f'V —n FRIDAY, M t a t w * r r Mein and daughter, of in here this weak via- mother, lira. Ed Jones, of More thi* city. Ladies’ LEATHER Goods $1.50 Shopping Bags ¡4 ' • , - - ■ 1 ■ 1 ,/ '\t $1.75 up Ladies’ Hand Bags * U -' .- iV r; ' - $3.50 up Beauty Boxes $10.00 Boston Bags AMV%CV i r r M ! G H 7 FUHRMANS PHARMACY î REGON Pretty i ¥1 » •H I. .O » »y -af m DONT The Royal Neighbor Lodge of Myr­ tle Point Initiated five candidates at their extra meeting Saturday evening. Dainty refreshments were served at a late hour and everyone returned ip their homes. Mr*. A. A. Schriefer has been appointed assistant deputy of the Ray ail Neighbors Lodge of Coos county by Supreme Oracle Eva Childs. Mrs. Max Graham, of Norway, has ■ \ 1 " ........... been up last vJeek and this week vis­ iting Laura Schroeder and family. LL PLANTING h u been held back thi« Practically no Clark Fenaler was over at Marsh­ fall seeding waa done and now fa» February. Thi* ■»cm that field Tuesday on business. George A. Lasson, of Marshfield, in addition to the uanal spring dewand all thla alack must be taken was up here on business Tuesday. F. S. Lewis, of Eugene, was here up. Don't wail until the last hour and be caught In the jam. on business Tuesday and Wednesday /' of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brady, of Port­ land, were in this vicinity Tuesday and Wednesday. V. R. Wilson, optometrist of Co- quille, was up to Myrtle Point on bus­ iness Tuesday. i » ' . Otto Shindler, of Coquflle, spent Sunday at the Chas. Harlocker home in Myrtle Point. F. E. Wilson, of Marshfield, was in Myrtle Point on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chaney and children, of Coquille, were up at Myr­ tle Point on a visit Tuesday The D. O. K. K. Minstrels of North Bend will be hare Saturday. In the afternoon they will give a street per formance and in the evening a min­ strel show. They furnish their own costumes and stage scenery. *The re­ ceipts that the Myrtle Point Knighta of Pythias get will go towards the children’s playground fund. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder and children, of this city, were down to Mr. Schroeder’* father and mother’s, Mr. and Mrs. August Schroeder’» home at Norway to eat August Schroeder’* birthday dinner, as he was celebrating his 87th birthday. The Macy-Baird company, who have been putting on their shows here for the last ten days, went to Coquill# Thursday to play four night there They say they are very stuck on the Coquille Valley and don’t know how soon they will leave It. All their plays that were given in Myrtle Point were enjoyed very muck by the peo­ ple here and in the surrounding vi 2 PhoMt—691 cinity and they played to packed houses each and every night. Dr. J. L. Masson, of this city, was a Marshfield visitor last Friday. M. S. Allen, of Wendling, Oregon, was in Myrtle Point on business last Tuesday. Community Clnb Meets W. A. Woodward, of Portland, was The Parkersburg Community Club in Myrtle Point Wednesday and was entertained March 2nd by Mrs. Thursday of this week. , Oscar Starrett was down from Elmore Drane. Luncheon waa served when the gueets arrived. Miaa Kal- Bridge Tuesday on business B vj 8. Ruben stein, of Portland, was bua, the county demonstration agent, down in this vicinity a few days the was present, also tha following mem­ bers of the club and visitors: Mas- latter part of this week. Leon E. Rennell, of Eugene, was dames Richard Danielson, Aimer 162 Y ean ago George Washington presented Walstrom, Joseph Nulf, Thomas Dew here on business last Tuesday. Msrths Dsndridge with n wuddiag ring. Mr. and-Mrs. Vern Hasan, of the ereux, T. P. Hanly, Tom Devereux, Schroeder and Aasen Mill, of Nor­ Bonnie Cochran, Thomas Hanly, Ed­ 71 Yean ago the Kohinoor itiemimd. weighing way, were up to Myrtle Point Tues win Bogard, Joseph Flam, Jack Mc­ 186 1-16 carats, was presented to Queen Victoria. day evening and attended the show Leod, Margaret Rose, Levi Gibson, Mrs. John Culbertson, of Gravel Etta Mores, Robert Bullard, Abia Ford, was in town Tuesday evening. Barrows, Alex McLeod, And Hulttn, John Fabry and George Mullen, of Henry Schroeder, T. W. Drane, Misses this place, started suit against the Lavelle Walstrom, Harriet Danielson, Security Bank of Myrtle Point, Bank Noel Merchant, Jewal Cochran of Southwestern Oregon of .Marsh Masters Bobby Devereux, Thomas field, Louis M. Suplee, Russel C. De­ Ronald Hanly, Jack McLeod, Leonard ment and J. O. Stemmier for the pur­ Hultin. The gueets of honor pose of cancelling certain promissory Joseph Flam and Percy Hanly. Mrs. notes. Messrs. Fabry and Mullen al Joaeph Nulf will be next to entertain Watchmaking — Engraving — Jewelry Maaafhctariag lege that their signatures were se at her home at Parkersburg, Wednes­ cured through false and fraudulent day, April fith. Everyone welcome representations made by Russell C. who would like to come.—Mrs. T. W. Dement, Louis M. Suplee and J. O Drane. Stemmier. They say that representa­ tions were made that the money se­ Heard a Donkey cured en the notes, would care for all During the meeting at McKinley indebtedness against the Myrtle Point Seme Urne yee are gefag te aleeo and a * wake ap- last Saturday Mr. Farr's talk waa in­ Mill and Lumber Company. But they That eveet may happes a t the « n terrupted by a harsh noise that Inter learned that the money was used Tour boy, laetead of gafag threugi caused Mr. Wahley, of the State to reimburse the two banka for money te be a maa a# affaire may be » iS lu li Guernsey Cattle Association, who ac­ aaaldlled laber. paid out cn trade acceptances. They companied him, to inquire if there alto aay that the partiea represented And the Uttle daughter may be «ai waa a sawmill near. Mr. Farr said to them that a note secured by proper éducation and hâve te spead ht there was none but that he thougljt mortgage from the Myrtle Point Mill there must be a logging camp m and Lumber Company would be taken U 4 Mfe hmurence guettâtes the fuifflmeat af and it was a donkay engine they tiens for yeer fismily. and that they would be relieved from heard. It was a regular crescendo their individual notes, which was not Let tt etep lato yonr shees after yea e n g— t which sounded like a saw aating into done. Let it oceupy yonr ptaee and « rr y a plank with a rasping haw and then eompleted werk. Mrs. J. C. Gibson, of this city, was shift until the saw took another operated on at Dr. Clarke’s hospital bite. The joke was on Mr. Farr, how­ for acute appendicitis Saturday. She ever, when the audience informed him is getting along as well as can be ex­ that instead of a donkey engine ft pected. A. T. MORRISON, District Agent was a live donkey that was furnish­ On last Friday, March 4th, Mrs CeesdDa, O n ed the musk. O. H. Clarke had a musicale a t her home. Pupils from Powers, Arago East Fork Notes and Myrtle Point were present. Af­ ter the musicale games were played Sunday Ernest Count* found a «ar­ r.nd refreshments were served and all eas of a deer that had been killed by agreed that they had spent a profita­ a cougar, which had two kitten* with ble and enjoyable evening. There her. \ Hi* dog struck out on the were about 44 present. track tad did not get back until Mon­ Frank Tichenor, of Portland, was day. Then they got a wild cat and a here a few days this week on busl- coon. Highest cash market price for cream. Correct weights ness. •*- 1 Walter Bunch is plowing at Moun­ Mr. Starr, of Powers, was down on tain Glade ranch with hi* tractor. and testa Guaranteed bnsineaS Wednesday. Mr. Chamberlain presetted in Brewster Valley school house Sunday. Road wage* hava been cut to 68.60 It’» like picking up money in. the street to get the Oregon Farmer evA a day for men. Six dollar*, man and at. ¡cry week for a year at only 16 cents R. A. Easton. when subscribing for the Sentinel Get Your Order in for Seed A that wfll astonish 1 * ' > and Serviceable Diahes Wa are continually receiving new shipments of dishes, thus keeping our stock complete at all times. Among the latest shipments are two new patterns of EagHah Ware. I t is for open stock and will be sold by the piece or the set. Four 50-piece set patterns at . . . . __________ ...$16.00 These are extra good qualities of china for the money. 50-piece China Set . . . . . . ____________________ $50.00 * a- ♦ - • Come in and see our large assortm ent Racket Store MRS. BONNIR WALKER, Prop. ' Get Your Seed—Be Ready EARLY SEED POTATOES Red G over Seed Oats A lsyke V etch Seed Barley Seed Corn Italian Rye Grass Orchard Grass Red Top Spring W heat Bald Barley Giant Interm ediate B eet Seed Field P e a s Golden Tankard B eet Seed Danvers H alf Long Carrot Seed Y ellow Giant Carrot Seed Ox H eart Carrot Seed . leave Y o u r order The Busy Comer Great People in History Appreciate "Gifts that Last” Winchester Flashlights There are several distinctive features about flashlights which hear the name of "Winchester.” The Hghts are the result of a large amount of en­ gineering study aimed at making them as perfect ss a flashlight can be made, and at the same time more convenient and more satisfactory to handle. Winchester Flsshlite Switch is s great im­ provement over the regular flashlight switch. All threads of the Winchester flashlight cases are made of coarser pitch than Is customary. This nukes it much easier to put the parts together, ss a person must do when they change batteries and sometimes on other occasions. There are several other features that Winchester flashlight users are enjoying over the old flashlight. Come in and let us show you this new flash­ light and see for yourself the new improvements this light carries. Coquille Hardware Co. The tVINCHtSTm Store We have the latest in Wedding Rings and Diamond Rings W. H. Schroeder & Sons Bankert Life Company pays, live or I have a Complete stock of • Edison Mazda Lamps SA V E M ONEY by buying the best E. G. Opperman Electric Supplies and Wiring for Lights and Motors Front Stru t, Opposite Farmers A Merchants Bank Phone 367 ( Veuille, Oregon Cash Cream Baying Station Swift & Company CelBer* Warehouse - H. B. Warner, Agent /