w /m a S hwu W1. A 2 V a A *• * •••»ri» It’s Ska picking up ma met te got the Oregon 1 a| • cry mask tar a year at ani for tha Farr by the Bank Book A Guarantee of Good , . BANKING n o t ic e to tx iirn u cro n Sealed bid* «01 be reeeixed by tb* County C an t o f Coot County, at ita o tto in tb* Court Horn*. Coquille, Oraron, up to 10 o'clock A . M. on the 15th day- o f March, 1931, for tb* con­ struction e f a* drawbridge orar the Coquille Eirar in the town of Go- quille according to pffins now on file at tb# office at the County Road-1 taken ca n e f Mr. Ft ing out sido en the p< lowing project# mine Poet projert IIm* Market project—I. J. carried i eating in which tita Clothing — Mrs. ........................ A Addition on file end o f record in the office ef tbe County Clerk of Coes County, Oregon, and all within the corporate limits o f the raid City of CoquiUe and beta* portions o f Third H. W. Young, from Co­ e r pleasure at in| |K>|| to fttUtd our also Mrs. Jamie Grana, train Xaa who is visiting Mrs. Ysnag, was glad sha earn# and expremed has pleasure ia the day's ptog iam. A t a late a f­ ternoon hour we adjourned and seek one went to their several hsm n. all dation togetehr. J Frank Snow raccirad tha aad m w i of the death e f Us father at Santa Ana, which occurred Feb. 7th. Grand­ pa Snow, aa all MciKnley knew him, made Us beam with ua here about 18 years age. He owned whet ia now the Loo Meet form , which he add in a few years to tha p r e s t owner aad he and Grandma Snow, at that tima, morad te made several tripe bade to Com ty and Brad tar awhile in C o . In 1888 he mewed again to CaUfocala, where ha realdad up tUl the thee his death, Feb. T, 1921. 1 Mr. Blair loft fer Seattle this wi fo r a tea days’ visit with Ua ran. Mary Bennett and statar, Mrs. 1 Dowell, warn homi erar Sunday ti IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR CpOS COUNTY Mamig Premier, Plaintiff, Arch N. Premierl^befendant, the above I Professional Cards WILLIAM H. VOSE. M. D. Rye, Bar. Nera «ad Threat . Fitting Glaaam Collier Apts. Phone 861 Coquille, Oregon taget her with aecru- LL ON SATURDAY THE 9th DAY OF APRIL, 1921, at the hour of TEN o’clock in the fore­ noon ef said day at the South and front door o f the County Court House in the City o f Coquina, Com Country Oregon, offer for sale and sell at pub- lie auction, in tha manner provided by law, ■•w, to H the t o * highest m g n e s i and ana beet Deal bidder Diaaer for xor cash in hand the following described real property and nil of the right, title and interest of the said defend­ ants in and to the m a s, to-wit: M n. W . a Bandi an attack e f grip. Mr. aad Mrs. Bennett an grandma, Robert McDowell, at Arthur Brown’s Sunday. Mrs. A L. Brawn visited Mrs. la tbt N at* ef the 8tato o f Oregon, Too art hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit within ten days from tbe date o f the service of this summons upon you, of the State Highway Engineer Ba­ if served within this County; or, u served in any other County of this haa, Oregon. State, then within twenty Jays from Tbe work will require approximate­ the date of the service of this Sum­ ly 580 cubic yards d a n A and B mons upon you; and if served by pub­ Concrete, 27,000 pounds metal rein­ lication then on or before the first day of April, 1921, and if'y o u fail* forcement, 327,000 pounds structure! so to appear and ana wer, for want steel end machinery, 180 M B M lum­ thereof, ----- — puimuu wi apply to the plaintiff will or the relief d ber and 12,000 lineal feet of untreated complaint; as follows a partition of Lot 2, in Block < Ne bid will be considered unlees IS For in Elliott’s Addition to the City accompanied by cash, bidden’ bond, of CoquiUe and the North 76 feet of or certified check for an amount Lot 6, in Block 1, and also commanc- equal to five (6) per cent o f the total ing at the NE corner of Lot I in Block 1, Original Pint of the amount bid. Town of CoquiUe, Oregon, running A satisfactory bond will be re­ thence South along boundary line of quired for the faithful performance said Lot 6, 66 feet, thence East 21 of the contract in the sum equal ta feet, thence North and parallel to the boundary line of said Lot 6, 66 ! one half o f the total amount bid. feet, thence West to the place o f be­ Proposal blanks and full informa­ ginning, the same being a part of the tion for bidden may be obtained at Reserve lot between Blocks 1 and 2 ,the office of the County Roadmaster, o ' the original plat of the town of Co- Oregon, according to the re­ , CoquiUe, Oregon, or o f the State quille, spective rights of the parties, or if Highway Engineer, Capitol Building, partition cannot be had without ma­ terial injury to their right* then for Salem, Oregon. Pinna, specifications and form of n sale of mid premises and a divi­ of the proceeds o f said sale contract may be Inspected it the same sion between the parties according place or may be obtained upon the to their respective rights after deduct­ deposit o f 66.00 for each set of plane ing the coeta and disbursements of this proceeding including attorney’s And specifications. ■ The righ t ia reserved to reject any fees. Publication of this summons made and all proposals or to accept the pro­ order of Hon. John S. Coke, Judge posal deemed beet for Cooa County. the Circuit Court o f the State of ------ C. R. Wade, -------- j Oregon, for Coos County, made and entered February 14th, 1921. The County Judge first publication to be on the 12th day John Toekam, of February, 1921, and the lari on Henry Q. Kern, 3t2 Commissioners. scribed hi the wd#F o f publication, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief asked for in the complaint filed ia this cause, a succinct state­ ment o f which is: n decree of absolute DR. F. 6. BUNCH DENTIST Farmer* A Merchant* 1881 Cequilta, On. Æ ■¿i'iwr■ they i Re-Boring Cylinders W E CAN STOP that leaking cylinder In your car by reboring It with the new regrinding machine we have ju t hHtaBrd and putting in larger piston rings. Another result will be the increased power from the larger cylinder. With this ihachine the restoring it reduced to an exactness that will completely stop the leak and make your cylinders as good as new —better. In fact, on account of tbe increased power. Bring your auto to us and wfc w » put It In first dase condition. Gardner’s Garage First Street, CoquiUe, Oregon CoquiUe, Ore. Physician ft Surges* Andy Davis, who sums over from tho Bay Tuesday morning to visit Co­ quiUe and Bandon on one of his reg­ ular inspection trips, my* that the chief work in this section is inspecting white coder. “ And « peculiar thing shout it," continued Mr. Devis, “is that nearly every foot of it U being purchased by Japon. I don’t like to see it, either, for I think one ef them days eeme cedar ia coming back to ua to plague u* in the form of War planes. The proprietor of one small mill on the Sixes river, whom orders • » direct from Japan, says the specifications are rigid far clear, straight grained wood and that means airplane stock.* “When I go to congress," Andy concluded, “ I wiU have a MU passed prohibiting exportation o f white ce­ dar to Japan.” —Corn Bay Timan. _____ VETERINARIAN G. EARL LOW. M. D. Las Mast was a CoquiUe visitor Saturday. While out hunting Saturday night Grant WOms shot n Mg wild cat. Archie Shepherd visited at McKin­ ley Saturday and Sunday. Margery M any, Lisle and Dele Mercy and’Wm. Miller spent Send evening nt W. H. Bunch’s heme. ___ “DR W. 'V. GLAI8YER in Co- A1 va Brown made a hue fan as* trip to CoquiUe Wednesday. Mr. and. M n. Hugh Lawhcra w to CoquiUe Monday on buctaom. 7 Mr. King, who has been so w sick, has improved so m a d as to abla to walk out around the farm. Cham. Heller had business at Fair- L. H. Hazard - Vice-Pro«. A Mgr, O. C. Sanford - . B« m Maury - Amt Gnahier E. D. Webb - . Aafit. Cashier First National Bank Budding ’ Phene 1261 CaqaiUe ^ g ^ B ^ a M a m H M M a a a m m n a m C. R HARROW of Gweneth K. W aten, a minor, at law o f Arthur C. Waters, de­ ceased, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Guardian. o f the person and stante o f mid minor, will off ex Johnson, hove been duly appointed by for sale at private mie, and sell to Deed o f A lignm ent duly executed the person making the highest cash offar therefor, after the lith day of and recorded, the Amigaos of the Re­ tate of Annie Burkholder, lately do­ hereinafter described, being the en­ ing business as a m ordant in the tire hrtenet o f mid minor m and to City o f CoquiUe, Coos County, ffira- the following described premises, to- wit: The interact of said minor in Aad notice is hereby given to and to, **1110 East one-half of tha ail panons having claims against said Northeast one-fourth at Section 12 Annie Burkholder to present the same in township 28 south of rang« 12 west with the vouchers therefor duly vari­ of the Willamette Meridian ia Coos County, Oregon.* ta tbe undersigned, Nick John­ Dated this 18th day o f February, son, who haa beca duly appointed As­ 1921. Millie L. Waters, signee o f mid Retate of Annie Burk­ Guardian of the Person and Estate holder for the benefit o f all her cred­ o f Gweneth K. Waters, a* minor. 6t5 itors. y Ä Said claims to be presented at the law office of C. R. Barrow, in the City of Coquille, on or before the 16th day of June, 1921. First publication M uch 11th, 1921. Lest publication April 22nd, 1921. Nick Johnson, 8t7 Assignee. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COOS COUNTY Johl W. Lenovo and Kitty Leneve, his w ir« O. Leneve and Katie Leneve. his w ife; Rebecca Briggs and Samuel Briggs, her husbsnd; Jessie O. W. Leneve and Mary Leneve, his wife; w . Way ▼ ▼ m j auu l* u T v Amanda M. and W a. . M. . Way, her husband; George W. Leneve and Notice is hereby given that the un­ Frances Leneve, hie wife. Plaintiffs. dersigned administrator of the estate Jennie Eckland and Paul Eckland, o f 8hlpman H. Crouch, Decerned, has her husband, Elisabeth Atterbury and W. B. Atterbury, her husband, James filed hie final report ns su d adminis­ trator and tha County Court ef the. Yoakam, Jasper Yoakam, John A. Leneve and Angelina Leneve, his wife, State of Oregon fo r Ceos County by Irene Livingston and John F. Living­ on tho 4th day o f ston, her husband. Allen Leneve and March, 1821, hoe fixed as tho timo and Ida Leneve, his wife, Edward Leneve for hearing objections to mid and Bertha Leneve, his wife, Valita Wilson and James Wilson, her hus­ on the 11th day o f April, band, Verne Leneve, Samuel Leneve, 1921, nt the effiee o f the Judge of Thelma Leneve, Georg« Lendra, The County in thf Courthouse of said County at the hour o f 10:00 o’clock A. M. e f mid day. u B. C roud, Administrator with Will annexed, tha estate o f Shi pama H. C roud, 8t6 xxuhumhi . ' V « •V-u ju Attorney end Oeeeeetar at Lew Practise in State end Federal Coarta. Have mowed my effiee to eld City Hall jmat Busy Cornar and City Wharf. Office h e m • to 11 A. M. and 1 to i P. M- J. A . RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. CoquiUe, Ore. At Quick’s SPECIAL FOR ONE W EEK it Fibre Suit Caset, $1.25 to $2.25 School Book Exchange Chiffonier, this week, $20.00 in Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Mantlss 3 hand Garden Cultivators Handles o f all kinds—axe, hammer, mattock, s p a d o A few Brooms left over from last week BUY a Sewing Machine—a little over 6 months rent Home Canned Fruit—Cherries, Berries, Pears, Plum I and Apple Butter, and Green Beans See Quick’s First W . C. CHASE m o th e r at - u w .. . Rishmend-Barker Bldg CoquUio Oregon DR. Q. W . LESLIE Osteopathic PhysicUa ' Graduate e f the American School of Osteopathy e f Kirfceville, Mo. Office in Eldorado B led . Marshfield Oregon Use Long Distance A few minuta« of telephoning •May «ava a daya^^rlp DR. C. W . ENDICOTT 9BKT18T Firat H’ t ’l Bonk B’M’g Phone Mole 11, Ooqaill*, Dragon. J. J. STANLEY u w rm " Office in First National Bank Building, CoquUl% Oregon. A. J. SHERWOOD. m ots by tr uw First Notional Bank Building CoquiUe Oragw at THIe aa shout Ouus Ceonty Beal B riete m e i m a a u A R A w rea « a b s t r a c t c m ABSTRACTS % w a iv