The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 04, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    th a t the night train service would ha
nkr~*~~» fa r a few nights o r until
tha slides won» cleared aw ay and tri­
te could ha resumed. Tha nlghi tra in
h a a .n e t boon operated tinea, and
now coate» the announcement th a t It
indffhiittfy postpoM di v
The week end senrica to Lakeside
and Gardiner wna taken off Juat ba-
cauae truffle did d o t meet operating
expense». Tha company seemed quite
unwilling to m aintain servid» aolng
with every other' concern operating
on the bay. All expect a loss a t one
tim e or another, hu t We do n o t sue-_
aver H ill Nut
$9.00 per ton
aver Hill Lump $10.00 per ton
bby Lump
$9.00 per ton
Delivered in ton lots where it
can be shoveled from wagon
trade which is being neglected to th e
extent th a t local capital baa estab­
lished a jitney line, which by operat­
ing p a rt way on a peaaeager launch,
Is now ju ry in g on an ayetugo if M
passengers daily. Doaa not th is prove
th a t tha service between tha hay and
Room Nor 9, First National Bank Building
M yrtle P o in t pupils accompanied by
Profeaeor N osier a t th e basket ball
gam e last Saturday night a t Arago.
Tha miles of the gam e w ere closely
followed. .The score was SO to 9 in fa ­
vor of A rago. A fter the gam e the
A rago boys treated th eir opponents
to e nice Punch. The proceeds, which
wore 937.99, a re to bo applied tow ards
the A rago hoys' uniform s. -
Mias L ett spent the week and in
Coquille la st weak.
M rs. J . L. Stevens and children, of
Coquille, spent th e week sod with
.M r. and M rs. Georgs Cl ink en beard.
MN. Gu# Bender and1 children, of
Broadband spent the week end a t the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Carl.
Miss Lane, our high school touch­
er, spent Saturday in Coquille.
Mrs. Gus Sc breeder and children
spent the week end a t th e home of
Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Schroeder.
Jay Clinksnbeard, accompanied by
his sister, Mias Ada, visited over Sun­
day w ith Mr. pad M rs. Goo. Clinken-
beard. Miss Ada rem ained ewer until
. Tha change- ia the railroad time
p eases our A rago m ail to be 40 ^min­
utes later.
L. E. Dole Freed Again.
Battery Service
I have the best of Moehanica In w j shop
Have your car repaired by us
Wo guarantee both labor and utkfhction
Phone 611
“This Farm Bureau thing costs too much,’* said a
Nebraska merchant to several farmers gathered in
his store. “County dues are all right but putting up
for a lot of state and national officers 1 b different. You
don’t know how they’ll spend your money.”
“Let’s see, don’t retail merchants have both state
and national organizations?” asked one farmer.
The merchant colored, but admitted they had. The
At Graham’s Garage
I When L. E. Dele, e f H ecate, who
waa arrested here two weeks ago and
taken to Portland to answ er a charge
of settin g a fo rest Are on government
land, ’ appeared before th e United
States court he was treated very lea.
iently. The court soemed to havs an
idea th a t H was only another attem pt
of the Savages up there to “g et him ”
and although h is bail was fixad a t
11,000, he was freed on his own rec­
ognisance. The persecution th a t ha
is being subjected to by the land hogs
who have been using the public lands
up th ere to w estern Lone a s th eir p ri­
vate perquisite, is som ething fierce.
He laaoC very fa r off in celling them
savages, (w ith a sm all •>, even if
soase of them begin the word w ith a
.V* :
r:-' -.-V ^
everywhere. There are
tkmal buainem men’s c
all supported fiberaBy,