The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 18, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    gerty, sobs; and W . F . Bingham,
coach. The gam e played b y thorn At
Myrth Bond reeulted as a loss to
them by a seoro o f forty-th roe to
nineteen. The *o o r that they played
on eras about opp-half the else o f the
floor a t the Oaks Pavilion.
M arshfield gam e played in the A rm ­
ory was a loss to the M yrtle Point
The color, are perm»-
a t e w ap-
Thera are 1« different colors to
tints .Will enable -yon to match
shade yeu desire.
Natural A - flag* Gram Ystt
Wavy Bine Lavender
Cardinal Red OM Rase
t o n , which range e f
drees, no m eftsr what
.Sold andi
W -X * ,
■ minings
*,rk j?
Beads. Gold
o f a ll colors.
j - > ■
et ;
vi— n —
White Seed
i m
i i
^ 1 H f i l l « t i e r » received during the next
! = e = *sass two or three days at the old price,
sack, to be delivered oat of etoek to arrive next boat,
in at once. If ye« ewft bring 1» t *
- -
B ee H ives Now in Stock, Set up, Ready for use.
= = = = = . Extra Supers, Sections, Foundations,
Comb, Standard Smokers. Order now! Be ready!
' r f f r i l ft i <■«
■ **• '*V3 * * “ . J -*• * 1 1* ) i
There w ill be a la rge program and
Basket social held at the school house
Saturday February* 19th. Everybody
come and enjoy them selves.
A lso,
you m in bring you r purees fu ll.
. '
Rape Silk tor swbrstdsriag drawee in a great vaitop ef eelers.
Stratagem fpfkK
TaU Telephone
Dwarf Telephone
-u.-. ' < jL
*•* -». v
*</” .
I, >
« ' . jr *
Comb in and see
of B g| |
W . A . H arris, o f M yrtle Point, hes
sold U s farm through the Coos end
Curry Lend Co., to B. W . M iller, e f
Bandon. H r. M iller intends to make
his fu tu re home near this place.
•Wrlmvwihe i
ever*shown in Coquille.
Americas Wonder
one. It is said that thie U the closet
score made by a visitin g team played
on that floor by the high school teams
oT the county. The G irls’ team play­
ed N orth Bend high school F riday ev­
ening and w ore also defeated by a
score o f eleven to seventeen. Those
playing on the Girls* team w ere:
M arie W eekly, captain and le ft
guard; M argaret K elty, righ t guard;
M arjorie Anderson, righ t forw ard ;
Pauline D riscoll, le ft forw ard ; M abel
H all, jum ping center; M yrtle H all
running center; I tha Clinton and Ora
C arter, subs; and Mias Lu cille Car­
ter, coach. The follo w in g people w ere
ever a t the Bay from M yrtle Pain t:
M rs. C. C. Carter, Miss Helen W h it­
aker, M iss Gladys Carter, Miaa V ivien
Annin, M yrtle Clayton, R. A . Annin,
Tberon K eltner and M rs. Ora W arner.
In spite e f the fa ct that the team s
w ere defeated s t both placet th ey
came home ready to figh t a t tha next
gam e which w ill be at Coquille Feb-
ruary lflth , where both g irls and
boys w iB p U y. again. v
L . A . Fem m e, o f the Oregon E x­
port Lumber Co., at Gaylord, was to
town Tuesday on business.
Faney Red Clover seed 35c lb
35c lb
Vetch, sack lots
9c lb
iM a s ifc U r
lmoorted kafian Rye Grass 18c lb
Seed Oats, Seed Barley
10c lb
Garden Peas
C lifton Anderson, o f this city, le ft
Monday fo r Portlan d where he in­
tends to g o to the Mechanical En­
gineers college fo r the next few
months. , ^
C. O. Jennings, o f the M yrtle Point
G arage, returned from Crescent C ity
G eorge B attey made a business trip
to M arshfield Monday.
Lee Bay, o f Rem ote, was In town
Wednesday. '
M r. D etaler,'th e General M otor Car
A Truck man, o f Portland, was to
town the la tter part o f the week.
T . H . Scler, state m anager o f tha
Trib e o f Ben-Hur, is here this week
gettin g up a charter list and w ill or­
ganise a Lodge o f Ben-Hur in the
near (s ta re at M yrtle Point. ■
Charlie W illey and L ow ell Simpson,
o f Coquille, w ere in town toot Tues­
day to attend the m eeting o f the M a­
sonic Lodge.
the Charles Broderick has leased his
farm on the N orth Fork to Chester
Johnson, o f Coquille. M r. Broderick
W ill m ove his fa m ily to M yrtle Point
td liv e in the very near future.
C. Dixon, o f Shedd. Oregon, is
spending n few days in this vicin ity
. m
i J• T » m
E S E K N V IE S are designed for the Woman in
the kitchen, to be a general utility* knife fo r
cutting meats, bread and such services.
kitchen a knife gets B3vere test o f its wearing
qualities and usefulness.
H e re '» where the fine
steel that goes into ^ inchester Cutlery will tell
fo r you. The carefully designed handles and gen­
eral appearance all combine to make it your knife.
m ■
v TT*
taigflp 4k
ly visitin g friends.
0 . O. F. lodge s t a Valentine party
Monday evening in the Odd F ellow *’
hall. The hall was very beau tifu lly
decorated fo r the occasion. The ev­
ening was en joysbly «pen t p isyin g
progressive whist e f which M r. C. C.
C arter won the honor prise and
Ray Lew is the “ booby” p rim fo r the
gentlm en and M rs. Freda Robinson
the honor prise end M rs. M ary
Roupp the consolation prtoe fo r the
women. A t a late hear refreshm ents
Great People in History Appreciate
We have the latest in Wedding
. ' Rings and Diamond Rings
W . H. Schroeder & Sons
McKnnwa Fnuad Net Guilty
Arthur EUingssn, o f Coquillo, wav
ire on business a few days tost
w here Mr. Crandill has been w orking
In p loggin g camp. They report a
„m ild winter to Nebraska, it being
only fourteen dsgreee’ below sero.
Mrs. Smith, a full-blooded Klam ath
Indian, mother o f A lfre d Dake, died
at Prosper and was buried s t Tw o
MUc tost Sunday. H er exact age fa
not known. She waa a sister e f Mrs.
W engat Mecum, who died last to ll,
and has other relative*. She waa
quiet and industrious and respected
by a ll who knew here.
John Johnson, who has boon w ork­
ing fo r Charley Broderick, expects to
move to M yrtle Point a t the Ahjm -
baugh Apartm ents in the very near
The M arried People's- Club o f M yr
Us Point were entertained a t the
home o f Dr. and M rs. O. H. Clarke
tost Tuesday evening. The evening
was m ost. deligh tfu lly spent playing
gam es suited to Valentine’s Day.
Dainty refreshm ents ware served by
the host and hostess. Those present
w ere: M r. and Mrs. Guy Bunn, M r.
and Mrs. A . C. Chase and daughter,
M argaret, M r. and Mrs. I t A . Annin,
M r. and Mrs. C. C. Carter, M r. and
Mrs. F. L. Lundy, Mr. and R n . Percy
Peel, Mr. and Mrs. A . A . Schriefer,
Mrs. Iv y Pem berton, M rs. Ida H ar­
ris, Mr. T . H. Stder, Rev. J. D. W ood-
fin, Mr. and Mrs. A . G. Thompson,
Mr. and M rs. E. C. Barker, Mtoe Jes­
sie B ell, and Dr. H. D. Clarke, and
Dr. and M r*. O. H. C larke and child­
ren, OHver, Genevieve and Robert.
Miss A lic e Banbury, teacher o f thd
Ed McKeown, o f Coquille, who w ss
arrested a couple o f weeks ago on
the Coquille stage b y ’ .Constable
Goodman on the charge o f intoxaca-
tion was found not g u ilty by s ju ry to
Justice Jochak’s court W ednesday a f­
The ju ry was out but a
short tim e. Ben S.
the case and John D. Goan
The witnesses for the
tion w ere Constable P . W . Goodman,
Marshal Carter, W m . Bridgham , G or­
don Smith and Carl W alker.
w itnesses fo r the defense w ere A.
H. Powers, August Friseen, Sumner
Bryant, Arthur Chapman, W. U.
Douglas, D r. Geo. E. Dbt, John Daah-
ney and Ed M cKeown him self. M oat
o f them w ere character witnesses and
gave Mr. M cKeown U gh pram s fo r
his character during the
they had known
'* * * •
A . T. M O R R IS O N . D istrict A gen t
Alien Enemy Property Sold
The first pieoe e f alien enemy
property in Com eoanty to be aeld
by the federal custodian, Francis F.
Garvaa, o f W ashington, D. C., was
transferred in Bandon when through
e f Chris l i a n n u m the
Geo. W elter .
located jo s t south' e f the city
to H enry N
M ill Wood
SJ .00 p e r loud
Lenve orders at the mill or
with me.
■ ef