The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 18, 1921, Image 1

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    A »tody of the map of the «tate
highway system in the report e f the
Highway Gmtmbsion for lM #20j«u t
issued, shew^that tha building of pav­
ed highway* I » this stato tots hardly
more than begun, though gravel sur­
faced roads in addition to the paved ed good team work and until Coquilla
one* furnish a complete read from ■started to play the same kind of a
Portland to the California line and I iame they were playing the score
aae from Astoria to beyond Pendi« [ wa* dose. Coquilla won the first
km menta the state the other way. I half by a twelve to ten score, the
final tolly being 81 points for the Le­
gion to 15 for the mutes. Georgs
links exeapt on the Columbia High- Oerding started the scoring in the
I way from the DaUes to Astoria aad I first two minutes by throwing a beau-
Idown tha coast as far as Sessida. AH tifui basket, after a fine exhibition of
j that can be said of the Pacific high- team work. Harry Oerding followed
| way is that fair progress is bsiag I with another. The mutes came back
| made. A t tha «oath end there is a strong and by their good passing sad
solid stretch from the stoto lint the sbUity of their huskiest player
I through Ashland aad Medford to I to overrun anything in his path they
| Grants Pass; while from Portland to soon had three baskets to their ered- j
I Salem there only remains the lew lit. George and Harry alternated is j
miles between Auroru and Capby yet to putting the bell into the basket for
pave. Apparently not a quarter p i the rest of the half while the mutes
dm distance between Salem aad were not at all slew in getting their
Grants Phs* has been finished, tksogh I two more.
the entire road to gravelled.
While the intermission w u on, Co-1
I Only *c*ttored pieee* * f paving juille evidently decided that they I
have been finished between Salem and 1 jither had to adept the same tactic*
Albany aad th* stretch between Bn-1 the mutes had been using In tha first I
gaaa and Junction City, over which we half, or aha quit, so they followed
rede last mootk, prepraUy fpmiahss toeir opponents’ lead sad played for
he longest piece o f straight-away ui they were worth. A part of the
paving id Hm state. Through Oak-1 fin»« it looked more like a football
land aad SutharHn aad oxtaadhtg bo-1 «crimmage than a basket bell asms. I
ifead those places Is aaotoor tang j Very few fouls wore called on eith-
pioce ad paring; but Coo* county J 9r team. But as most of thoco who 1
r|*b a yawed road from Marshfield to I were on toe lewar floor and saw th* J
CbquUa la not so far behiad in total iirty games some of the visitors I
*•*’ toe road from As-1 were playing describe it, “Tbe mutes I
. j -oris to Seaside and a couple of short started something they couldn’t fin-
e l aetton* in Tillamook county our own ¡ah.” They were out-weighed when
p j .wad is the only completed portion o f p o q u ila was compelled to play that
1.1 Ae Roosevelt highway.
- 1 kind of a game!
O f coarse» encouraging progress is J One of the stunts pulled off by the
• [to ia g made in road work in Oregon,I isitors occurred in tbe last half
; frjy k s n o w as If it usight toke l when the biggest and best player of
. p H » 10 to 15 years mors to get dbj th« visitors got Harry Oerding wito
■ | T*sd a read system as California, for I « strangle hold and was slowly shot - 1
1.1 astonce, has now. And we could fing off his wind. Harry gave him
f ] tardly venture a goeaa as to how I hia elbow in the neck which caused
.1 nany millions must be *p«nt to com- he mute to release his hold with a
I >leto our trunk Hn* roads. But hav- <runt.
.1 ng begun, there is n« slightest dan-
That it was not in Coquill# alone five members and 1M rounds o f am­
1 1 r*r that toe people' of Oregon will
hat they started rough stuff, is the munition twice a year to ha uagd to
; «reary in well doing so far as road report from every town where they regular ride mesto under the rubs of
1 1 »uilding Is concerned.
The object ,toyed. A t Bandon they were com-1 the association and under tha super­
vision of the executive or range offi-
j lessons we already hav* an . over «lU d to cut it out by th* referee.
( I * «stern Oregon in hard surfaced ^ . referee, Walter Oerding had a I
, oadsaregoin gtobe a constant stim-
job. ¿ e allowed foul afterYoul ■ When e member has qualified as a
^ur^ wr 'vork' And * on* I jy the viaitors to go unpenalised in I marksman ho b entitled to punchase
, I (rtth the paved roads so far construct-1 ^ flr« t half and consequently they I a Sprinfleld rifle aad ammunition at
,1 sd has gone a vastly greater mile- w
Tito manager of the army prices amb to buy any kind
, tge of grave led rad.i. affording im- muto team was requested td -«fe re e jf arm and Sto munition at a substan­
tial discount.
»roved travailing facilities to tons of h, gwne but he reflMed. H eallo ^
I .hoossnds o f our people.
I be loe|kj men that they had one play-
tt w « only sight years ago t o » ,, whom they
not hold down, juitablo range on which to hold their
I /eMr
* * r*c
.hat be started trouble everywhere.
| "ween Salem and Portland waa an al-
.__ !
(n ost imoassable eaa of mod in the
Much trafaTOrabW comment from
r in t o r \ S X p ly rutted In su m m er*0" 1" * •
“ d « * * *
rith duet sometimes a foot in depth. f« * * “
U n d in this we ate not speaking lif* “ fortunate., waa heard during
. I .
alM] on the street next day:
| Crom hearsay, because we used to | ~
trudge over it on foot between Aurora « • * * * * * * *
I u d Gervaia, being a good deal more rou*®
they “ »uW expect the r i
rf e .printer then tom. new.
-PPojwmU to play toe ^
way. end
________________ _
»re deserving of no sympathy if their
T w o Gam es S c h e A M
opponent« can play rougher than l
they do.
CoquiDe geto a lot of basket ball
Th« Legion gave the viaitors $00
I -his week, besides the game last Mon- for tb« ir «hare. The receipts of the
(Jay there being an intar-scholastic I
were $81.36, expenses $10J6
I championship gam# both tonight at ind tby had some telephone bills to
he high school gym and another to- w
9f th« remaining $S. Besides I
norrow night.
Marshfield will be I ^
took th* motes to the show I
the opponent e f the lecel teem to- 3un<i,y night. In their tour of the <
night end Myrtle Point tomorrow ev- ,ounty th« Portland team received ’
ening. The high school jrirb from up ;I0 « t North Bend. $80 at Marshfield, >
river will meet the local high school
mt Bandon, $62 at Myrtle Point, I
girl»’ teem in e preliminary tomor-
|M at Coquilla.
NEW R lfllE
Not content with this amount they I [
lik whOe
S X tomorrow
tomorrow „venm*
n,Xt m0Tnin*
**"* c
evening the I le!ft * * Baxter
their board
bill, P
hour for ftarting ta 7:50. Admission
take cere of it. 1
u SB cento each *VW>»|C °*
®8Bt* when the landlord found that they *
,for tha
g*m a. T k t ^ 7 * ^ j U *d misled him he had to e sheriff’s ^
been working h «H lately and should I ^
to Ku|r« ^ to cM tct the M
give both thoir opponents a stiff amoant dne or hold them for officials h
I from here. The outside tens did the I *
A t Bandon ^
mma thing at Bandon. leaving toolr >
Wll unpaid.
first half by a W 4 score aad winning
the lest half, 10 to A Harry Oerding,
■» - » » M A ,
......... .
who was down then wito the team,
tion of 1100 and b
O, toe« dead »m l king.
We to thy mamary bring
Tribute at pralae;
Becados that too« has hr
With boauty deeply freo:
Great grandeur out of tlu
To live always.
Thy harp wee strong te 1
That render all ear days
Mas* light and bright;
Thy fancies span to song
Deep, tonder, true and str