The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 11, 1921, Image 1

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OOQtniX* c o o t
S ta te
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T h r o u g h C o q u ille
( t e s t e d H e r r A t e P tetely
S ta te d
I cheaper thiTi Miy other. Then there
Th# following from O a Oregonian's wara tha old road following the south
report o f the meeting o f the r t . to b ~ k af the riser « d tha p r o p e l
highway commission Wednesday w ill] north bank read.
*• *TWT
tha Ca-
Tha oonenrranea o f opinion o f both
quilla Valley, and especially to the th^ highway eonsmlasion and the
people o f this city. It indicate# a def- county eourt was that the south bank
inite decision as to the route o f the road by way o f the bridge to be built
coast highway, new w e auppoee to be I at Coquille was the route to bo token,
definitely known as tha Roosevelt I though tha coat o f right o f way fo r
highway, from Marshfield osar the the three miles aeroes the bottom land
Coquille bridge to ha boUt this sum-1 from this city to tha hiUs will have to
mer and down the eouth bank o f the be token into consideration before the
Coquille to Bandon. It also makes it I matter is absolutely settled.
I C t i rant«* the i t i t i MurinMn had
— .......
C a a u U a te o a Will I mmb favMUcatina, U m A m principal O h ja c te o f th e L e a g u e J u s t O r-
it e n t e n W o r k o a
’ '¿ A
To tha Citizens o f Coquille-
There seem .'to be .^general m i.« .-
darstanding as to the purpose o f the
Citizen’s Law Enforcement League
j„ « t organised in this city,
First: “ Citizen’s” means, not only
church members or Christian people,
but everyone who is a citizen o f this
city or county.
Second: It is not the aim o f this
league to try to close up any of the
places o f amusement as some seem to
But it is the aim of the
The Council Holds 3-Hour Ses­
sion Monday But Doesn’t
Finish Its Work
Mr. Gould on all matters pertaining
to tha Job and to have general auper-
vis'on until its completion.
Whether or not the council will *m-
oy Mr. Koon was not considered
onday night, but there la considera­
ble local sentiment in favor o f loaving
the construction o f the works to Mr.
Could who is thoroughly competent
u, handle th? job.
But they did authorise the water
The case o f the state against J. B.
committee to begin at once carrying Stephana, o f North Bond, charged
out the recommendations included with tha murder o f Ed Wilson, the
in Mr. Koon r«r«rt. This includes following Jury was selected in tha
the securing o f data over on the Circuit Court here Monday: E. W.
North Fork siie end surveys o f best f ’ahy, Bullards, farmer; E. C. Kay,
routes across there; the location anu Bandon, merchant; Willis E. Nealy,
correction o f faults in tha present Sumner, farmer; S. L Shumate, Ban­
Rink creek line; the raising o f the don, laborer; H. T. Miller, Parkers­
head on that creek about S 6 feet by burg, cheese maker; J. T. Jenkins,
running the line a thousand feet* or Parkersburg, farmer; E. D. Webb, Co­
farther up the gukh; the repair o f the quille, bunker; J. H. Jones, Bandon,
Walker creek line; and, it la presum­ retired; Charles Webb, Coquille, re­
ed, the installation of meters on every tired; L. G. Simmons, Coquille, labor­
service in tow *.' <St course, the adop­ er; Ed McKeown, Coquille, logging
tion o f the mater plan would mean a foreman; T. L. B all.Coquille, team­
readjustment o f tha water rates, hut ster.
it would mean a saving af water and
that the man who used the m ost! were mads tha same day by County
would pay fo r it.
Attorney Fisher far tha state and
The provision of these essentials! Tom f . Bennett for tha d # f« * e .
for increasing tha water supply will
The ease occupied the time af tha
probably enable Coquflls to get by an-1 Circuit court here fo r four full days.
other summeewith its preaent water
The city council, with all members
present, put in a full three hours at
the regular meeting last Monday ev-
ening, and then not having attended
to all tha pressing business adjourned
until next Monday.
A petition for the improvement of
Coulter street from the forks o f the
street at the Butler corner north for
three blocks past the east side o f th*
Academy with plank roadway and
sidewalks was read. It had been quit*
generally signed. 1
Another petition from the same
tion of town asking for the laying of
more six inch water mains a
line of four ineh from the Elwood cor­
ner north to the E. C. Church place
and from the Elwood corner east to
the N. C. Kelley corner was likewise
generally signed.
Both these peti
tions were laid over until next Mon­
day evenign, when they will be made
a special order o f business.
City Attorney Stanley submitted t
to secure a Jury and tha gi eater part
written opinion on three questions only other means tar securing an In­ of Thursday for the arguments o f tha
that had been referred to him. One creased supply during tha coming dry counsel. Ban & Fisher, district attor­
was that the city ordinance forbid­ season, it is hoped that the improve­ ney, for the prosecution, and T. T.
For the first time almost
ding dogs running at large does not ments ordered will fill the bill.
Bennett for the defense.
sett on the highway eo
conflict with the state law and could
The ease was riven to tha Jury
be enforced.
about six o’clock yesterday and it on­
shre county and it was Douglas whish
As for licensing o f “ for hire’’ motor
ly took them three-quarters at aa
achieved this distinction, A delega­
vehicles he could not give an opinion
tion from Curry, Cooe and Douglas
as to the council’s rights until he had
counties was present to eoe what the
women, fathers and mothers, if you received a copy o f the new road lews
commission intends doing on the
will only atop to think what this enacted by the last legislature.
Roseburg-Coos Bay highway. Chair­
means to you and to us all, that each
He recommended that the city en- night Mayor Hamilton brought up the
A good many witnesses were inWn-
man Booth assured the visitors that
and every one will be willing to d o‘his giueer be instructed to make a n 'a c­
{uestion o f bootlegging, gambling] dueed both by the state and tha de-
this road, with The DaBsa OsUfornia
| part in making this, our city end curate survey o f the highways on
and other violation* o f the law b y ] fenae but little was brought eut that
highway, was considered the meet im­
county, one o f the finest to call Sherwood Heights end after getting
referring to the activities o f the Law I was new or important until Btephmm
portant secondary road in the state
Again we appeal to all this data they would be in a position
Enforcement League sad telling o f took the stand In his own daifftoe
after the two trunk linos.
true end loyal citizens to do their to petition^ the county court to turn
several conferences he had had with Wednesday afternoon, and he Certain-
The commission suggested that
part in helping to clean up our city these roads over to the city, after
Sheriff Ellingaen, who claimed that I ly was the only man preemit whoa
Cool county ca-operata with the state
and county.
which their improvement might be one o f the city's oflkers was not Wilson was killed or that know all
A t the meeting held in the Metho­ begun as city streets.
doing his duty in the matter o f an -1 shout the case.
the Douglas county lino. Th* Coos down her« from Eugene has been giv- dist church Tuesday evening the re­
Acting on the last recommendation forcin g the lews. The sheriff told the
He testified that Wilson had trial to
county ceurt accepted. Then a atari- en a little extra work. Before start­ mainder o f the constitution and by­ the council ordered the survey made.
mayor that if this official was replac-1 get him to murder Mrs. Wilson; and
laws was drawr up, and the necessary
ler propesal wee made to Douglas | ing on their run down her*
The question o f “ dogs” developed ed, he would appoint a man to potfee | also to burn dawn the reaming bones
committees were appointed. —- Bex quite u discussion, some o f the coun
■ leave WaadUag oa th*
ed ita desi** to expedite the eoostruc-1 WsndUng branch at 7:00 fe. m .thatl Dalles.
ril wanting to put a $8 license fee on he wanted to find a man who would I dor that ha might collect the insure«■«
tlon of this road from Roseburg to the I brings the only dally train over te Ru-
every canine in town, while former enforce the lews if violations want|on It.
,k l
Th* League’s Constitution ,
CaRfornia line. Th# Douglas county I j « , , , where they arrive at 8:10. Than
councilmen stated that the license being winked at.
On account ed hie M a sa i U commit
comrntoefamer, in the absence o f th * * $:26 they take charge o f the
Article I. This organisation shall plan had never been satisfactory. It
The mayor then went on to aey that I these crimes Stephens eaid that WU-
county Judge, said the eounty faTheaiv- cooe Bay train sad bring it down b* known as the Citisen’s Law En­ was finally decided to leave the mat­
the pool hall men had been to tee him I son was determined to kill him, aw ho
lly in debt and couldn’t see its w s y k . r ,
their run at Myrtle Point forcement League.
ter to the ordinance committee and regarding their being allowed to ran I got a gun to dsfnd himself,
d ear to doing much.
[s t 4:00 p . m. end laying oil for the
Article II. Th* purpose o f Citi­ city attorney to prepare a new statute their pool tables, not card tables, on I Ha admitted the killing bat claimed
It was this ruspone* which goaded I n|gfat there. Th* following day they zen's Law Enforcement League shell
providing a license fee, if they deemed Sunday. Personally he was not op-1 that Wilson was about to attack kim
the commissioners into prodding 1#mT# Myrtle Point at 6:62 in thej be to assist the officers of Coquille-and
it advisable.
posed to allowing it, bat ho wanted I with a knife and that the letter earns
Douglas eounty and exposing Ha morning, on the same time our train Cooe County in th* enforcement of
S. V. Epperson’s bond, as water su­ to obey the wishes o f the majority o f | to the" door Just before the shooting
Commissioner Yoon I aMCj
ran, to take it up to Eagone, law.
perintendent, with C. T. Skeels and the people.
I and he heard him say: “ “ I will eut
wanted to know if this project hasn’t arriTinf thsra at 2.46 and getting out | Article III. The officers o f the
W. Miller as sureties, in the sum
Councilman Mansell stated that Ms I his heart out.” When Wilson came
been dragging along tong enough end * Wedling at 4:40 where they spend Citizen’s Law Enforcement League of $600, was approved.
opinion was that a majority od th* I into the room where he was end ad-
why Douglas doesn’t want to get um alternate night,
ihall be Persident, Vice-President and
The property owners o f the lota on people were in favor o f allowing the I vanced toward him in a crouching po-
some action, particularly sines such
As soon as th# Marshfield road 1» j Secretary-Treasurer.
Third street for a block on either side pool rooms to operate their pieces I sition saying, “ I will kill you now,• he
a road whan completed will benefit compWted th« Marshfield Lodge of I ................... .............. .......................
of the T bridge, gave notice that they Sunday, but that he favored granting I thought ho was getting ready, to
Roseburg more than any other one e 11 m
cominjr over here for a spec- the duty o f the president to preside would petition the council to vacate
short time license* to the owners, put -1 spring upon him end shot him.
ial initiation. Th* following Coquille at all meetings of the organisation ten feet on either side o f the street
ting them under strict regulations
It transpired that Wilson was ro­
“ No other county receive* as much men were on Wednesday elected end to perform such other duties as
for the two blocks as soon as the legal und close supervision, and requiring leased from th* California peniteati-
benefit from the Pacific highway ea members o f that lodge:
Otto G. are usually delegated to the presiding formalities had been. complied with.
them to secure those licenses from I ary, where he was doing time 04 a
county,” said Chairman Schneider, Orvtl H. Haga, R. F. Mill­ officer.
The matter of wages to be paid by th* council, as the saloons formerly counterfeiting charge, five years ago
Booth. “ On* reason fo r this is that er, J. E. Paulson, Wm. K. Hall, Jr„
Section 2. The duty o f the vice
the City was left to the marshal, wa did, *0 that if any men who conducted | yesterday, and that previous to (hat
one-third o f the highway ia within . R. W. Catton, A . O. Walker, J. J.
____________ ___„ _______________
ter superintendent and chairman o f a shady place or vyhoee reputation he had been convicted in this county
T * ¿ V i "FTi! * , Stanley, E. J. Pag# and H. R. Lukene. ties ascribed to th* president in case
the committees under whose instruc­ for conducting a clean place was not | of non-eupport o f his wife. He after­
$6,000,000 on the Pacific highway in
McDonald, of Norway, was L f hil absence.
wards became a member o f th* crew
tions work may be done, to settle, it food, he could be refused a li
Douglas eounty, and th* county h M | aUo elected.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of
Allen McLeod
outspoken of the notorious Barnacle which was
being thought that $4.60 a day was
contributed ecarcely one-fifth.
--------------------------the secretary and treasurer to make
too much for the city to pay for com­ against granting the Sunday privi­ fitted out to go to Mexico on a coun­
have built many **“
tap* T v Build G a r a g e Opposite Sentinel record# o f all meetings, and to have
lege, and Dr. Endicott did not believe terfeiting expedition, but was suhse-
bridges. Hereafter th# state must ask I
1 charge of all funds belonging to the mon labor now.
a majority o f th* people would favor I quently wrecked,
Douglas county to bear part of the
A deal was completed this morn-
I Ha certainly appears to have
expense o f the bridges. It looks to “ »* whereby the ownership of the 100
The president shall appoint an ex­
A. O. Walker wanted to find out I anything but a model citisen, but
me as though Douglas county will t*»t square aeroes the street east of
ecutive committee consisting o f nine
how the people felt and thought the I as to whether Stephens was justified
have to voto another bond issue. We the Sentinel office« passes from the
members, o f which the president shall of the eourt house preferred a hard council would hear enough on the I in killing him aa a matter o f self d#
are now preparing to order for ad- C o m « - t o t a l to A. 0 . W .lker *n<LE.
be ex-officio member, whose duties
subject before th* next regular meet -1 fens* there are varying ipinions.
vertieing every section on th* Pacific W. Gregg. This deal, which has been
shall be to investigate reported viola he was sure the county would prefer ing that they might form a pretty
highway in Douglas county which ia hanging fire for some weeks, means
Mons o f law and to originate and
accurate opinion of how th# majority |
reedy for surfacing.”
the erection o f s fireproof building
VoUs 9110,000 For P lu t
carry out plans for better law en would eliminate two sharp turns in stood. His remarks about th* gambl-
“Warm up Douglas eounty.” o b -l«“ this section. A garage cov erin g
The appropriation to isso* $110,000
ng reported to be carried on, not only I
served Mr. Yoon to the Coe# end the entire two lota will be erected
This constitution may be amended road. A fter consideration the engin­ n the pool halls but elsewhere, were In bonds was approved by the voters
Curry delegations, “ end we can get
of Bandon almost unanimously last
by a two-thirds vote o f the members eer was ordered to prepare his plans
that road under way,”
I can be removed end the materiel for
for hard surface paving for this block. concurred In by all the councilmen I Tuesday, there being only 10 .......
the new
a . l «1 .‘ ~ " y 7 regularly
u , limit, the
new structure
structure asaembled.
assembled, It
it h
------ y called
. — • ’ \ pro „
4M f„ ,t The plan to to
The sidewalk from the Methodist and It seemed to be Uie unanimous ^
which will mean an expenditure, with not been determined yet wether the vld*d- notic* c{ “ id amendment shall church corner south along Elliott ■pinion that a stop should be pat to it.
spend $26,000 to buy th* plant and
^ ^ " $ . 0 0 ^ ^
coun- building will be o f concrete or stucco, be presented at e previous meeting.
The matter will probably come up equipment o f the Bandon Power Com­
street, to First was ordered replaced
for further consideration at the next [
tT With the exception o f counties | but is it to b* built this spring and I
with a new wooden walk.
pany and to us* th* rest o f the money
Curr_ tj,, commission will the Coquille Service Station, Inc, will.
The following is the executive com
regular meeting of th* body.
to develop a hydro-electric plant at
Having cleared the decks o f all
refuae further co-operation except an 1 lease it and operate a garage therein. I mittee appointed by the League: R pressing matters the council then took
Willow Crook near Denmark in Carry
This will be th# third building | E. Baker, Thos. Dungey, Paul Ram-
Hall Stood F ini
the 60-80 beala. In considering the
county. Th* water power there would
up the water question. The written
and Coquille, erected aeroes the street from th* wy, Charles Upton, Rex Dallas, A B.
route btewewi
ten times as much electric
Pendleton, L. L. Biinch and Chas. M.
five routes were submitted by the en­ Sentinel corner within the past year,
it dealt principally with matters cov­ legislature w* learn that th* highway l » w “ «•
n«‘®d«d •" » « r i o a
gineering department. Th# oa* rec­ rhe Coquille-Marshfleld highway is
ered in our report of his verbal state­ eomntission made very attractive of-
the fact that the eity will have a
ommended by th* engineer on »cation
ment last week, it is not here re­ fera to Senator Hall for Coos eounty I ‘>¡8 electric plant It is believed will be
J. D. M ¡ait le Call«
is the south bank road, 178 miles in | aide# these three buildings
peated. His bill to $148.26 for his if he would give up eeking for further • big asset in securing Industrie for
length, estimated to cost $461,000.
J. D. Mickle, former state Dairy and trip in here was allowed and ordered action on the Roosevelt Highway. I
$26,000 Was Louwd
Food Commissioner, but now one of paid.
They proposed to pave the coeat high­
In talking with Judge Wade about I R. H. Mast says he ia receiving ap- the officials o f the Dairymen’s League,
He also submitted a bid for Me way from Bandon south to the coun­
this matter, he thought that the 1781 plications daily for loans under the I was a pleasant caller Wednesday •errices as consulting engftieer i f the ty line end the section o f the Coos
miles most refer to th* entire length federal farm loan act, now that the morning. He gave us in detail the council decides to build the pumping Bay to Roseburg road from Coquille
o f th# proposed road from Roseburg dam has been broken on the funds ap- I legislative history o f Bill 284, the plant over on the North Fork. His to Myrtle Point this summer If the
via Bandon to the California line, propriated, but bald up for a year by I Co-operative Marketing Bill at Salem bid was for three per cent o f the coet Roosevelt Highway wee not pressed;
though the $461,000 referred to is the I a suit in the Supreme court. Before |>last month, and confirmed our sus of the work, plus $26 per diem and b it Hell coald not be put off with |
estimated expense o f putting the road I loans were stopped the Coquille Ne­ Melon that if money could have de­ travelling expenses for the three or these offers. He insisted on making
on line end grad* from th* county line tional Farm Loan Association had se- feated that bill it would have been four trips the council might think it the entire coast highway a stata peo-
to Pr - t “ »
cured loans here on eleven farms, the a dead one now— thought be eaid be necessary far him to make down here. ect and won out.
a month in this county aiding the
He was « ' » * very much gratified by amounts ranging from $1000 to $5,- had no absolute knowledge o f money His duties would Include getting oat
cheese factories in improving sad
the interest mi- 1*“ **'1 in this road 000. Th* directors o f this association having been used in opposing H.
»Ians, specifications and estimates for
from Roseburg to the California line are C. E. McCurdy, president; Geo. 8 .
chocs*. His services are free.
tha plant and pipe line, securing state
which trill probably become the main Daria, Geo, W. Oilmen, D. F. Thomp-
and federal permission to build the
toorist road from lam Francisco t o 1 son and E. H. Hamden.
line, set at consulting engineer with