The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 11, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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of the
n o t ic e t o c b u h t o m
U m is hereby girmi th at the
takaa by the Portland Oregonian in
iU fight against the Roosevelt High-
« / • Tha building of tins eoaat high*
way ia vital to this Southwestern Ora-
ton »action as well as a benefit to the
ontira Stato.
th at the coast section of
♦he S tats has not bean given the eoa-
»Motorio« to which it is justly entitl­
ed. California furnishes us a market
» ;
I s s S sk !.
|j §
* •. * p g p
aato to a dead stag a t the poiat of
prosperity, will TOUS account at
rational ha adequate for the oppor-
the law office# of J. J. Stradey, in
F irst National Bank Building in Co-
quille, Coos County, Oregon, within
sta months front the date of this no­
. *s
Dated and first published January
28, m i .
Roxy Ana Haskin,
mere than meet us half way, being
Executrix of the Last Will and Tee-
store considerate of the needs of this
»eetion of the State than id Portland,
whlah is now getting approximately
20 f ir cent of cor trade. We protest
that the attitude of’ the Oregonian is
ia hereby given th at the an- j
unfair k* view of the fact that we are
has been duly appointed I
urged to support end demand Oregon
Stade product! aad in return have by the County Court of Coos County, I
reaeon to expect the support of Port­ Oregon, as the adm inistrator of the
land and the entire state in this and estate of Edward Laswell, deceased,
tvery project for the legitim ate de­ and all persons having claims against
velopment of Southwestern Oregon, j said estate are hereby notified that
81gnud: Commercial Organisations they are required to present the s o s m
e f Marshfield, North Bond, Coquille, with the proper vouchors to the un­
M yrtle Point, Powers, Bandon, -Bold io n igned a t the law offices of J. J.
Stanley in the F irst National Bank
Ranch, Port Orford, Reedsport.
Mr. Reid Is asking the different Building, in Coquille, Coos County,
merchants to telegraph their wWw- Oregon, within six months from the
saWrs aad jobbers asking them where data of this notice.
Dated and first published this f is t
they stand on the m atter of the high­
way. He suggested th at thg following day of January, 1M1.
Ralph Laaswall,
telegram be sent:
"We strongly resent the attitude ef
; jsg p
formerly known as “Our House,” and
Notice is hereby given th at the un­
dersigned has filed her final report
ia the m atter of the E state of EtarigU
Haskins, deceased, and the County
Judge of Coot County, Oregon, huh
appointed Monday, the 14th day of
February, 1921, at 10 o’clock a. m.
of said day at the Court House a t Co­
quille City, Coos County, Oregon, as
the rims and place for the hearing of
objections to said final report and
the settlem ent of said estate.
Dated this 14th day of January,1
.’i ts
of coquolb
CAN STOP that leaking cylinder in
Bring your auto to us And we wfll put it in
Professkml Carls
DK . F . G . B U N C H
Farmers A Merchants
Bank Bldg.
Tslsphsna 1341 Cagatiti. Ora.
First Street, Coquille, Oregon
D B . W . V . G LA 18Y EB
Twenty gaDsns of homo made wine
was poured out 'onto the w harf at
the m ar of Justice F. J . Chatbum'r
jffiee Monday evening and gradually
ooaed sway through the cracks to
I fru sta to the w aters of the Coquille,
Ays tils Bondon World. It was the
supply seised by the Sheriff’s office
fores at the hems of Joe Lohrenz
with ton provision th at H is to bu
mitted to tho rotors of the stats
approval or rejection at the next
! tho ceremony sad when Constable
: Goodman draw rito cork and the mel­
low liquor gurgled forth tho expres­
sions of tho onlookers furnished con­
siderable amusement.
One or two
tried to swank n tosto but the watch­
m an ,at the balm, whose experience
m running down tho illicit stuff has
mads htas s reputation, was too clover
a t m sn ip artin g the keg.
Ta ooatain 11 per cant alcohol
tounded rich to the fellow with the
longing for s kick, but one smell of
the staff was enough for most of
Full line of Universal Percolators.
Life tim e ware Percolators. Double Cookers
Teakettles, Stew and Large Kettles.
15 Sets of Dinner Table Ware front $ 1 2 to $ 2 8 .
See Quick’s First
W . C. C H A SE
Richmond-Barker Bkdi
Use Long Distance
It savun tim« and money
À few minute« of telephoab*
«ave « A— ’
the lofi
D R . C. W . BN DIC O TT
P in t H’t ’l Bank B’ld'g Phone
Main 1,1, Ooquillr, Oregon.
J. J . ST A N L E Y
Office la F irst National Bank
A . J . SH E R W O O D
F tn t National Rank Building
■: ■ f