The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 11, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    • *
If w
He la now running the Anson
dairy farm tan miles up Com
river from the Bay.
That Alma D: Kata had resigned
___ it Of the Oregon Dairy
Comparative League was an
a t a dairymen’s meeting
H yrtl* Point last Saturday.
"£ ■
The Curacao brought up fifteen
hundred sacks of sugar from San
Framctoeo to Marshfield on her last
at a price fl.00 par hundred
higher than her prsriops trip.
quite drastically the
the pen e f our friend
elsewhere published, hut inasmuch
ho is answering a rather severe criti
of hto former utterances in the
,-------- - ~* have given space to all
he wishes to any. But as to anything
further on either aide in this contro­
versy, although it relate* to the ques­
tion of state aid to men who were in
the United States service during the
world war on which we are to vote on
June 7, we shall have to impose a
space limit hereafter-
As Mr. Easton is the father of one
of the men who was in the overseas
service, and who will benefit by this
act many fold more than the family
«rill pay intaxes on account of this
act if it is adopted, however wrong
we may think he to in some of his
statements, he certainly to not taking
the position he does for financial pro-
X. B. Parham want up to Powers K
Wednesday with a crew of men to be­
Marriage Licenses.
gin work an the grading of the Pow
March fi—Leo Herbert Cossman, of
as* road for which the contract was
Eugene, and Mona Logan, of North
last week awarded to A. B. Gidley.
Bend- They were married the same
Richard Anderson, n negro from
day at the home of the bride.
Marshfield, indicted for aon-support
March 7—Floyd Bernard Metsar
i t his family, was found guilty in the and Georgia May Carrington, both of
Circuit oourt and Judge Coke aan-
North Bond.
teneed him to ninety days in the cot
March 7—Charles Leslie Anderson
qr JaiL
and Elpha B. Jdelton, both of Myrtle
The ladies of Coquille are invited
Point They were married the same
call and Inspect a full line of Schweix- day by Jnstke Stanley at his office
sr emfaroictorisd organdies, voilles and here.
plain materials for every wear. Up­
March 7—James Stemmermon and
stairs over old Bank bldg. Mrs. W. Mildred Alke Hinds, both of Marsh­
G. Wright.
field. They were married the same
Coanty Surveyor C. S. McCulloch dqy by Rev. W. E. Couper at St.
*nd assistant*, J. M. Caughell and J. James Episcopal church.
March 10—Horace A. Albee, of
y sot o day.
C. Nosier, went over to the Bay Tues­
Coquille, and Lillian Whiting, of Myr­
Attorney John C. Kendall
tle Point.
«vor from Marshfield yesterday M the Coos rivar road which to to con
March 11—-Henry Mulholbrika, of
naet with Catching Inlot.
llagany, and Rosie Tester, of
Mrs. F. F. Norton, mother of J. B. Marshfield.
Norton, who has been visiting in San
Francises for several / months, left Rev. W. 8. Smith To Be Delegate
„1__ for home the Brat of the week
Rev. W. S. Smith, of Bandon,
jut win atop a few days at Bedding
preached here last Sunday. Monday
to visit her son, R. S. Norton.
he went over to Marshfield to attend
Frank Stanley, of Fowers, was
meeting of the Coos Bay Presby­
«ought down hors Wednesday by the tery. From there he went on to
charged with beating a Portland to attend a meeting of the
board bill, and placed .la Jail- This Homs Mission committee of the Syn-
______ _ Constable Brown took him id, of whkh he to a member, and
jp to Powers for a hearing before from there he will go east as a dele
gate to the General Assembly of the
Among those who c u m over from church.
J m Bay Tuesday morning as witness-
os fai the Btophana murder cnee were
More Money For Fair
Losiisath, George Haser, A. H. Der-
Sinee the legislature appropriated
hyehire, Boy Wood» N. W. Davie*, 12,000 a year for the Coos and Curry
Will Rhode*, ». B. Tsrsll, Frank fair for the next twq years, the peo­
Sank «ad Tom Dompaey.
ple of Myrtle Point are promising the
Rev. X. L. Chamberlain will conduct vest fair ever. The directors for this
tn all-day service at Dora on Eatser year are: T. D. Guerin, H. A. Guerin,
Sunday. The first service will Ha at R. L. Weekly, i Hiran Hatcher and K.
'.0:S(f a. m. Bring lunch. There will H. Hansen, of Myrtle Point; J. D.
Use bo a service and communion Carl, of Arc go, and L. J. Cary, of
Thursday night of Passion weak at Coquille.
Jrowator at 7:80 o'clock.
A. O. Walker has sold hto two real
lancm at the south and of the
ftnowltoa Heights bridge to O. Gus­
tafson, of the Coast Auto Lines. Mr.
Gustafson and hto son, who come
-tare from Marshfield, will occupy
m. And now W. W. Elliott and
M. N. Neiman are looking for houses
Mts. B. W. Gregg was taken to the
hoepital at Myrtle Point ymterday
where Dra. Lew and Peaabertoa per-
formsd a major Operation fer her
tlÜA mominf.
The contract for building three
mlles and a half of the coast highway
north from Hauser to within a mile
and a half of Lakmide ha* been let by
the Forest Service for about $56,000.
Wo need your Clothm to Clean,
Thompson cottage Just * art of th*
Sentinel office.
' Spectacles and eye glasest quickly
aad skillfully rapairad. Brthan loases
Optical rapsin of sil
Rebckaha Will Give Party
The Rebekahs are sending out invi-
ations for a card party to be held in
O. 0. F. hall next Wednesday even­
ing, March 16. A splendid supper
rad a general good time are promised
and all Rebekahs and Odd Fellows in
the city, as well as the* others to
whom invitations are to be sent, are
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seguln, who
lava bean visiting their daughter and
«on-in-law, Mrs. and Mr. John Neal,
rf Broadbent, started the first of the
a new Hemstitch
week for their home near Montreal,
Canada, where Mr. Seguin owns a ng Machine, and am now ready to
large dairy. He was formerly en­ Jo all kinds of hemstitching.
Anna Morrison.
raged In (he logging business on the 7t4
louth Fork, bnt this to their first vis-
w. o. w.
t to this coast in over twenty years.
Meeting Saturday evening, March
12. District Organiser F. B. Tfohenor
Coquille Methodist Church
will be present. Neighbors all come.
“The Sleeper Awakened," will be
( John W. Leneve, Clerk.
-.he topic for Sunday morning. Spec­
ial musk will be rendered by the
:hoir. The sermon topke at 7:80 p.
A Cottage and one lot dose in,
a. will be “ Mollycodles and Men.”
price right if sold soon.
The Epworth League devotional
Pacific Real Estate Co.
tervke will be led by Mr. WiDtom
’ eart. The topk for dtousaion is
E arly Pestai Service.
Thy Kingdom Come in the Home.”
T h e history o f the postal service
Prayer meeting Wednesday even
ng at 7:10. Our prayer meetings aer and Its employees extends to the days
-unning from fifty to sixty in attend - o f the Romans when the earliest
known means o f transm itting a mes­
i nee and the interest k fine. I f you
sage eras by courier. These admirable
•rant to get jato a real live meeting organisers, the Romans, marked by a
"p ost” the place In the road wher*
the' relay o f one runner by another was
effected ; thus they named the modern
system long liefore It w o* bom. The
first letter post seems to have existed
In the lian se towns In the thirteenth
century to facilita te relations between
th* merchants o f the various members
o f the Hanseatic league.
Painters as Conversare.
H aslltt tens us that the heat con­
v e n e r he ever knew wsa the heat lis­
tener. T mean Northcote, the paint­
er. Painters, by their profession, are
not bound to shine In conversation,
and they shine the more. He lend*
M s ear to an observation as I f you
had brought him a place o f news, and
enters Into It with as much avidity
and earneatnem aa I f It Interested him
Rom tlly was a similar
ta lk e r; hta conversation never indi­
cated a wish to display, but flowed
from the abundance o f a refined and
richly informed anderstsadiug— W il­
liam M a th ew »
"W o must g ive a party fo r the Au­
tumn Paint dub,'! said Jack F ro s t
"Wo must Indeed.” sold Master
" I « t as have one,” said a ll o f the
Yruat Brothers together.
“ Ah. yes. let us have one,” said M ao
1tor H eavy F ro s t and M aster Very
Cool an Id:
"B y all means, let us have a party.”
“ W e will decorate all th* window*
sod nip the flowers and dance over the
lawns snd hushes," said Jack Frost,
"fo r ws want plenty o f decoration* for
our party. And w e w ill a ll g iv e the
party sod come to the party sod eo
Joy the party, far we are the Autumn
Paint club members.”
Th ey agreed to hare the party that
very n igh t
, “ T o o take the lead. Jack Frost,”
they said, "find ns soon as you toll
ns what w e must do, w e w ill o ff sad
do I t
"W o wiu g o w herever you say. And
we w ill gladly do our work, fo r our
work Is our play."
"T h ey cal) a day that Is not tar
H eavy
F ro s t
"Thanksgiving day. It seems they're
all thankful that day, or rather they
stop that day sDd think * f a ll they
have to be thankful for.
“T h ey think o f all sorts o f things,
such as how nice It to they liv e In
The Spring Days are Kodak Days
Let a Kodak help you enjoy them
is complete and we will he find to
Let us take care of your Kodak finishing
Knowlton’s Drug Store
' * rt
"O ur M agic Paint Bruehea."
beautiful place«, where they have i
good times snd where there a r t many
things to do.
"A n d they're thankful tboy'ro worm
and have lots to sat, and they're thank­
ful that when It to summer tim e they
often have tee cream.
•T h ey're thankful, too,- that
have people to lovo them— mot boro
and fathers, hod so forth.
"A n d turkeys do not mind bolus oak­
en on Thanksgiving day, fo r they
older It quit* an honor to ho taksa
as the special food o f such a fins and
special occasion.
“But I any.” M aster H eavy
continued, "th at we, too, colehrate our
Thanksgiving day.
“ We, too. should colehrate It,
wo can. Listen to my plan."
"L o t us beer It," said M aster Vary
"I'd Ilk* to boar It,” said Master
“ Add so would V said the other
Frost Brothers.
" {D o tell It to us at once," said Jack
Frost. T am eager to boor."
"W att,” said M atter H eavy Frost,
"It doesn’t m atter I f wo celebrate
Thanksgiving day a little b efo re or a
little a fte r th * day, as long as wo cele­
brate I t
"W e should celebrate I t fo r wo bars
a great deal to be thankful for.
"In the first place, we come around
every autumn and have s great many
fine parties. This Is Just on* o f
many flue parties.
“ And w * enjoy l i f t so much I
"W e paint beautiful pictures, od SP]
enjoy It so. W e nip the flowers and
dance over the lawns and bushes' sod
enjoy doing th a t
"Ah, wo have beautiful times, snd
we should bo thankful fo r them.
“And then I believe the squirrels
snd the chipmunks Would com « to
our Thanksgiving party, and tbs boys
d girls agree that w e do a
work, fo r we see
right fo r them
•Tes, Chippy Chlppl ’ A sA
Irtr t-
Eyes snd N utty Chum Will all enjoy
the nuts, snd that
w ill
Thanksgiving party.
“ L e t’ s rail our Autumn party a
Thanksgiving party snd lot us all b*
thankful that wo com « In the autumn
on the still, cool nlghta
"And. too, that wo are allowed to
play and work with our m agic point
brushes and that no on « stops us. but
that ws, too, can have a little season
o f the year all o f our own.
"W h a t doss everyone else say who
la a member o f th * Autumn Paint
A reading- lena is
th« “distane«” I
able. No “lina«;” no
- Gat Kryptoka
To O ur Patrons:
There will be a meeting of our patrons aad dairy­
men held la the Warehouse of oar factory at Bandon at
11:30 A , M. Sunday, March 13th, aad yon are cordially in­
vited to attend aame. There are several matters of mutual
Interest to come up, also we have an important announce­
ment to make with reference to the coming trmrru
For the accommodation of our guests from Myrtle
Point, Coquille, etc, we have arranged to have our ¿steamer
leave Coquille at 8:30 A. M , arriving at Bandon at 11
oclock. After the meeting the steamer will leave n- nif- n
in time to ranch Coquille at 3 : 3 0 P. M.
N estle’« Food Co., Inc.
* ’ *■ 1 fS . '
“ W e all agree that It’ s s line, a mar­
velous. a wonderful Idea." they shovt-
chard run Oregon Italian prune*, 1M0
crop, in 25 or 60 pound boxes, or more,
delivered anywhere In Oregon by par-
canta pound; by freight to any rati
100 h lota or atoro. Quality guaran­
teed. Send remittance with order to
Oregon Prune Co., 72S Morgan Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
v •