Ibid by tfw Dank Book Women and Prosperity 8outh ££ £ *S ?r» >0% o f the buying, and whoa they Insist upo» Oregon-made products, they help hoop Ore­ gon's payrolls going, sad. therefore, Oregon’s prosperity growing, y . Woman not only do » grantor p u t of the spending, but from those bank accounts at the First National, we know that they do a lot o f the SAVING too. tZ r S Z J w m « . ‘Proposal blanks and full informs- ginning, the suae be! ■SUf o ^ . '- t - s r s s s & B f r s Highway Engineer, Capitol Building, partition cannot be I Salem, Oregon. terial injury to their P U « . . S e a t i o n . end form of contract may bo Inspected ot the earns between the ^Tri Plate or may bo obtained upon the *» tlieir respective rig! deposit o f $5.00 for eech sot o f r plans f hlo the C08ts end d . nVAOa *» the day and the county court • date o f the I room in the county court house at Co- I quiUe, Coos County, Oregon, as the d i f youfaU I pUce tor fa r in g objections to said in or -before I final account and the settlement o f tt, that date said estate. _ ‘V a B L jC r D*ted ^ 8rd to y of February, theC oortfor l **1’ \ I >e complaint. I John s - Coke, L. H. Hassid and ;clnct j Frank E. McKenna, Executors of the i of absolute hast Will and Testament and o f the itiff and do- the Estate of Lintner H u locker, de- gether with j ceased. - .<• ^ ^ s 96SWIWi*' I ■ 1 iw v fn g fa K r s : Circuit Court o f tho State o f Oregon, .’or Coos County, said order being lated February 16th, 1921. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALB Notice is hereby given that in pur- fittingly than to the uesw l t by the notorious anarchist, Goldman, to tha effect that a) rather ha in prisca in Amar free in Rusia. Far toa last century Goldman has ranted tha United Stetes cussing an lag «vary institution ha tha and fo r the County o f Coos, in the matter of the Estate and Guardian­ ship of Gweneth K. Waters, s minor, heir at law of Arthur C. Waters, de­ ceased, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Guardian o f the person and etaate o f said minor, willoffer for sale at private sale, and sell to the para«« making the highest cash offer therefor, after the 18th day of] March, 1981, and on the premises hereinafter described, i M l M tire interest of said mi he following described wit! The minor in and to, If o f tha Professional Cards WILLIAM H. VOSE, M. Eye, Bar, Nose aad Throe Fitting G lessee Collier Apta. Phone 861 « Coquille, Oregon ML F. 6 . BUNCH DENTIST CAN STO P that leaking cylinder in ypur car by reboring It wftlr the new regrindlng machine we have just installed and putting in larger piston rings. Another result will be the increased power from the larger cylinder. With this machine the re-boring is reduced to an exactness that will completely stop the leak and make your cylinders as good as new —better, in fact, on account o f the increased power. Bring your auto to us and we will put it in first class condition. Gardner’s Garage SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK Children's Fibre Suit Cues, $1.25 to $£25 *” Millie L. Waters, « Guardian of the Parson and Estate of Gweneth- K. Waters, a minor. 6t5 ad abevw was< United Stetes to permit her W ® First Street, Coquille, Oregon 1921. W THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ‘ STATE OF OREGON FOR * COOS COUNTY John W. Leneva and Kitty Leneve, , when he realised that the man ! hit wife, O. Leneve end Katie Leneve. i seríeos he explained tont the city. .hit w ife; Rebecca Briggs end Samuel Bollards is comprised largely of Briggs, her husband; Jeasie G. W. Leneve and Mary Leneve, his w ife; Amanda M. Way and Was. M. Way, bar husband; George W. Leneve and Frances Leneve, his wife. Plaintiffs, va. Jennie Eekland and Paul Eckland, O. C. Sanford • - Cashier Sosa Maury - Aaat Cashier Bf D. Webb - Aaat. Cashier C. R. BARROW Attorney aad Cesuwetar at Law Practica in State and Federal Courte. Hava moved my «**• to old City Hall near Busy Comer and City Wharf. Office hours S to 12 A . M. and 1 to 6 P. M. i . A . RICH M OND PHYSICIAN aad SURGEON. School Book Exchange 1 large C hiffonier, this w eek, 120.00 Alladin Lamps, W icks, Chimneys and M antles 3 hand Garden Cultivators Handles o f all kinds— axe, hammer, m attock, spade a #— d ---------from last week - a little over 6 months rent Hom e terries, Berries, Pears, Plum and Apple Butter, W . C . CH ASE VTTOKNLY AT-UW Richmond-Barker Bldg Coquille DR. a. W . L E SL IE Oat— p n th lc P h y sician Gradaste o f the American School o f Osteopathy o f hfarksville, Me. Office in Eldorado Block. March field Oregon D R . C. W . E N D IC O TT Leneve, Bertha Leave, VaUta Wilson, James Wilson, Verne Leneve, Samuel Leneve, Thelma Leneve George Len­ eve, IW City of Coquille, a municipal Oregon, Virginia Autle J. Robinsc A. Rohm VBNTUT First E V I Bank B’ld’g Phone Mair II, Ooquilis, Oregon. I. J. STA N LE Y A. J . SH E R W O O D vrmwtBY At uw Flrat'National Bank Ballding Use Long Distance It earn tla»e aad money # u - a n m 'W 't - *'|f f t 3 A few minutes of telephoning