who have digested the highway situ­ ation regarding the expected improve­ ment in this county, in coniMCtioa with the Coes-Douglas county road, or relating to the Roosevelt highway, as quoted in the Marshfield Daily News. GLADYS WALTON te “ AH D olled U p” A Universal Picture Glad Rags and Com •dy intermingled, and Two m l Century Comedy v In the first place, Mr. Kern believes the county has been handicapped by the tentative agreement made with the state highway commission be­ fore the county court came into the negotiations. He is o f the opinion that to obtain the credits due Coos county for expenditures made in the past will not be an easy matter, for on his estimate, the coAnty will be entitled to nearly $400,000 credit for various highway improvements made since the former bond issue. On the practically established bas­ ic of 50-50 construction, as agreed to for Coos county by Charles Hall, Mr. Kern is none too confident we ■hall profit very much, for the rea­ eon, that he is doubltful of receiving the just credit the county is entitled to. He referred in bis talk to the old understanding when the first bond is­ sue was mam, to the effect that the commission then state highway agreed to match the expenditures. He says the commisiaon is, of course, obligated by that agreement, but whether it will stand by it, is what ia worrying him. Among the expen­ ditures that would deserve credit from the state highway commission would be the county highway bridge for which bids were opened Tuesday at Coquille, amounting on estimates to $75,000. This is a portion o f the high­ way system on thè map; an expendi­ ture o f $50,000 on the county read be­ low Bandon;-other expenditures south o f Coquille toward and beyond Myrtle Point, and the work done on the Glas­ gow to Hauser highway, all o f whieh, save that for the bridge, being large­ ly from money accruing from the bond Admission: Reserved Scots Wedmesday, March 23 H ARRY CAREY Human Stuff A thrilling, chuckling picture o f a Lonely Man and a Mail-order Wife Marie Waleamp in “ The Dragon’s Jiet! Episode 10—“ The Train o f Death, Thursday, M ar. 24 and Friday, M ar. 25 W A LL A C E REID “ Excuse My Dust’’ A Paramount Picture y ou will see this dare-devil in A race to smash the record from Los Angeles to Frisco. From the Saturday Evening Post story, “ The Bear T ra p /’ iaana toBUc. Maxwell k»^pr. Paramount M agazine and Rollin Comedy, “ Hello U nde' ’ARE HONEYMOONS HAPPY? A Supreme Comedy and PATHS? NEWS ATTENTION Members Oregon Dairymen’s Cooperative League Reports having been circulated that the League was seeking to postpone the trial o f suits against members who have violated their contracts with the League, a telegram for information was sent to the Portland office which elicited the following reply: '•w Portland, Ore., Mch 15th. N. A. Loucks, District Agent, t /«. Oregon Dairymen’s Cooperative League, Coquille, Oregon. Reports that we have postponed suits are absolutely false. Briefs in the four principal cases have been filed several days and are awaiting court action only. Oregon Dairymen’s Cooperative League, , Albert S. Hall, General Manager. Not Yet Ready to Make Loana faith o f the loyal supporters o f the In answer to a request Secretary R. H. Mast, o f the National Farm lo a n Association hare made for a supply o f blanks to begin the work o f making appUeatieh again here for farm loans, he has received word from the Federal Reserve Lead Bank at Spokane that the new forms are not ready and they do not yet know definitely when operations can be re­ sumed. They odd: •You doubtless are aware o f the feet that In erdw to obtain funds to loan ft \dll be necessary to organise and successfully eostdnet n bond sell­ ing campaign, o f which the outcome must be awaited. The system baa been tin e fo r over a year and much disappointment has aaauad through the delays incidental to the suit brought to determine the con­ stitutionality o f the Federal Farm system has been fully vindicated and the questions involved adjudicated for all time, the associations of our dis­ trict and prospective borrowers should endeavor to maintain for a lit­ tle longer, if necessary, the asms at­ titude o f helpful consideration which has bridged over this trying period, and to give tboea charged with ad­ ministrative responsibilities as much time aa may be required to adjust our machinery ta the heavy demands for service which will be made upost it.” Special Meetings Next Sunday Bro. L. E. Neal, formerly pastor o f the Church o f Gad o f this city, will be hers next Sunday, Mar. 20, and will hold services at 11 A . M „ also at 7>80 P. M. in the Church o f God chapel, Otm 8 «x l. 8t8* FOR BALE CHEAP— A good work­ ing mare; weight about 1800. Hugh Hastings, Coquille, Ore. fits* FOR SALE — 8 H. P. Fairbanks Morse stationery engine. Migge’s Meat Market, Coquille. 8t2 FOR SALE— 6-room cottage, wood­ shed and garage, two lots, good lo­ cation; $1600. Phone 8»6. 8tf FOR SALE— White Leghorn egge for hatching. $2-00 for 16. Wm. Rich­ ardson. Coquille, Oregon. 7tl8* To Improve North End Streets The council met in adjourned session last Monday evening with Mayor Hamilton and all councilman present, to consider street improve­ ments, especially those in the north end o f town. There was a large delegation pres­ ent from that section, as well as of those who were anticipating a warm time in the Consideration o f the pool room ordinance, so that every seat was taken and many were standing. A letter from the school board Was read, requesting the council to make CASH MARKET Every Day Price# Good Staaka..................................20c lb Round Steak ....................... 26c lb Loin S t e a k ....................................28c !b Pot Roast Beef ......................... 18c lb Beef Boil ..................................... 16c lb Pork S t e a k ....................................26c lb Pork Chop Loin .........................80c lb Pork Roasta ...............................26c lb Veal Shoulder S t e a k .................. 26c lb Loin Veal C h o p ............................80c lb Vaal Roasts .................................26c !b Breast Veal ................................. 16c lb Hamburger ................................. 20c lb Pork Sausage 26c lb Smelt, Halibut, Clams, Salmon Phone 881 ' Free Delivery 9t2 Ritter A Martin the small can and if you are not satisfied with it bring the large can back and we will return your money in full. BARRED ROCK eggs fo r hatching, O. A. C. strain. $1.60 par settiag. L. Myrberg, Coquille Rissarl i. She« Shop. D o s t forget what a big newspaper bargain the Oregon Farmer ia when remitting for the Sentinel. 91M Reward, $1M Card o f Thanks _ We wish to heartily thank our friends and neighbors for their kind assistance and acts o f sympathy dur­ ing the illness and after the death o f our husband and step-father.— Mrs. Mary Rohm, Mrs. Nattie Hayter, F. R. Steward, W. E. Steward, Gnorge The rsadsra o f this papvr win ptM M f to lo a n that there le at eaa dreaded dtoss«« that eelenee that to catarrh. Catarrh botar «really Influenced by constitutional conditi one requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine to token Internally sad acta thru the Blood on the Mncous Sur­ faces o f the System thereby deetroylnt the foundation o f the disease, «Irina th* patient strength by bulldlnr op the roo- stltutton and assistine nature le dolnc Ita vartb - The proprietors have *o much faith la the curative power* of Hell'e Medicine that they offer Or Dollars for any rase that It fail ■end for list o f testimonials. I P. 3 . CH ENET * CO . T ote* >ld by all Drugfltot. Ite. CLEANING o f CLOTHING is our “ Hobby” Over $400,080 Investment The Bandon Condansary claims that its plant at Bandon, with steamer on the river and warehouse at Coquille represents an investment o f $400,000 in Coos county. They also aver that their Bandon condensery with a ca­ pacity of 860,000 pounds o f milk a day has never yet received more than » 1 , 000 . - ■ K PROSE NF) City Cleaners & Tailors STANDARD OIL COMPANY