'■rr Do You audience is the gallery. IV » bouse mum V point o f at­ tendane* ae that fat the com pany's ,hoae town o f North Band. The re­ ceipt« were 9906, end after paying tí»» |78 travelling expense and eupper for the troupe, $79 fo r the theatre, freight on their aceneiy aad costume«, Weal edvetrising, etc., there w ill ho left upwards o f |60 which will be •plit 50-60 between the company and the Corn Show pavilion fund. The performance was a very cred­ itable one, the number receiving the greatest Applause being that o f Er­ nest Fairali on the accordion. He was called back repeatedly and seemed to be entitled to the title by which was introduced, “ Champion accordion player o f the Pacific co a st” Another hit was the song by Evan Hodson, “ I f I could find the man that made the country dry.” Many o f the jokes by the end men were o f a local nature, the query, “ Why .did they put the achool house so far out o f tow n ?" appearing to make quite a hit with high sehool students. *. The singing all the way through was good and gave evidence o f much practice. * Deacon Johnson’s sermon entitled “ W hy Adam and Eve Turned W hite," I was a very faithful reproduction o f a I colored person’s preaching. Befpre the show the crowd on the I street was enlivened by watching the I antics o f the special D. O. K . K. po- I lies and patrol wagon which filled the I wooden jail at the intersection o f I Taylor and Second streets with a m ot- [ lay array o f prominent citisens. A I fram ed-up fight between Jim Jenkins I and Frank Fish wound up the street I activities as it was finished at the I door o f the theatre, „ WM about the Mr. Rohm wear born in A pril 4 1846, and was 75 years, II oaths aad 4 days od age at the time o f Me death. He em igrated to thla un try in 1671, com ing directly to Coos county, w h en he settled on a farm near M yrtle Point. Later he sold U s farm Khd engaged in the mer­ canta« business at that place. When retired fr$m buianees be moved to Riverton, .whose he has He w n united |p nmrirage on «tom ber 17th, 18Q0. to Mary F . Faugh, who survive# I ta - Ha al has a nephew, Harry Rohm, liv- ing at North Bend, and several neph­ ews apd nieces living in Germany. Mr. Bahm was w ell known irf Coos unty, and «Specially among the old pioneers who held Urn in high an honest, upright .citizen. ‘ He leaves many friends and neighbors who >ura hie passing. Waa a member o f Coquille Lodge o f the Independent ar­ dor o f Odd Fellows having, joined that order In He infancy. U ve* the M ost Bee the T rag­ o f Death hi Her the Dance o f the I AND Bud Jameson, UBfaui Byron and Charte Dorriy fa “AN OIL CAN ROMECT A 2 real Century Com*dy WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16th Frank Maya in TIGER TRUE” With Fritte Braaette Maytag the te d Story by Max Brand. Telle how a young scion nm to tangled junglas r a t e r than polished danos I "BOU N CER" in * soup kitchen that is the hangout crooks a n d . down-and-outs. Hew “ T iger True” ripened up on the Baboon, a m ysterious creak od sopeeman strength who terrified the dietrict. You w ill eoe A l Kaufman w ho waa at one tim e o m o f t e m ost prom ising heavyweights in the rin g in fist-fight with Tiger True t e c h occu n in o m o f the scenes. I f action is what yen like yon wffl see plenty o f it in this picture. ; T 4 AND ; : Mate Waknmp la TH E DRAGON’S NET* The Mb > »'date - , A ss see sr J. P. Beyen [that he wffl personally petty in the towns o f Pawurs, Coquille aad probably aB o f M yrtle Point, in addition to supervising the balance. He has named t e follow ing deputies | fo r the rest e f the county: L Lando, fo r city o f Marshfield. C. H. W orrell fo r d ty o f North Bend, Empire and south. L. D. Smith, o fr Coos river, Catch­ ing Inlet and Bern Inlet. C. B. Zeek, fo r city o f Bendon. A . C. Pauli, fo r district between Bendon aad Curry county line. C. A. Schroeder, fo r Coquille val- [ ley from Coquille to Band on. H. C. Guerin, fo r South Fork and ¡Middle Fork o f Coquille. Arthur Brown fo r East Fork and North Fork o f Coquille. The deputy asseaaors w ill assess only personal property, the realty ba- | ing th irty - equalised in the aseesror’s lee. Parties having protest against I their assessments can notify deputies or better still, take it up direct with the assessor's office. * On t e G nat W d «C O te s ime are only U snfaadee in this sariaL THURSDAY AJ&D FRIDAY, MARCH 17t* aad 18th «ALARM CLOCK ANDY” A Typical Feature The Picture is fu ll o f real eoaoedy situations and good enough to hold its own without a star o f the Bay calibre. The Picture la one o f the whole­ some comedie« w ith many laughs, a hit o f pathos and splendid charac­ terisations. Ray pictures are always Human. A nycM w ho en joys' dean com edy and. an occasional ta g at t e heart should not miss this AND PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE» AND Snub Priburi fat “DON’T ROCK THE BOAT* A Rolia Comedy &TKRDAY AND SUNDAY* MARCH l * k mi 20th Marj^Miles Minter % ! ; in “ Judy of Rogue’s Harbor” from the famous novel by Grace KBer White A Story fu ll o f Htunan interest that w ill make you sigh and sob, laugh and cry. “ Benin's believin’ ” we used to say when children. See the often called “ W onder Child o f the Screen" in this picture and be convinced that ERT ■ \ the highest pitch. , There is treat in store fo r you. Frankie Lee, a child prodigy Six and a half years old plays the part o f Denny and be will be the center of v, j j- a THE, a r m , s u _ tf. AND “STRUCK OUT’ A Special Christie Comedy in S ite s 10:06a.m. lslIpaK Leave 1:60 p.m. Myrtle Point ; It’s like picking up m o I street to get t e Oregon Fermi |ery week fa r e year at only 15 Caning Cerda. ISO for $L5C t:S0a» m. far Ceqaille 1:16 p.m. - 6:80 p. m. 6:16 p.m. Coquille Leave Ceguffle far Myrtle Print 11:30 a.m. 6.-00p.aa. Leave Myrtle Print for CBorile 0:00 a. m. : 1:00 p. m. Coast Auto Lines ¡O A uroniviA ^ Gallon A p ricots........ was 90c____now 00c Gallon Peaches,........ was 90c____now 006 Gallon Pears----- ...w a s 90c_____now 00c Gallon Apples---------- was 70c___ now 60c Gallon Pumpkin........ was 60e____now 80c No. 21-2 Pineapple..w as 40c now 86c ... No. 21-2 Preferred ;< Stock Pineapple..w as 46c now 88c No. 21-2 Peaches----- was 46c___ now 86c No. 21-2 Peaches----- was 36c___ now 26c No. 21-2 A pricot8-..w as 30c___ now 20c Some o f this fruit is below our coet in San Francisco and with sugar advancing we believe the bottom has been reached. Have you tried Mrs. Tucker’s Shortening? x a winner. NOSLER’S CASH S T O R E r r ~ SAVE MONET BY PAYING CASH Want Ads „ A fter the business meeting an in- ’orm al program on the history o ft County Coart Gone to Balm FOR BALE—W hite Leghorn < Oregon was enjoyed by those present. hatching. *2.00 fo r 15. Wi County Judge W id e and Commis­ ardasa. Coquille, Oregon. V isitors are) welcome to the club I sioners Yookam, o f Coquille, and Hen­ meetings which ere held the second ry Kern, o f North Bend, left Monday morning fo r Salem to be present at and fourth Tuesday o f each month. the meeting o f the state highway eom - O. A. C. Gltt Chib Coming The O. A. C. Glee Club has been secured to give an entertainment here inder the auspices o f the public schools, on Tuesday, March 22. The follow ing are press comments on the showing o f this organisation: Portland Oregonian (N ov. 18, 1920):—'-The O. A. C. Glee Club has iust returned from W ashington State College where they made a real “h it" in a join t concert with the W . 8. C. 'lu b, according to reports from Pull- “ The second part od the program developed many stare. In fa ct few glee dubs carry as many clever spec­ ialists as are to be found in the 0 . A . C. ■tíub." In an Interview with 8tato High­ way Engineer Nunn the Roeeburg News-Review quote« him ss follow s: “ In regard to t e Roeeburg-Corn Bay highway he is unable to me] any definito announcements at this The commission has announced Ha intention o f graveling the sectil Cama« Valley end Remote, a 16 mile stretch which has already The commission favors the completion o f t e work on this highway but the engineer says he is unable to stato exactly the amount o f to he dene «Me year.” county. Charles Hall, who left Marsh­ field Sunday to become a citisen o f Klamath Falla, also planned to attend the meeting. Judge W ood, o f Curry county, and a number o f other prom­ inent citizens went up Tuesday to at­ tend the highway commission m eet- The Coquille party, which went ont to McKinley last Saturday, found the old plunk read over Bullaek mountain in a «lap dash condition and o m o f them arrived with an earful o f m od, another with a an eyeful and a third with a mouthful. Nona o f them were entirely disabled, 'however. Can on ua fo r Don’t W ait T oo Long to have your Suit, Dram, Chat or Gloves Cleaned, but bring them to ua now and be prepared for Easter, m, Better still. Come in and order that Easter iflit Now., See the Elegant Materials. made to your We guarantee the fit. Phone 1033 Shores Bldg. Front St ♦ É ta t Suita City Cleaners & Tailors - 'XT. f t It I We have a full line o f Brooms, prices ranging from 50c to $1.35 each. Woman’s dab N ot« Nana Interviewed Coquille If so, NOW is the time to bujr The Woman’s Club held its regular meeting Tuesday evening at the Rest Room. The elub is very much inter­ ested at this time In the “ dean-up” campaign and a committee WM ap­ pointed to visit the City Council to offer the co-operation o f the chib, aad to learn if some immediate action oounld be taken in the case o f the more conspicuous spots, especially in the down town district. It is Hie de­ sire o f the club to have this work begun early enough to allow for Wanting and beautifying M w ell, so «hat by summer our town may pre­ sent an appearance In keeping with W advancement in other llneg. An enthusiastic report was given by the committee in charge o f the bath-house p roject Mrs. Hamilton has secured an estimate fo r a float­ ing bath house o f fourteen dressing rooms which can be built fo r ap- | proximately $150. It was deelded to raise the money by subscription and as so many are intereeted in having his much needed convenience, no d if­ ficulty is anticipated in raising the necessary funds. Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Hasard were ap­ pointed a permanent committee to I make further plans and w ill be glad to receive suggestions and aid from I inyone interested. “ Striking Models” C ns Bty, topic id Myrte hit tfi States 10:16a.m. Woman's Missionary Society .T h e W omen’s Federated Missionary I Society will meet at the home o f Mrs. M. O. Hawkins next Thursday after- AND | noon at 2:90. Chine is the study taken up by the Fay Tinchtr, Eddie Barry society this year end many interest j ing thing« concerning the condition ®OCI I and needs o f this country ere being brought out. The terrible conditions Margaret Cullington existing ju st now in this famine stricken lend brings thingi forcibly in to our attention. Anyone interested in the mission program Thursday afternoon will be cordially A flnpreme Comedy PATHS NEWS Ne. 7 ' M arshfield Knock Dow* Fight A fight in the Coquille Cafe last Tuesday afternoon resulted in one man being laid out cold fo r about ten minutes and a fin# o f $10 being- as­ sessed against him and his conqueror in the Recorder’ s court. Harry Chad­ wick and Chaa. Lewis, a Canadian, had beau drinking together, and had Anally traded shoes that the form er m ight display h it ability as a buc- caroo. They then went into the.res­ taurant w h en Lewis mads derogatory remarks about Chadwick and on be ing told to cut it out, m id ho had a notion to poke him between the eyes. Being advised not to’ spoil a good no­ tion he swung and Chadwick retaliat- ad with t e blow over the left eye that knocked Mm e a t Chadwick waa then endeavoring to exchange shoes again when the police came in and arrested them. The return o f each assn’s shoes to the proper owner was not effected until after their confab with the recorder. CANNED FRU9| . is '• •