a ru sh and for a short tim e this year. S tocks will be quickly taken up and late com ers will be com pelled to waft for shipments to arrive. This delay may mean loss. If you know what you are going to want, better get it now and be ready. O ur stocks are com plete now and prices are low, quality considered. John Aasen, o f CoquiHe, was la town Tuesday and purchased several carloads o f lumber from the f orm er White Seed Oats Barley Wheat Vetch Rye Peas Red Clover Alsvke Red T od -Orchard Grass Stemmier Miq, Mrs. R. A . Annin, o f this city, who underwent s m inor' -operation Inst weak at Pemberton's hospital, was re­ moved to her horns Monday as she Was much improved. Mr. and Mffe. T . G. Sumerlin and K daughter, Lucille, were in town from Gravel fo r d Monday. The Maeey-Baird Comedian Com­ pany, who are putting on their differ­ ent pinya here this Week, w ill also be here the 7th, 8th, and 8th at next week end will he st CoquiHe the 10th, 11th,' 12th and 18th. Their plays here am being received with much applause hnd appreciation and larger crowds Bulk Garden Seeds Stock Beets and Carrots Eldorado Cocoanut Meal Saturday or Monday, per top ce for deliv- lock QQ ------------- LAST CALL for Sugar at $9.00 per sack! Have you ordered? - The A rago team is new, having just been organised this year and three o f the boys have never handled n basket ball before this season. A great o f credit is duo their couch, 01it Beckham, fo r their success. Myrtle Poland was the referee fo r Myrtle Point and it was quick and snappy. The A rago Grammar school team has not y et been defeated by another deal Myrtle Point there was a little M a­ unders tending due to the fa ct that at the end o f the first h alf the time whs %p but A rago had a free throw com­ ing from a fou l on M yrtle Point. They made the point but die score keeper did not count it. T h e re o f» the score stood 6-8 at the end o f the game and in playing o ff the tie, which Arago should not have had to play, Myrtle Point made one point m ore than A m Great People in H istory Appreciate Those plsytag at A rago were:, A ra­ go players, A lfred Cornwell, center; Bart Gasner and Bob Doyle, fo r­ wards; Arthur Punier and Verdie Smith, guards. Myrtle Point players, Donald Istksy, center; W ayne Carver and Slim my Gant, forw ards; Dannie Barkiew and Clinton Mast, guards. W e have the latest in W edding Rings and Diam ond Rings W. H. Schroeder & the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Rose came up to their plaee Thursday. Their plane are to ftx it up and live out here among the beautiful scenery o f the East Fork. W alter Laird and w ife went to Co­ quina Monday. A fter consulting a doctor they will decide as to whether she will have to go to the hospital. The Sheppard-Towner bill forrth e protection o f maternity and infancy had a hard time getting through the Senate. It is only s $2,000,000 propos­ ition fo r the mothers and babies. The letter by Mrs. Kayes in Good House­ keeping fo r March is worth reading. That '%howi what some Senators don’t think o f mothers and babies. There will be another Item next week. M orris, the bond dealer o f Portland; the bond dealers o f Spokane, one o f whom killed him self; and BrindeU o f New York, the labor lander, who 1 have a Com plete stock o f He is survived by two eons, Prank, o f MeKinley, O re.; W rt. M.. o f La Habra, Cal.; and 2 daughters, Mrs. E lls Mackey, o f Diamond, O re.; Mrs. Minnie Hayes, o f Saata Ana, C alif.; and Mrs. Alleo Plaid, o f Yaeuipa, C alif. The eldest son, Ears, passed on about fou r yu an ago la ¥ — as. Hs also leaves •fifteen grand children Myrtle Paint Births ; Dr. Pemberton think* this com ­ munity will not lack far Roosevelt highway boosters in e few yea n , as the follow ing little folks arrived here during the past tan days who give promise o f putting this section ahead: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T rigg, a b oy ; M. and Mr*. Tom Kinnicutt, n boy; Mr. and Mrs. Prank Neal, I b ey; M r. and Mrs. Thomas Hatcher, a g irl; M r. and Mrs. Momma Jacobsen, a g irL -M y r- SAVE MONEY by buying the best .en joyable, oodhl appreciated b y t M yrtle Point A ers Ids Cowpsny pays, live or die. A. T. MOSKI80S, DUtrirt A f.n t