ig A ï' • ' * y *'■ . ' " yJW' • ,* * * *• y r- ■ . r '.i- League, will ha “Wi find fa. many oil our « eld pnetfae of sell lag n part of.th* skim buttgamilk, and ,^.--W « 8 90 o--- n o w 60 c are endeavoring fee ----- --------- .....wli 90 c - . . n o w 60 c dition and turn all by-product« of < factories fatto money for the benefit ¡£ £ES 2 L?W This M & can T a q only be 0 »#« * 0 C - r - D O ^ «OC the j 55 producers. 1 Z H Z S , -« 2 l CWlon Apple*.--- r - W l O i — n o w 60 e product to one person, or a group of !■' ■* f Gallon Pumpkin w ,. was 60 c----n o w 80 c at epch factory, on a suB- I No. 2 1 -2 Pineapple..was 40 c___ n o w 36 c ciently Ion* u to enable long term term contract centcnct as to enabi«la No. 2 1 -2 Preferred -.j? them to build a itock feeding indus­ i Stock Pineapple..was 46 c___ n o w 88 c try, which will , justify « reasonable .price for the by-product, with u No, 2 1 -2 Peachfii--..WM 45 c.r_.now 86 c pnce that they are going to have No. 2 1 -2 Peaches--- was 86 c___ n o w 26 c | roduct continually to operate sad industry No. 2 1 -2 Apricots. .-waaSOc....now 20 c >W is the time to buy fifth I ™ jsp >v*‘ -- reunir 1 entertainment features, ff.tpk r I . * r-* ffcfejSP *1’ ì, yeqrs. ' A eoileaaal production of this im- I » -i ü^üB I I ' :£» vir. ‘ ’■ and most pathetic love eterice ever told. From start to finish Is which all calettala have their play, from the basest to the *o BOOMS of the French Revolution that reeked Europe jjáSf Kfr Sf j|r * DRAGON’S NET," Episode Ne. 8. * >■* 1 '.' fifóni' ^ • - , >/y . 1 ^ - BEND D. a K. K. MINSTRELS 80 People 80 - i '• * . • . . you can’ t afford to a r i a s . U you eter aMr. a » 2.00 show this is • 'iiïïji «V w ■ i ¿I “Live Wire” street work immediately preeeedinr the show. Proceeds Ma|m;* . benefit «C iba Cant Show Build in«. Door, open at 7 HW and Um »he ; our "• . .j.'-'í -t - i • ? _ *• / s /«I me ; *'* :&* ’ >V f ***** a '-it, • .'*> v * --'t .••. *»’ »*• y » f r * jSfri. jjki ' SS *L- à Thi . V .-^^UfeSBQi Mar.10, to Sunday, Mar. 13 - -?5r . ■Baird I I S o m e of this fruit is below our cost in San Frandaco an d with sugar advancing w e believe the bottom has been reached. £t$r ‘ viSriiv a -Tr * t i*. v i- «Vfirfii.';' n_ H a w you tried Mr*. Tucker's Shortening? It h sure a w inner. * ' i- ■ *•*»•" — v v" * ■ v v* * total by-product sold, usually, at unreasonably low price, and tito b of the by-product is wasted. It a m..gg».-«». npt be equitably apportiuned when do- ■ live red back to the producers, whey I ,tanks become unsanitary, duo to non- |g removal of the product, and thoae dairymen who do buy, return the whey We have * fufl One of Broom, prices ranging from in their milk caqa which in turn rttfew 50c to $1.35 each. the milk shipped to the faetoryC < - - , 1 “In letting the contracts fer this by­ -'t.. Ür¿ » ; ,e },r;T J i product, wa obtain not only higher • ¿ „...U .- l M w J . prices for our by-products, hut mg obtain s sale for the entire quantity and we get removal of the entire by­ product «very day, which tnauroa cleanliness around the factory, arid the of the ef whay land other by-products in milk cans, thus getting better cheese and butter : ; SAVE MONET BY FATING CASH t “This is a fine opportunity for any one who is interested fat feeding hoga, to establish a profitable business. If I wbey, sldm mflk or buttermilk ie fed! _. . \ia an entire diet, the results are not I No. 29 . . eful m they art where I REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF by-prodacta aye uaed aa thej „ " v THE Want Ads Ftrwni lerchuts I bi I ...... '1,11>. ', 5MrSBgF’l% FOR SALE—White Legherà ugge firn Melodrama hatching. HOOÍer U. Wm. BWh. of ■ Ilr iii **-^ r jÿllwf 1 w • • V ------ * e*a - — *«« _ ------ - m aem m *•: B a n d a n d jO rch é stra *■ »gw«wv' . ' 4 ';''i 5 r ^ * t a V . 1 , ^ i," ■ * ^ ■ e no >% «• lawg '» , <• W : *-r ' v * ■ a* ' • * . • . - , «' * *-s * ^ * v *,r*¿ * ■ ** ' • The Coquille High School basket Ü K ball team desoli Ite season hare last Friday night with another lost gams. Bandos being the victor by • OT^to 14 , 473.05 Bids for Sale o f Buttermilk, Whey and nmilk for Stock Feeding Purposes — .— ■- ........... ■ fOX SALE— S Hajfera ■s. to be fresh • aoem Mrs. Ed Je ■men,' Phene M e 7 . Coquille. Onge St* t only once was a noticeable attempt at a personal fool attempted, and that was so a Bandon player's part, whan bo tried to strike Albert Oerding with s ■ 1 his knee. Umpire John Oerding or­ k M ■ ■ "w ■ t • ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ” ■ ' * • m u r i BOCK t r far *— l‘n dered the offender out of the gaase Tims end Ravings Deposits 33 . 879,40 O. A. C. strain. |LM fm settteg. Other l i a b i l i t i e s '1 .... 13.00 but Bandon refused to go on if he was L. Myrberg, Ceouills ElaotrW Shea *ì*; pbMfX* \ MONEY to Ion» eu 1 approved dfa p r o p e r ty Easy term fic Killdiac A Lean i r-* /■ " SRS - 1 ' Coquìnl . • - • Save! frord. - * fm m rim t* “ ~ Wheyi Whey.. Whey, buttermilk. ? - > Lost H h Ti M l Wiliam Strain, of ] ifiSeld. «' ‘ SSrmflk.- ____________ ^Krisburg, 2 ueetop .......... Gaston, “ Whey. 6JBA |9 e ♦ e e e e • • a s • e a e 4 • • e « »»W AB(U| • . WhtT. Farm of ton trust which la offered may be had at any of tho above factories or will be furnished ■ I !.. No préposai y OrogmUirymm’s returned promptly 1 zi¡r« m m . ” "'"Ste right k m . Dated a» Partía« rejection of Md, and In ease of reception, to bo appHod on first pay- IOTI. iN DAIRYMEN'S COOPERATIVI LEAGUE 1 ••„•'jí fíCt# ^V'.v II/ a i -is — m . — _ _ m. — >all J m fi-— —. — —u. — - we mvite you to cui ana inspect our H MILLINERY LINE • u.v • PEARL Oil i KKkCESF.NTi! ■ Ifi»ff0 a.OT.7; „ M lfia . h e a t â light Myrtle f^olnt • Coquille Coast Auto Lines ' *' Ì \ sT| Iff ■ 1 111 • h .*ÿ*f T T _____ M a. an '; ~ ~l -- ^ -’ ■* a ISO' ; ■ g M M M é n ) osa- ■ ■ v *:•, Çnâ. THE NOVELTY STORE >