• w f i i amounting to an excavation
Court for the relief demanded in the
» 1740 cubic yards, and clearing signee of said Estate of Annie Burk­ complaint; as follows:
24 foot road bed
For a partition of Lot 2, in Block
“The arrest of Oordoa ■ . Nelson, ■ ^ fd io f to sta k for
» set on'the ground. itors. -vi
19 in Elliott’s / ddi'ion to the City
alleged farcer, hors last "weak by __ Each
_ . ■ ■ —
j ---------- . | 8aid claims to be presented at the of Coquille and the North 75 feet of
Sheriff Low and Chief of Police WO »rtifled check for S « of the amount | law offife ot c . ». Barrow, in th . CKy Lot 6, in Block 1, and also commenc­
son, ended a chase by tha
ing at the NE comar of Lot 6 in
The Court reserves the right to re- of Coquille, on 0 f before the 15th day Block 1, Original Plat of tha
detective agency and police of
Joet any or all bid*.
of June, 1921. First publication Town of Coquille, Oregon, runninf
< »»tea, that ar tawdad fro » San Fran­ .
C. 8. McCulloch,
March 11th, 1921. Last publication thence South along boundary line o:
cisco to Seattle and bi
G o a ty Roadmastor. ¡ April 22nd, 1921.
said Lot 6, 65 feet, thence East 21
Hmea and acroea tha Pacific to
feet, thence North and parallel to the
Nick Johnson,
boundary line of said Lot 6, 65
olulu and back.
Deecriptions of NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT OF | 8t7
Assign». feet, thence West to the place of be-
Nelson’s sheet but aaeotorie career in
----- - ! —
j ginning, the same )>e;ng a'p art of the
Portland and San Fracteeo
. Notice to hereby given that George
Notice is hereby given that the un- ‘ Reserve lot between Blocks 1 and 2
reads like a melodrama.
Thd fury A. Gilman, aministrator of the E* dersigned administrator'of the » ta ta c* the original plat of the town of Co­
tate of Florence E. Gilman, deceased,
quille, Oregon, according to the
of a woman, who believed beraelf has
filed hto final account as such ad­ of Shipman H. Crouch, Deceased, has ■pective rights of the parties, or if
scorned, finally B y ru g the trap upoi
ministrator with tha Clerk of the Iliad his final report as such adminis­ parution cannot be had without ma­
County Court of C om County, Ore­ trator and the County Court of the terial injury to their rights then for
“On his first trip to Portland, Nel gon, and that 10 o’clock A. M. of State of Oregon for C om County by a sale of said premises and a divi­
son, who was famiL'ariy known aa Monday, April 25th, lfi21, at the a order made on the 4th day of sion of the proceeds of Hid
p a rti»
Court Room of the Court
'Krecklea,' to said to kave forged a County
House in Mid
said Count
County has been ap- March, 1921, haa fixed as the time and to their respective rights after deduct-
number of cheeks an Portland ban!
pointed by Hon. C. R. Wade, Judge place for hmring objections to » id >ng the costs and disbursements of
In order to keep her son out of Jail, of said Court, as
^ the
__ time
and place report on the 11th day of April. Jh‘s proceeding including attorney’s
his aged » o th er, who lives a t Proant, for the hmring of objections tp said 1921, at the office of the Judge of
, u
final account and tha settlem ent
Publication ot this summons mada
Oregon, wont to Portland and
Hid County in the Courthouse of by ordor of Hon j ohn g Cok(| j udge
tha banka tha amount bar
, .
George A. Gilman,
Hid County at the hour of 10:00 0f the Circuit Court of the State of
. secured.
Administrator of the Estate at o’clock A. M. of said day.
. Oregon, for C om County, made and
A E Crouch
entered February 14th, 1921. The
> “From Portland Nelson wont to Florence E. Gilman, Deceased.
8. D. Pulford,
..k ’w .j.
first publication to be on the 18th day
Seattle, where he to charged with
Administrator with Will annexed, 0f p eb*uary, 1921, and the last on
Attorney tor Administrator, Co­
putting out WOO worth of forged quille, Oregon.
of the estate of Shipman H. Crouch, the 1st day of April, 1921.
checks during March, 1920.
W alt» Sinclair,
“Returning to Portland ho w as ar- NOTICE OF VACATION OF POR­
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
rooted Marsh U ia the Fashion ga­
IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ' ^Residence and Postofflce addres»
_ a hereby
r e b y g iv
i v a a that
___ at a
Coquille, Oregon.
rage by deputy sheriffs and held for
Seattle, but before he ores returns*
Council of the City ot CoquiUe, a
the sheriff’s office Joe rood that Nel ntoipal corporation of C om G
Mamie P ré » Ur, Plaintiff,
C o oaty,
sen had put oo* three more chock]
of Oregon, t o • be
a the
in Portland upon hto return. He was 8rd Monday, the 19th day of April, Arch N. Pressler, Defendant,
Su mi in ons
held in the county Jail moro than two 1981, at the Council Chambers in
To Arch N. Pressler, the above
tha City Hail in aaid City of CoquiUe,
months aw aiting trial.
a petition will be -presentad to the named defendant:
“In Juno ha mas ssntanrsd to
Common Council of said City pray­
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
Eye, Ear, Noe# and Throat
years In the S o ls» penitentiary, but ing for tha vacation of all of those You are hereby required to appear
Fitting GU umm
and answer the complaint filed
was paroled fr o « the bench by the
Collier Apts. Phone 861
against you in the above entitled suit,
described u follows:
Judge an condition that ho
Coquille, Oregon
A strip of land 10 fw t wide North within sue weeks from the date of the
with hto mother to the farm
and South a d 200 foe* long East and first publication of this summons, to-
B u * m .
fond tha Portland banks at the fate W eit, abutting uopn the South side wit: within six weeks from the 18th
r.hl.ld, w«*»«*».
<trip | <Uy of February, 1921,, and if you fail
of «2» per month.
A a i m u B . . k »14*.
of lots 6 and 7 in Block 4; a etri
M /rtU r - l a t , F rl4 « ,. B u k . f M jrrtl. r t i a l
"Early in July Notoon wrote to of land 10 feet wide North and 1° appear and answsy on or before
ana I the 1st day of April, 1921, that data,
South and 200 fast long East and
D istrict Attorney Bvane an
W »t, abutting upon the North side being the last day of the time pre­
ad peoaiaafea to tear# the quiet
of Lots 1 and 12 in Block 5; a strip scribed in the order of publication,
of Prousa for the exciteaseot of Port- ot land 10 feet wide North and South the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
200 feet long East and West, the relief asked for in the corapUint,
Farmers A Merchants
upon the North side of filed in this causa, a succinct state­
money. Evans refused te grant the abutting
Bank Bldg.
uotM 1 and 12 in Block 6; and a strip ment of which to: a deer» of absolute
stoaion, and advised Nelson to re­
Telephone 1861 Coquille, Ora.
of Und 10 fast wide North a d South divorce between the pUintiff end de­
s t home and not break the con­
200 feet long E u t a d West, fendant above » napied,
n o ie . together* with
ditions of hia parole. Nelson broke abutting upon the South side of Lota the granting of the legal custody of
his parole, however, and ca a w te Port­
i the children to plaintiff.
CoquiUe City, Coes C outy, | This summons to nubllshed by order
land. He met a young woman add dition
O ra g a, according to the plot of H i d of the Hon. J. S. Coke, judge of tho
C o aty Herd A Meat Inspector
waa invited te her home for Sunday Addition a file aad ot record to the i^,.
r ■ . . ..
~ ___
of the C o a ty Clerk of Coos I
Court of the State of Oregon,
dinner. While in the homo he saw the
Coqkille, Ora.
County, Oregon, aad all within the I to r C om C oaty, Hid order being
father's hank hook.
“On Monday ho to said to have
Mf- To alen
chock k u
* » 7 o f providing
all tha purpoooa for which ha
it, than any aort of hobaat am
that littla hopo aaa tonfar ha
toiaad of hto voluntarily ch a g in g hia
way*, and it ia certainly high tin a ha
got hi* Jaot dai
Tha a tory of U s exploita -t—t ha
toft thia county aa told haiow is from
tha Klamath Palls Harald. Ha
to haya proved incapable of loyalty to
sa y one:
Professional Cards
' bring portions of Third | 5t7
C. R. Wade.
forged a check on the father dor $80. Street to said Elliott's Addition.
Plaintiff’s attorney, Poetoffice Ad­
The same night ho took the daogh 8t6
Hattie L
dress, Bandon, Oregon.
ter to the theatre and enter]
royally on tha father’s money. Tues­
day ha to said to hava forged an iden-,
Notice is hereby given that in pur­
Notice ia hereby given. That under
tical check far $287.50, aft
and by virtue of a Execution and suance of a order made by the Coun­
he left the city for San Francisco, Order of Sale issued out of toe Cir­ ty Court of the State of Oregon, in
where ho took a boot te Honolulu. On cuit Oourt of the 8teto of Oregon and for the County of Cooe, in the
matter of the Estate and Guardian­
the jfu "d ha got into trouble with a for the C o a ty of C om on the 9th dsy ship
of Gweneth K. Waters, a minor,
of March, 1921, to a certain c s u m to
native over a woman and waa badly aaid court ponding wherein L. A. heir at law of Arthur C. Waters, de-
cut during a fight which foiohred.
Liljeqvist, aa Administrator of the ceased, the duly appointed, qualified
Estate of C hari» O. Erickson, De­ and » tin g Guardian of the person
“Shortly after this fight,
ceased, is Plaintiff and C. L. Bone- and e tu ta of mid minor, will offer
returned te San Francisco,
brake and Jennette Bonebrake, his for sale at private m U, ' and »11 to
went to Seattle, then back te
and W. I. Bonebrake are De­ the person making the highest cash
Franeiaeo, then te Oakland. Cal., fendants,
and being c o m numbered offer therefor, after the 18th day of
where he put out about WOO in chocks, 6887 of said Court aad commanding March, 1921, and on the premites
and then to Klamath Falls, where he me to sell the hereinafter described hereinafter described, being the en­
tire interest of Hid minor in and to
reel property to Mttafy the sum of the following described premises, to-
was arrested.
“Pretty Hsian Baasinger, aged IS, 1TS.18, a d the further sum of $180.- wit: The interact of u id minor in
9, and the further sum of $25.00, and to, “The East one-half of the
entertainer at the Aranda dance
with interest a all of Hid sums at Northeast one-fourth of Section 12
Oakland, gave Pinkerton detective* tha
the rate of 6 per cent per an- in township 28 south of range 12 w » t
the information that brought about
’rom April 26, 1920, on plain­ of the Willamette M eridia in C om
Nelson’* arrest.
tiff’s first esuH of suit; and the fur- Co a ty , Oregon."
sum of $411.74, a d the further
Dated this 18th day of February,
“The Baasinger g ir l. betrayed
of $50.00, with interest on each 1 9 2 1 .
sweetheart on learning that^Natoon’s
Millie L. Waters,
of mid sums at the rate of 6 per cent
recent departure for the north
annum from April 26, 1920, on
Guardian of the P e re a and Estate
not, aa he had told her, for the
plaintiff’s second cause of suit; and of Gweneth K. Waters, a minor. 6t5
poae of bringing back prisoner* In tha sum of $80.00 tor plaintiff's costs
disbursements with interest IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
his role of n United But*
service official, but Was simply to re­ thereon at tha rata of 6 per rant per
0 0 0 8 COUNTY
join an old sweetheart, D olor» La annum from April 26, 1920; and the
further sum of $466E0, and the fur­
John W. Leneve end Kitty Leneve,
Rue, a French dancing tench».
ther sum of $50.06, with interest on his wife, O. Leneve and Katie Leneve.
“Confronted with evidence of hie each
of Hid sums at the rate of 6 per his wife; Rebecca Briggs and Samuel
attentions to another womai
cent per annum from April 26, 1920, Briggs, her husband; Jeu ie G. W.
showed the detectives totters
on defendant’s, W. I. Bonebrake’* Leneve and Mary Leneve, his wife;
suit and tho further sum of Amanda M. Way and Wm. M. Way,
him dated Dunsmnir, Oal., and Klam
$18.60 f i r Hid defendant’s coats and her husband; George W. Leneve and
ath Falls."
Franc» Leneve, hto wife, Plaintiffs.
G reeks Doing All th e Gambling?
Tho first reported appearance of
a whato within tha hay, or at least
the first for some tim e, was noted
yesterday by the obeervera at the
c o o t guard station. Tho whato cam-
in » far » tho lookout station at
C om head, a d disported off that
poto* fer MBH lim e, while the «oast
guard aad others wh* were to that
vtrinity looked a with maeh interest.
The whale dM some, .pouting and fur­
nished «orna spedai s ta ta to play.—
1M t e flJO.
disbursements with interest at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum from
April 26, 1920, together with occru-
! 9th DAY OF APRIL, 1921, at
the hour of TEN o’clock to tke fore-
of aaid day at the South and
front door of the C a n ty Court H a »
to the OHy of CoquiUe, C om County,
Oregon, offer for sale and »11 at pnh
lie auction, in the manner provided by
law, to the highest and beet bidder for
in hand the following described
real property a d all of the right,
title and interest of the said defend­
ants to end to the u n « , to- wit:
Lot 5 in Block 17 in the Town of
I loath Marshfield, as surveyed by A.
J. McMillan tor C. H. Merchant, and
a file and of record to the office of
the C o a ty Clerk of C o» C oaty,
J a n ie Eckland and Paul Eckland,
her husband. Eliubeth Atterbury and
W . B. Atterbury, her husband, Jam »
Yoakam, Jasper Yoakam, John A.
Leneve a d Angeline Leneve, hi* wife,
I r a e Livingston and John F. Living­
ston, her husband. Allen Leneve and
Ida Leneve, his «rife, Edward Leneve
and Berth* Leneve, his wife, Valita
Wilson and Jama* Wilson, her hus­
band, Verne Leneve, Samuel leneve,
Thelma Leneve, G arge Leneve, The
City of Coquille, a municipal Co
»tion of C om C an ty , State of
, Virginia A. R om and W.
e, her husband, Annie J. Robin­
son . and George A. Robinson, her
husband, W. C. R om and Geo. A.
Robinson. Defen d a ta .
Tried, Tested, True
Federal Reserve System represents the
n o it protective«measure of hanking ever de­
vised. It has passed through more severe
t» te in a shorter space of time t h a have
ever before faced American banking. It has
stood tho fire—and to strong or and more a » ,
viceable than ever.
Then do you wonder why customers a t tha
First National Bank appreciate that factor
in our service T
A. J. Sherwood
P resident
L* H. H azard - V ice-Pies. A Mgr.
O. C. Sanford
- -
Bess ICaurv^i -
A ss t C ashier
E. D. Webb J 1-
A sst. C ashier
W S L S l J -------
First National Bank Building
Pkoae 1261
Attorney and Coun»tor at Law
Practice in State and Federal
Courts. Have moved my office to
old City Hall near Busy Corn»
and City Wharf. Office hours 8
to 12 A. M. and 1 to 5 P.
J. A. R IC H M O N D
Richmond-Bark» Building.
CoquiUe, Ore.
Fbooes, Office 626, Ree. 214.
Re-Boring Cylinders
C A N S T O P that leaking cylinder in
your car by reboring it with the new
regrinding machine we have just installed and 7
putting in larger piston rings. Another result
will be the increased power from the larger
. cylinder.
W ith this machine the re-boring te reduced
to an exactness that will completely stop the
leak and make your cylinders as good as new
—better, in tact, on account of the increased
• -i
, : '
Bring your aitfo to us and we will put it in
first class condition.
G ardner’s G arage
F irst S treet, C oquille, Oregon
--------- ÜJ-— «—‘J.1!1 BH3
A t Q uick’s
Phyeictoa A Burgeon
Rooms 7 A 8
by f t ie Bank Book
Children’s Fibre Suit Cases, $1.25 to $2.25
School Book Exchange
1 large Chiffonier, this week, $20.00
Alladin Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Mantles *
3 hand Garden Cultivators
Handles of all kinds—axe, hammer, mattock, spade
A few Brooms left over from last week
BUY a Sewing Machine—a little over 6 months rent
Home Canned Fruit—Cherries, Berries, Pears, Plum
and Apple Butter, and Green Beans«
See Quick’s First
W . C. C H A SE
Richmond-Barker Bi(lg
a. W .
O stoop ath lc P h y sicia n
Use Long Distance
G rad ate of the A m erica School
of O stapatby of Kirktyilto, Mo.
Office in Eldorado Block.
it n v w time and
A few m inutes of
May u v e a clays’
Together w ith th e
D R . C . W . E N D IC O T T
First N’t ’l Bank B’ld’g Phone
Inconvenience of traveling
Main 11, Coquille, Oregon.
J. J . S T A N L E Y
Starvi» Finit.
Coot St Curry
Telephone Company
Office in First National Bank
Building, Coquilla. Oregon.
A. J . S H E R W O O D
First National Bank Building
Th Jennie Eckland, Pan! Eckland,
For railohl* Aba tracts ot Tltto a n 4 ___
• b a t G um C an ty R««J Estate mo
HanWWl mm4 C»«W* CNr. On.
Special attention paid to ta k in g after aasm im .nt* and payment ot le x » .
Phone i 1*---
. ---------
Marahflold OffiM