'' ■ The local poet o f tha American Le- C iw ia very » » A dated over the re aulta o f their Slippery Gulch «how, which proved a wonderful sacooee. The Legion took cltew to tw o hundred and fifty doHata aa their ahara o f the proceeds after al) expenses had been paid, which wma fa r m ore than they had dared hope for. Mr. Earl Gano, manager o f the Siipperjr Gulch outfit proved himaelf to bo a live wire advertiser and the dope he got out hdp< d greatly to at­ tract the large crowd» which attended each evening. The Legion boys wish to express their thinks to the public fo r the won­ derful support that they gave the en­ terprise. This same show at Marahfleld only netted tha Legion o f that place >72.- 00 profit and lacked the rapport that the people o f this place gave to the boys here. j ' H i, The boye are planning on putting on some local talent shows in the near future. A ll money obtained from theae shows, aa well a s' that made from Slippery Gulch will be placed in a building fund. A s soon as they are able, they will put up a building o f th eir own. A t present they are without quarters to mdbt in, that ie-quarters o f their own. D on't forget that Mg masquerade K a il n n fVta 9 9 « A * Shower for Miss Gladys Nosier % > VÇ Y ou W ont Value for For tha thaith. 1:00 p.m. Myrtle Point • Coquille v - i. Colonial Ranges One that always gives satisfaction. .We have sev­ eral on hand and a large order being filled which will be here in a few days THE STOVE STORE m m i Our business is growing every day. # There's a Reason ¿ If you are not a custom er at our store it will pay you to be. Com e in and see us. ; K NOSLER’S CASH S T O R E ¿AVE MONEY BY PAYING CASH B. Currie, Archie W alker, F . G. Bunch, Owan Knowlton, Clay Know! ton, E arl Leslie, Ray Jeub, Everett I Freed rick, Dayne Hudson, Missee Gladys Nosier, Edna Harlocker, H el­ BARRED ROCK eggs fo r haU en Sherwood, Delia Sherwood, Zelma O. A . C. strain. >1J0 por so Strang, JLeanna Curry, Vara K elley,! L. M yrborg, Coquille Electric Madge Yoakum, June W illey, Maymic I Shop. ¿ * DeLong, M yrtle DeLong, Gertrude! Butler, Adrian Hazard, M argarettc I Hersey, Jean Young, Etta McLeod, Catherine Hersey and Eflle Floten. j Miss Gladys Nosier is an O regon! University girl and a member o f I Delta Delta Delta. Se i bora and raised in Coquille end a east Friday after a six weeks’ ab- bar o f the Coquille graduation class sence, during wwen time she had o f 'IS. been at the Bethel ranch. She found that someone had robbed her home e f nearly everything o f value that could be carried away. Her fou r- Mrs. Chas. W atson gave a dinner room house was stripped o f bedding, Wednesday evening in honor o f her FOR SALE— Loganberry tips. Gail A . Laneden, Wood bum , O ra 4t2 son. Soy, who is to he married Son- silverware, dish es,. cut glass, hand day to Miss Gladys N osier, o f this EGGS FOR HATCHING— SOvar painted china, in fa ct everything city. The guests w ere R oy's m oet in­ loese down to fou r plain chairs. They timate friends and a jolly good time teo were token. Apparently the th ief was had while partaking o f tha moot or thieves were afraid to move out delicious dinner. Thoee present were: the piano and larger articles o f fu r­ Herbert Lukins, Philip Johnson, Ray niture, fo r that ia about all they le ft Miller, Irving W a te « , Otto Davis — Baadon W orld. aad Joha Stanley. Coast Auto Lines I f you are needing a rahge come in and look at our stock o f the reliable To - wu Fancy Onion Sots—the kind that grow— 10c per ft Early Seed Potatoes Have you tried that Australian Jam at 16c a can? It; is very fine and always sold for 25c. Try some. Olympic Pancake Flour was 40c pkg, now 30c pkg Mothers Premium Crushed Oats was 66c, now 46c Sugar has advanced 76c per sack but t o are sell- . ing at the old price while our stock lasts Those present w ere: Mesdames F. Nosier, J. Nosier, J. A . Lamb. E. E. Johnson, A . W ilson, L. P. Maury, 8. >4x7, Coquille, M. Nosier, A . T. M orrison, C. Moo- maw, C. L. Tuttle, E. A . Folsom , H. X . L«r«na, P. Ramsey, C. Boyrie, F . G. Leslie, Mi J. Hartaon, M. O. Haw- kina, Imogens Neal, Ed. Lorens, Ida Owens, Fay Jonas, H. Bergman, W » . FOR SALE— A No. 1 sow , seven Lyons, Stewart Norton, Mieses Bess years old, guaranteed ih fia t clase Maury, Gladys N osier, ln es Bunch, condition, and te he fresh in a few Mary Habarger, Edna Asplund, Joan days. Three-fourths Jersey. Price Fitzgerald, Mary Eathar Johnson, » 0 . Chris T en et, Coqqille, Ore. t l Marvin Jane Hawkins and Genova FOR 8 A L f— Two heavy tea Robinson. with good harness; one ta with harness; tw o wagon A Floral Wedding Bristow, Coquille, Lamps Misses Catherine Horsey, Etta McLeod, Eflle Fkrten and Mrs. E. E. Fredericks Jr., entertained jointly on Tuesday evening fo r Miss Gladys Nosier, the party b ein g ' given at Bfiao H eresy's home. It was a sur­ prise shower and a novel plan wa.< originated. The girls were invited to spend the evening at sewing. A f- the the guests had arrived questions FOR SALE— Myrtle and Maple wood, delivered anywhere In Coquille. to e “ F loral W edding” were passed. » .6 0 per rick. Call H. T. Finley. The M e answering the most was to Phone 916. 6Í2* receive a prise. A s planned, Mise Gladys w on; so James Benjamin Her- « y Jr., dressed as a cupid, wheeled FOR SALE— Quick addon and >160 buys a bnfl calf, sired |>y Golden his cupid’ s carriage to Gladys, which Glow’s Chief o f Halsey, w liote ev- held her many beautiful present. ery daughter is a producer; and out The Jersey home was decorated o f Halsey Gem’s Queen, a cow that with paper white narcissus and red combines the Mood lines o f Golden cactus and the lighting effect was Glow’s Chief and Rioter B. K. unique in that it was also a Valen­ Helms. Sea this ca lf and his dam tine scheme through the use o f many to appreciate him. Call or address shaded lamps. R. M. Bunn, A rago. 6t2 Those present were Mesdames T. 3 :1 5 » .« . Ltave Coquille fer Myrtle Point 11:30 a . « . 5 :0 0 » .« . Leere Myrtle Poiat for Coquille 0:00 a. m. 1:00 ». « . Lest Friday evening Miss Gladys N osier was given a miscellaneous shower by Mrs. E- E. Johnson and Mrs. M. O. Hawkins at the home o f the latter on Spurgeon H ill. The rooms were artistically decorated ia red hearts and feathery greens. The hostesses were assisted in serving by tMisses Edna Asplund, Joan F itzget- aid and Mrs. Aaron W ilson. 'M rs. Gertrude Lorens added to the pleas­ ure o f the evening by singing a num­ ber o f unusually pleasing songs. In an artist’s contest Mrs. Frank Lesha won first honors. The gifts Miss Gladys received were all very beautiful and expressed the high esteem o f her friends who all wish her much happiness ami Joy ia W e have a full line o f Garden aHd Field Seeds and Fertilizers A workman on a railroad bridgs, whose muno wo have not learned, mot death at Powers yesterday. He was caught in the bight o f a line, thrown a considerable distance and instantly killed. The body was taken to Marsh­ field to await the possible finding o f relatives. ’ If the Job c e lle f o r WATERPROOF C L O T H IN G A y be sure yea WMT S h & m x ' s