The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 18, 1921, Image 1

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    J B efoes its at teptfen, however, It is to
O. Af c.
,Jbe submitted to both thooe favoring
Sunday opes iiaf mudi thoM nppnidl.
fo r their eoe
T i U m •ea S igh t o f Way
A a importiint m eeting o f tho Com-
mereiai Club w ill be bald next Wed-
fneaday, Mareh 88, a t which the spot-
">n Fat E B . Everyone living, or own­
in g land, between Coquille and that
hairpin tarn t o the rand' beyond Fat
Elk ia interested in the location e f
the road and they, as well as Coquille
< the butter aad buttarfat price plus 20
cento per hundred. These fou r items
are to be added t ogether and divided
by fou r to arrive at the price to be
paid fo r milk testing fou r per cent
butter fa t; with corresponding addi-
| tions or deductions fo r milk above or
[below that standard.
Jas. T. Jenkins, o f Parkersbug, aad
Wm. Goshen, o f Corn River, spoke as
representatives o f the Dairymen’s
League, aad there was an extended
discussion o f the methods by which it
would be possible fo r League Dairy­
men to sell their m ilk to the cream­
ery, which did not result in any prac­
ticable plans, as the N estles' people
w ere standing pat on their position
tb it they would not deal with a farm ­
ers' organisation and especially would
not make payments fo r milk to or
through the League organisation.
W hile various questions in regard
to the dairy, industry were discussed
no form al action was taken by the
m eeting which did not adjourn until
after m idnight.
Booklets H are Arrived
Delivery ^ a e made this week to
the Coquille Commercial Club o f 1,000
o f the 4,000 Cooa county booklets or­
dered by that organisation, o f the
90,000 Issue which was authorised by
the County Cqprt, the Farm Bureau
and the several commercial bodies o f
ffito oounty. W hile the contract for
printing thorn was awarded to the
Oasoot printory at Marshfield, the
work was done by a printing house in
Eugene and H is one o f the neatest and
most attractive booklets we have ev­
er seen.
Typographically H la i
splendid piece o f Work, with »taw i o f
all parte
the county and concise
w rito-aps o f the com ity as a whole
and o f the various Mettons.
tainty as to the cost o f structural
stool at this time or the bidders on the
river bridge contract her* Tuesday
must have varied w idely in their ideas
o f the profit to be derived on that
item. The engineer’ s mtimste on the
stool required fo r build lag the bridge
woe $80,976. Mr. Gidtey’s bid was
$29,600, a little below the highway
com m ission's estimate.
Tho other
bide verted from $80,976 by the Post-
lead Bridge C a , to 889,087 by the A s­
toria firm and $41,806 by the Eureka
A. B. Gidley’s Bid b $10,0<M*Lower Than
the Next Highest—W ill Finish
Structure This Year.
Tuesday the County Court held aa • struction o f the bridge w ill devolve
adjourned meeting here and let the | upon a representative o f the state
contract fo r the building o f the Co» | engineer's ofllce, as it w ill form part
quille river bridge at this place to j o f a state highway.
A . B. Gidley, o f Marshfield, at his ] The extent to which this bridge,
bid o f $76,660, the contract providing when finished, will be used by tourists
fo r the completion o f the structure by between Portland and San Francisco
Makela A SUvo, Astoria, O ra,
Portland Bridge C o. $86,70^
So it appears that Mr. Gidley’s bid
waa $10,146 below the next highest.
It is especially gratifyin g to And the
successful bid com ing from Coee
county, the more so that Mr. Gidley
won high encomiums fo r the paving
job he did in this city about four
years ago, which is by fa r toe best
paving ever dene here. We refer to
the blocks on the west and south sides
o f the court house, and the one be­
tween that and the long bridge.
Mr. Gidley, we arc inform ed, has
loot no tim e in starting to assemble
material and a crew fo r the work, aad
hopes to flaiah it short o f the time
liu * set.
The first concerted move fo r the
building o f a river bridge here was
made twelve years age, when the
Commercial Club took the n u tter up
In earnest and the Sentinel, then
edited by J. C. Savage, heartily sec-
traded the plan.
Since then the necessity fo r a
is to some degree Indicated by the
fact that the average o f cars and
motor vehicles crossing the ferry here
last Ju.ily and August was 8,000 a
month or 200 a day. T o that number
will this year be added as many as
1900 a month mare, o f the 1600 cars
which took the Seven Devils road via
Bullards Ferry last year. '
Glee Club Taeaday
The O. A . C. glee club w ill |hrt Ha
third concert o f the annual tour in
Coquille Tuesday evening, March 22.
The program consists o f classical and
popular ensemble numbers, vocal and
instrumental solos, quartet, ja ss or­
chestra and banjo selections, and tw o
or three character sketches and skits.
These have been carefully selectsd to
Coquille citisans were shocked yes­
suit the particular talents and abil­
ity o f the perform ers. The sketches , terday whan word was talsphoaed
and skits sparkle with the personality from M yrtle Point that Mro. C. W .
o f the players and reflect the real col­ Endicott had passed away at the
Pemberton hospital there that morn­
lege atm osphere.
In a join t concert with the Wash- ing. She had been taken up there last
| ington State College glee chib, at Thursday fo r a minor operetta»—
Pullman, Wash., earlier in the year, hemorrhoids aad to have her tonsils
the O. A . C. glee club waa nicknamed removed, Dr. G. E. Low assisted b y
“The Sm iling Chanters'* by popular Dr. Los Pemberton perform ing the
sentiment. Every act ea the pro­ operations. She had bean recovering
gram carried a laugh bemb, rocking nicely and yeaterday m orning, Dr.
the house with trem ors o f joy.
The personnel o f the club is T. E. I had gone up there to remove the
Hampton, C. C. Condtt, K. E. Ham-1 stitches. Aa this a painful operation
Men, C. W . Bends, H. C. Ohm, H. C. I in a case o f that kind, it was deemed
Goodale, C. M. Parsons, C. F. Dunn, | advisable to administer an anesthetic
H. Brayton, H. Rands, A . C. Bran-1 to relieve her o f as much suffering' as
des, V. O. Hesse, J. F. Roehr; A . R. I possible but she had hardly succumb-
Judge Wade expresses the opinion Kirkham, 8 . Tulley, C. M. Country-1
that by the time the Roseburg road man, R. J. Hillstrom , R. L. Strong, E . I
is completed the Sunday travel here L. Kimball and M. R. Moe.
which reached 300 automobiles one
day last summer will have grown to
such proportions that the present
ferry would be absolutely unable
handle it. The superior attractions I
of the coast road from San Francisco I
to Bandera will no doubt divert a m s- I W hile the Coquille river bridge is
jor percentage o f the trafllc which I building here this sqmsser, pleas fo r
has heretofore taken the central val-1 the highway dowfl* the river to the
ley route' over the Siskiyous to this I Hathaway place, which have not bean
new coast route. This will combine included in any project so fa r, will
the lure o f the mountains, the sea and I have to be matured and work begun.
the forests.
Between thcao points there lie tw o
to I
W hether this tide o f travel should I and a half miles o f river bottom sub­
flow north or east from C oquillel ject to overflow every winter and us­
would matter little here, but it will I ually several U sm s during the winter,
be many a year before the Roosevelt which can in no way be evaded.
highway is built through
aad Astoria.
been suggested as ene plan to obviate
As to the date at which we may ex- r th e difficulty; but no dyke could be
pact to see the road from here to I built that would withstand the strain
Roseburg on line and grade, with all I o f the flood waters accum ulating be­
excavation and grading finished and hind it and a road, flart dyke and part
a roadway 28-feet in width through trestle, is the beet that can he Sug-
the canyon, Judge W ade says it w ill
set be later than the summer or early I
fall o f next year. But that tim e, toe,
he thinks fo r most o f the distance the j
1*17 when James W atson wAs county road w ill be finished with a rock ser-1
judge, the first appropriation fo r It
was made in the budget. The cost o f
This summer, he thinks, the road
•sport o f her deal
material was less than half aa great
vrfll be dosed moat o f the time owing
and the
than aa now, and $$0,000 was estim at­
o the rock excavation at Sugar loaf
ed to be sufficient to buUd the bridge.
mountain s few miles east o f Myrtle
It was decided to provide fo r the rais­
ing o f one-third o f this amount each
It will certainly be a wonderful
year, but by the tim e the new court
.he abutting proparty—that strip be­
took the iotas in 1810, it was evident 'hongs from the isolated town we ing now occupied by bouses, barns
that more money would be required. tod here six years ago, before the and outbiuldingi, at an expanse pro­
So $12^00 was put in the budget that completion o f tile branch line o f rail­ bably prohibitive.
year and, $27,600 last year.
This road down from Eugene, to a location
The plan to run the rend a Quarter
makes $60,000 so fa r provided fo r, but in the main highway between # b r t- of a m ile back from the river, building er, the tonderest sympathies o f all
the additional $16,660 will be provid­ land and Ssn Francisco, with an end­ s dyke with frequent long trestle«, our dtisens are extended in this hoar
ed by the county and go towards its less procession o f cars passing or making it all a trestle from the o f trial and tribulation. . ,
O f a sunny and cheerf ul disposi­
half o f the cost o f building a road chrough here in each direction. What start seems from all angles the cheap-
from tbs Douglas county line to the Coquille needs to do to get ready for ir and most practical one. W e un- tion, she made true frisada a f «0
who know her.and bar passing is a
luch s change we should nil begin to
Curry county line via Baadon.
Jerstand, though, that this problem
personal loas to scores and hundroAi
The actual supervision o f the con- glimpse.
| will be discussed at an early m eet­
o f those who had coma to know her
ing o f our commercial d u b, aad we splendid personality aad beautiful
then to have more light on a qualities o f character.
Pure Bred Stock Sale
difficult subject.
She was a faithful n m t » <f the
W ord has been received by County
W hile the road up the river from Episcopal church, which ska joins* In
Agent C. C. Farr that a carload o f Lamps ia under construction the old
thoroughbred Hereforda and Short­ road over the hill to Fishtrsp, which
horns will be shipped in here next has been mode a market road, will
Aak For Park Commkaioa
week to be sold at auction. In this make an available detour, both for
A t a m eeting o f the Commercial
shipment w ill be twelve bulls and six travel to this d ty by way o f Fishtrsp,
heifers from the O. A . C. herds at xnd an even shorter one fa r M yrtle Club Wednesday evening the report
Corvallis. P rof. Oliver, o f O. A . C., Point end Roseburg. Below Lumps o f the Corn Pavilion comm ittee waa
will come down with them.
no detour is possible but considerable submitted by O. C. Sanford. The re­
The sale will take place on Friday work was dons there last summer, port recommended that a Park Coas-
of next week, with Nick Johnosn as and it may be possible to finish the mission o f five bo authorised by the
work with little interruption t l travel. city council ia legal manor to bava
Prices on thoroughbreds have de­
O f the $66,000 sat aside from our charge o f the financing and construc­
clined along with 'alm ost everything first road bond issue o f $362,000 for tion o f the pavilion and its manage­
else and this will afford an opportun­ die Coquille-Bandon road, $80,000 still ment when completed. One member
Under In home demonstration work ity to gat choice stock at reasonable remains unspent, and that will fu r­ o f this commission, according to the
will unite with the Sentinel in re­ prices.
nish funds to make a «tart in the report, should be appointed' by each
s e ttin g that she ia to retire from
This sale is to be conducted under work, o f which ipoet o f the rest will o f the follow ing organisations— City
this field and in wishing her all possi­ -he supervision o f both Bank A gri­ fall to the state on our 60-60 arrange­ Council, Commercial Club, Woman’s
Club, American Legion, and the Corn
ble happiness end properity in the culturist J. L. SmitL and County ment as to funds.
new home o f which ahe it soon to be­ Agent Farr, and the form er tolls us
W ork on this road, it saems, ought
come the qaeen. A better peieed or hat arrangements have been made
to go on along with the bridge build­
a more even tempered young woman for those purchasing this stock to
ing this summer at as nearly aa even
we have seldom mot. During the two torn in their scrub bulls at 6 cents a
years in which she has been an in­ round on the purchase price o f the
flate o f the w riter's home there have purebred stock.
Road Under Bad Star
been clouds m well as sunshine in
her life, but she has proved pure goh)
The clerk o f the weather appears
Dairy Specialist Here
whatever the tost.
»o have it in fo r the Coquille-Marsh­
No sooner dooa it
H. R. Lochry, Dairy Manufacturing field paving.
set fa ir than
Sheriff Goo* to Seattle
partment o f Agriculture with head­ ‘.he Seandia people are Johnny-on-
Sheriff Elllngsen went up to Seat­ quarters at Salt Lake City, Utah, is the-spot with concrete work, aa they
tle, starting Sunday m orning, with here to spend several weeks working were last week. But Sunday's rain,
bench warrants fo r W. B. Jones, a with H. W. Thomas, the local Cheese follow ed by lots m ors Tuesday »nd
Eugene attorney, and O. W. John, now Inspector, to do all that is possible to another storm yesterday have pat an
bring Coos and Curry cheese quality embargo on the work that was going
up to a point second to none. Mr. on fam ously at the rate at 800 feet a
Lochry is one o f the many specialists day; aad now the beaae are all spilt
sent out by the government to as­ again. A t the B ay'end only a week
sist co-operative cheese factories in e f dry weather ie needed to finish the
bettering their products so that the job , but not «van the London Lloyds
would hardly insure that at mush teas