R. E. Koon 1 W ater Ne crease What Our Immediate ^re and How to In- ^ Supply Quickly. The arrival o f R .E . Koon, eoasuk-1 woald bo satisfactory, but to view of tor onrinoor at Portland, whom the the fact that the water from the river city council requested to coma down might be brackish, and its constant hero, look ovsr all possible sources of pollution, ho declared that he could water supply and make recommends- not recommend it as a source of sup. Hons, was detoytd until Monday, but l*ly- The water supply for moat of on Tuesday he and Major ilamiiUui, the cities in the Uni{pd States is City Engineer Gould, Wafhi Superin- treated, and filtration would purify tendent Epperson and several mem- water, but it was not advisable where hers o f the council went out to* Fair- Sther sources of supply existed, view and thence down the North F a t As to the stntment that that« Warn to the two Loot creeks, up orer the dead eels and fish found to tho North mountain and down to tho fen ds*. Fork every summer, he said that while tara et Rink croak. the thought of that might not bo They were out again on Wednesday pleasant, H did not constitute a men- Special mention thou Vernon Ricketts, who the concertino, aaxopho He has fan equals an meats. Glen R. Menele] is a renowned baritone to rrsat demand as a sc Ricketts, tho manarer Pollution, while to running from tho places wrhere the eels sheunded to M m proposed intake tho water would practically purify Itself. More than «that, it la not expected to pump di­ beet from that stream until a consist, arable growth of tho city assy require AS NEAR D R O W N IN G down the valley o f the Coquflle mendation for securing other means of supply as ha should have complete data on dry weather conditions bo- fore advising. Ha strongly urged the council to wait another year, if pos stole, before Upping now sources s< ¿hat this information might be eocur As to the coat o f Ins tailing a pump­ ing plant on tho North Fork ho had got boon asked to fa k e an estimate nor could fe offhand, hut if tha $30,- 000 bonds voted at the last election were taken as a basis for figuring, fe thought the annual cost would bo ap­ proximately »6,000. Of this amount 11,800 would bo interest charges, M,- 000 depreciation with about »1,000 f a maintenance and expenses. I f m 01-1 W EATH ER R E PO R TS Another statement in regard to itorage was that the reservoirs would probably fill rapidly with sih and re- luirs frequent cleaning. Every par- icle of vegetable mattur should be re- ■noved before any water was stored isck of £ dam. Probably if the pipe line is altered, he head raised and the use of meters adopted to stop leaks, we can get' hrough another summer with put ad­ ditional sources of supply and the nec­ essary data on the North Fork can bo <«cured this summer. But in any event the impossibility of getting ©v- ■r there with material before late funs almost precludes the idea of getting any increase to supply any­ where until early fall. The council, which was not to regu­ lar session Wednesday night, will pro- ably take action to begin the im- irovements at the meeting next Mon- lay evening; end they are to be con­ gratulated to starting to the right lirecthm by securing the services ef to capable an engineer as Mr. Koon appears U be. will soon be svailsb There is a Farm to CoqaiUe, of wM "»artisl he following officers sleeted: C. E Mulkey, president; Mrs. Paul Ram 'ey, vice president; Ray Peart, aecre iAfF-