The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 11, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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    Handled and displayed
i^der elea» and sanitary conditions
% ga llon cans 90c
G allon cans $1.66
Cane and Maple Syrup
% ga llon cans 96c
G allon cans $1.70
Royal Club Brand Coffee 48 c lb
Fancy Rice
3 lbs 25 c
O nion Sets
i * A week after 1 read the same thing the man who was not in uniform*
in the Sentinel there came in the let- That wns true after the civil war,
ter mail a clipping containing the I it is true now. Those w e n great day^
' “ resolutions” o f the American I/sgion to feel and know that one could be
- o f Coquille.
even “ a soldier o f the commissary.”
Webster’s dictionary thus defines There was no.thought as to whether
the dollars were at the bottom or
i Bonus n. L. good. Something giv- "the top o f the world’s monetary
en in addition to what is ordinarily unit.” The only thought was, win the
by, or strictly due to, the. recipient. I fight and wipe the German brute-
Specifically, a. A premium given for a I beast from the face o f the earth,
loan, or for a charter, or other privi-
“ The millenlum has not arrived; the
lege granted to a company, b. An need o f the ex-service men has not
extra dividend to the shareholders o f passed.”
Is the bonus proposition
a company out of accumulated pro- grease or sand for the axles o f the
fits. e. Money or other valuable giv- millenium chariot?
I f “ the need o f
en in addition to an agreed com pen-1 the ex-service men has not passed,”
sation. • bonus, v. i. To give a bonus I how about the “need” of other men.
I Has it passed, or is it only peeking
The meaning o f the word is good, around the corner?
We say “ good” when we- get out of I The spoils o f war is an old question,
our day’s work o r out o f an invest-1 David had it put up to him at the
ment more than we were expecting, brook Besor. Those who had been
and that more is just so much pure Lin the fight said the “ spoils” are all
ours, David said, not so; “ but as his
It is possible that getting this ex- part is that goeth dorm to the battle,
Quaker Heat is Quicker Heat
—and Cleaner too
T b t Quaker Pipelese Furnace ia built o f heavy
riveted boiler plate steel—and steel radiates heat three
hmes as fast as cast irtzi. That ia why Quaker heated
homes are always so comfortable on cold mornings.
Just open the draft and up through the Quaker Register
pours an enormous volume of warm, pure, dean air.
“ T b tl
that is
10c lb
Garden Seeds
Seed Grain
Grass Seeds
Fraedrick’s Grocery
O p p osite P ostoffice
I and for which we have a keener long-1 condition of the timea. Then war
ing than fo r the stated, dependable was for the spoil». The Amnlekitcs
income o f the inveatment. Judging by their conduct were the forebears
from those “ resolution»” thi» seem* I o f the German». Germany went into
to be the condition into vfhlch the I the war for the apoils o f war. We
American Legion o f Coquille has went into the war not for the spoils
worked itself.
I of war but that honor might be safe
When the United States paid every in our land and in the world. Do you
soldier $60 bonus at the time o f his think you could buy, or that any mat
discharge or soon after, that was a I would sell even the little part that
generous act and it ia probable that I he may have had in the great war?
many cached it, in a Liberty Bond or I tell you not for all the lands and
some other form o f investment; and wealth o f Oregon, for those years are
for many others it was a piece o f precious years o f life, and not to be
pocket money fo r a time. The voter* forgotten as long as time lasts, and
o f Oregon made the soldiers’ eduea-1 the memory o f the thrill of the fight
tiona) bill a law, whereby men who I is ip partnership with the soul,
chose to d o so might take up again I 'I am glad that not all the soldiers
their studies, and the state stand I of the great war are bonua men.
part o f their personal expense. The
That prefix name which some o f the
people o f the United States have not I soldiers apply to themaelvas indicates
been shy on their duties and obliga-1 that they consider their life’s work
tions to the soldiers of, the great war. I ia done. “ Ex-service men.”
“ Ex”
There may be cases o f sickness or means out of it; out o f service. Think
wounds which have not received .the of it, out of service. I f there ever
attention that should have been given I was a day in which men should be in I
them, and it may be some refused to I service as good citizens, in the citi-
snswer the sick call and hurried past ienshlp o f service, it is today. Not I
the hospital. There may have been I the service of selfishness, not the ser-
:oses where the accommodations were I rice as to who will hav» the “ chief
lot the best and where doctors and seat in the synagogue” or the “ place
W ille?
Sc Son
Plum bing u k l
Over and Over Again
M azola abaorba absolutely n o
flavors apd carries n o odors from
on e food t o another.
Y ou use the sam e lo t o f oil fo r
fryin g m aqy different kinds o f
foods. T h is ia real econom y.
M azola ia a 100% pure vege­
table Tat— and once you try it
y ou w ill never g o bade to lard
and com pounds.
LONG'S Machine and Repair Shop
Battery Service
Auto Repairing
Machine Werk
I h a re th e beet o f M ech an ics in m y sh op
H a re y o u r c a r rep a ired b y o s
W e g u a ra n te e b oth la b o r an d s a tisfa ctio n
on e 611
i ,
A t G raham ’ s G arage
YOUR Label Say?
erans," $18,MO,000 o f it is fo r “ new
hospitals and enlargements o f hos­
pital facilities for service men. Funds
for edmpensation
training o f the service men also were
It is probable there are
very few who would object to the sick
and wounded soldiers having the best
that ia to be had in the way o f hos-
piUl service and vocational training.
Whether that word “ compensate"
as given in the dispatch means for
those who are sick or diubled or as a
promiscuous hand-out there is noth­
ing u id ; but this is made plain that
the sick and crippled soldiers are not
neglected by the government o f the
United States. It is reasonable to
suppose that the hale and hearty are
not leas men than before the? were
in the army.
, citizenship service. H u t they might
get the vision I would suggest that
they find it in the first Psalm. To
me this crying for a bonus by the
oonusers is nothing mors or leas theei
sacrilege. For the glory o f the fight,
as a freewill offering o f our heritage;
but that does not satisfy you, for n o *
standing in the Temple o f the World’s
Liberty which you helped defend, * f
that defence ye would make m er­
R. A. Easton.
lowing about a “ daring ride” frotn
Marshfield to that city in a fiiw ar:
Covered from head to foot with n
nice thick coating o f Cops and Doug­
las county mud, E. L. Gray and H.
E. Wilcox arrived hare early this
morning ia a fiiwar from Marsh-
npld after a trip over the old Cots
Bay wagon road. Hie two men left
The word “ profiteer” seems to be
Marshfield Sunday morning and ‘bit
one with which to conjure. Who were
It up’ all the Way until about four
not profiteers ?
The publishers of
miles from Roseburg, when a mis­
newspapers, the owners o f gold mines
leading detour sign brought them *p
and the managers o f Life Insurance
in a cow pasture amid gob« o f mud.
Companies' ware the only business
They were pulled out at this .place
men I know o f that workad at a dis­
and wars soon rambling over Hie
advantage during those years o f war.
pavement o f Roseburg. They left Oo-
Their may be othej-s that I know
quille at 10:80 yesterday morning
not of.
and arrived b a n at $ o’clock this
Their advice to anyone
“ To deny just compensation to men
contemplating this trip at this time
who served this country for $80 a|
is to go supplied with a shovel, an
For the first time I have
axe end plenty of eats. In several
learned that “ men served their coun­
places they built a. road. The trip
try for $80 a month.” I do know that
was made as results o f a bet— which
more than eighty thounnd enlisted
and their money pay at that time was of whom had been in the military they won. They a n ceasing back
$16. I am o f the opinion the lure w»s (service. They had no definite occu­ this way in about a month and mill
not $16 a month but the fight in the pation before the war, and after they again tackle the road.’’
cause o f righteousness. Did these were discharged, feeling the natural
men “ who served their country for rebound from the rigid discipline o f
One thing especially noteworthy
$$0 a month” get more than $80? If military lift -drifted into evil ways.” about this trip ia although H was
thay did, are they profiteers? Not The editor does not consider their made over the “ old Coos Bay Wagon
naying anything about what they re­« hopeless, though he is sure that most o f the way, the driver» went by
ceived from the government beside those who are making a living from way o f Coquille. All main roads in
their “ $30 e month,” they did receive crime should be taught that “ the way Coos county lead through thia city,
from the people who are the govern­ of the transgressor is hard.” I am of
ment their prayers, their songs, their the opinion they should be taught
Baby Chicks
smiles, their tears, thair good cheer that, before they become criminals
We ere still booking ordere from
and thair expectations that they
our Tancred and Hollywood strain of
would be true to the cause and the
T im e pens are
fight to which they were sent, in
The statement o f fact of which you White Leghorns.
whatsoever place they were assigned. complain stands four square to the headed by cockerels f n » *18-260 dgg
The admiration o f the world was winds, change one letter and bonus hens. Price $20.00 per hundred.
Diamond Poultry Farm,
theirs. They received the toQ and patriotism is bogus patriotism. It
L. E. Botim eli, M yrtle P otei, Or.
labor o f men, women and children ia not a bonus that the bonus “ ex-eec-
products. On« would be by the con­
version o f our eoa! iato a high; carbon
product, which ia bow being workad
on, and the other ia to.haraaaa the wa­
ter power and make cheap electricity
for reducing the ora. Either or both
will make o f this an industrial sec­
tion the like o f which has scarcely yet
been dreemed
of.— Myrtle
Elk Tseth to Sheriffs Office
The Oregon Game Commission has
a ward ad the two teeth o f the elk re­
cently found slain near Laaeve to
Sheriff Ellingsen and Deputy Mmle-
home in appreefetion o f their affsrts
to apprehend tne slayers.
Game Warden McDaniel received no­
tice to this effect Wednesday.
Deputy Game Warden McDaniel re­
ports that Don Foster, o f Bandon,
waa fined $60 and costs by Just ics
Chatburn, o f Bandon, for having veni­
son in his possession.
Hal Btataman, who returned from
Whiskey Run the other day, says
there a n more men pannine the sands
than ever before. The m inen eeek
eut s favorable , looking spot w h en
menee washing the leed. H el ea ya
that m ost o f the minara are making
day Wages, which is more then many
era doing now. Ha heard that there
is e b ig activity in the vindnity of
Cape Blanco, as wall as above Bam
don.— Dally News.