■ V : R ig s IfrViV • ^ utaotnr o f the < at th en the largM t ever i state, MO fe llo e s moon- wlrisksy And | thousand uwh in ferm entation. Five • made with other war- tadiag. The raids, the I fa r attempted in Uwa it successful accord in f to nta, were staffed in the am aaity adjacent to Du ■me o f this test i Philip 8. ROADS ON A TLA N TIC COAST h r different localities different sorts vestigation o f th e whole field and in | o f materia] a t« used in road mal two com ing a rticb rw ill present a re- The follow ing item from our old I ■ ibly keen analysis o f the site*- | on Long blan d, which wo find in the la the March IS issue w ill ap- current issue at the Biverheed Newe Ths Now Y ork Milk strongly illustrates this fa ct: describes the antecedents a f ths conflict and defines ths lassos ; in ths succsding issue he w ill describe The | Onondaga W ay o f m eeting ths with a $460000 co-operative milk | m anufacturing plant sat up am y farm ers aroum le rfin f several sops- H alf a century ago we know that way throufh. The Roosevelt High- nto one concern. In I oyster shells were a druff on Lonff I way law was amended at the last sss- to warn up the sUn ■ m ercer owned see- Island, fo r we saw «a pile adjoining L ion o f the state Isffislatore, and in- * lay, we have about three^: loons in Toledo and I the house o f a dealer, who made a itead o f w a itin f until the United sms o f northwestern business o f eanninf oysters, consider- .states match the state’} $2000,000 mer and the rest o f the year can g o j" “ ? y money and spent it ably b iffe r than the hohse itself, and I this can be done by the Coast Cooa- ■ as early hi the apriag or lata hi the I , , I know that he would have been fle d to ties. This is how the law reads in this I pay some one to cart them away. W e particular: "T hat no state funds also recall a trip a score o f years a fo ,hall he used under the provisions at I over the fam ous shell road on the thi» act until a like sum is matched I weat side o f M obile Bay. either by the counties throuffh which I' Oyster shells, thoufh, were quite hifhw ay runs, or by a m ajor road dis- I generally "planted” at the date we trict com prisinff said counties or parts I first recall,' being scattered in the thereof, or tyr post rood, m arket road I Great 8out|| Bay, where the water or fureat road funds which m ay be I was shallow and the spawn would ad- allocated on the route o f the poposod I here to them. W e have drawn up hifhw ay,” A s soon as the money is L with oysters a bunch o f these old | available, the State Highway Com- [ shells on which young oysters w«rs I mission must run a survey and com - I making a lusty growth. [m ence work. The bill further pro- PffftluMi has b#*n abandoned, and the ! Aside from considerable dust or | vjdes that should the Coast Counties | efforts o f the Bay communities are “ sm udder,” as the Long Island people now centered on the restoration o f the call it, in the summer, and plenty o f form er Coos Bay Limited. It adds: I mud when the frost is com ing out o f the ground in the spring, Nature fu r­ nishes'pretty fa ir roads there at all seasons. About the w orst roads we ever saw were in the Central M ilita ff States m ay match all or any part o f tract in Illinois where the black loam the sum made up by said road district became a quagmire in the spring, so and the state upon such term s as the that travel was as much o f a night­ highway commission aaay determine. mare as we have ever seen it in Coos [“ This make a much stronger appeal cuunty, and the roads didn’t gvt I to the United States governm ent, fo r mooth again until June. There it every -sensible person w ill .admit that sometimes took a fou r horse team to the government shoukP help build haul the front wheels and axle o f a this highw ay; the im portance is ad­ farm wagon to town, and in a town o f mitted by army officers. W ith $£,- over 6,000 people stone boats were 1500,000 from the state, which is al- used to haul the baggage o f travellers I I ready voted, and a like amount from from the depot to an uptown hotel. the Coast Counties and the govern­ The road question is like the poor— ment, $7,600,00 would com e near do­ always with us. ing m ost o f the work, fo r there is I considerable at the Roosevelt High­ .. C A N T SELL IN EUROPE way already built in the Coast coun­ Before th e wkr American dairymen ties. were content to supply domestic needs. Than came the cutting off o f European production in face o f a steady demand for both eiviliak and army use. We were the only nation able to supply the milk required. E x­ ports looped from about 1,000,000 cases a year (1914) to more than 19,000000 cases (1919). A t the same tim e prices rose. Big milk companies expanded their plants and operated more extensively. Fanners bought i iS ia B flJ t Tlw only way that a "hired man” can ever own proparty of hii own in to pat regularly a PART of his earnings into the bank. The oaiy way that a property owner out bay more property b to bonk n part of HIS INOME. Money pileo ap fast if yoa will let irSTAY in the bank and keep oa adding to yoor balance. Try it; you will see. We invite YOUR Banking Fanners & Merchants Bank V iif-fT M V ' j “ Re-enlistments o f specially desir­ able ex-N avy men are now allowed in the follow ing ratings whether or not they will be serving under continuous DAINTY LINGERIE W ashed W ithout W ear u The Electric Washer Makes Clothes Last * Fire Times as Long Dainty lingerie and sheerest silks can be entrusted to the gentle washing action o f the Electric Washer without fear o f harm. Careful tests have proved that clothes last five times as long when washed in an Electric Washer. Thus, merely as an investment in prolonging gm life o f your wearables, the Electric Washer will soon pay for itself. ASK YOUR DEALER n ----- # E G . Opperman. M. J. H&rtson Gould & Gould Mountain States Pow er Co. Coquille • v- “You m ay be Sure" m ..................................................... ' That you an getting full value for your money when you uee dale alow of do yon need so big a < as you did with the ordi­ nary kind. A n y man who ha* used the Real Tobaeoo Chew will tefl you that is oas giving /t o * pian, as it rushed across the prairie > country west o f Harlowtown, Mon­ tana. The baby’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Dennis ’H illy o f Taylor, W ash, i The fam ily had been visiting in New York. A nurse and physician, who happened to be passengers sa the train, attended the mother, and as a christening g ift a purse o f $62 was made up 69 passengers and the traia crew. The baby was named after Harlowtown, Montana, near which point the birth took pUoe.— Butte, Montana press dispatch. As a m stpfas W -B CUT iff a long ftao-gut tohnooo BIGHT CUT is a short-oat tobapoo JOHNSON M ill W o o d Hall & Ireland >3.0 0 ‘per load Leave orders at the mill or with me. CMtracters k Builders P. E. DRANE * I Coquille - Oregon