The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 11, 1921, Image 1

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: . n
T h ia Yfittr
by Gee. Goo&naa
the re­
fe r fnr-
I be fire.
N ot r
The debates far the high
» in Com eounty are to he itog of Ed Wilson at North
W e-
now in jail I
daring Ed
follow s: 8 feet in
lfiO B e.;
held at th e!
here, three have I
ie be-1
aeith I to Jail.
or Myrtle
The verdict o f the jury which Car-
ttrnr Wilson summoned Wednesday to
ae up here investigate the case was as follow s:
teems, eon- , “ We find that the deceased was
The leetoro by Stanley Nelson D
, iff CoquiUe. homed Ed. Wilson and was a native o f cay at the Liberty Tbm trathtoov
the United States and was 87 years log Ie the fourth o f the ElUsoa-Whtte
iU , end that ha csrf* to Ms death on e aureo and ano Which every ana M m
the eighth day o f February, 1921, by hear. The epealrm to a n torai i i
gunshot wound from a gun in the dier and ana who has travailed ext
** . 1 1 »
o f J. B. Stephens." The ju ­ •ivly.
rors who signed the verdict were G.
A. Smith, H. P. Gurnee, Andy P.
Doris, E. E. Riggs, H. L. Crawford
and P. W. Wood.
1 Yesterday a charge o f murder was
amde against Wilson by County A t­
torney Bon Fisher in Justice Joehnb’s
court end at the close o f the prelim­
inary yesterday afternoon he was
told to the grand jury on that charge.
evidence at the inquest Wed­
nesday and at the preliminary yes­
school Monday,
by the terday was practically the same.
I dividual
wall they do for the ;
Mrs. Lillian Wilson, wife o f the I the lower grades !
jipdgee. £ £
murdered men, mid «he was the I up the room firms
The .---------_
sta'e _ director
A~, - , -------
_ _ _ _ o f — m -high
( school debates picks out the important daughter o f Albert Snodgrass o f Cur­
I o f the subject end these will be ry county, end was married the first
to the debaters one hour ■rimo to John Ostrander, also of Cur - 1 - . . .
( I A 1 T A r,
I before the debate opens.
One o f the Coquille debaters to said vni lived with him 10 days, when he
to have written ont five or six dii was drafted end stayed in the army
,11 o’doek. J forent arguments; hat the adaption
nine months. On his return they con­
ducted the Alpine hotel in North'
Bend, which Mrs. Wilton bed bounght
With her own money. 9 m is net d i­
vorced, but was separated from W il-
“ 1
j? -
I The witnee* told of her^ k u b u d
I frequently e fn in t to m bar. She
I «aid kt was drunk on moonshine most
( of tbs time and often threatened to
I taka be* life. Oncf, she said, be shat
I her in * room and held her prisoner.
Onkh," the
[ m o o t of the session e f the Commer­
cial Club Wednesday evening wfis da-
voted to a discussion o f ways and
■neons for financing the construction
if a Corn Pavilion this summer. O.
C. Sanford. J. E. Norton and L. J.
Cary were appointed as a committee
j to outline seme plan of procedure,
I end their report is to be made n spec­
ial order of business next Wednesday,
after which e committee will present
the plane to the city council for their
approval. It is ths desire to have a
Cora Show Association formed to han­
dle the management of the business,
night Recorder John Lawrence
which will still leave title to the en-
acted aa police Judge at the munici-
-ire property vested in the city, as, of
naUty o f Slippery Gulch and was kept
’ ourse, it must remain.
Legion'Will Play the Mutee
The American Legion bosket ball
teem will meet the deaf end dumb
team from Portland on the High
School Gym fioer here next Monday
| at 7:11 p. m. sharp. The early hour
is set so that those wishing to attend
the lyeeam number at the theatre
may have plenty o f time to gut-dhere.
The date for the lyceum wee originally
the 16th, bnt the management is send­
ing them in here a day earlier.
The following are the members of
tMr local Legion team from which the
five will be chqpen: John Stanley,
Chas. Oending, Roy Watson, Geo.
Oerding, H. H. Oerding, Jao .Oerding,
Otto Davie and Philip Johnson.
Christian Science Society, CoquHle,
announces a fine lecture on Christian
Science by Dr. Walton Hnbbanh C. S.
B , Lot Angeles, Ok, member of the
board o f lectureship o f the Mother
Church, the P in t Church of Christ.
isr. end had the boh; dug ready to
)ury her in. She said be frequently
displayed a pistol in making bis
Mrs. Wilson said she lived in terror
of her bnnband and onee moved to
MarsU|eld to live alone with her eon,
Wilber Ostrander, whom she raised I
and who is now 'working in Oakland,
bnt Wilson often came end threaten-
id her.
. . . ,/
The witness knew of no trouble be­
tween Wilson and Stephens, except
that Wilson had threatened to kill
anyone seen with his wife. She at­
tended a show with Stephens a few
lights ago. On the day of the shoot­
ing, Wilson came to the hotel. Steph­
ens was there and she tried to keep I
hem separated. She did not actually I
sea the killing. As she ran dawn- ]
stairs she heard the fetal shot.
Deputy Sheriff E. E. Bryant was
another withneas.
He reached the I
Alpine rooms about fifteen minutes
after the tragedy, said he saw Steph­
ens, whom he knew, standing In the
Deve Musson, teamster, Marshfield.
C. H Winsor, bookkeeper, North
John Nielson, hardware, Bondon.
1 . D. Webb, banker, CoquiUe.
P. W. Wood, rhal estate, North
Meantime Commis «tonar
going to ths hospital to be
on far appendicitis, end will 1
to be about for tome time.
There has been mm# qw
to where Commissioner Teel
idonee weald ha now that he
his ranch end the pardmeers
in his possession since the «hooting.
Bryant elm gave testimony o f
Stephens’ explanation o f the ehodt-
Ing. According to Bryant, Stephen«
said 4 m heard Wilson earning and
-hooting outside the door, end heard
Urn my, «W hat* is th e ------ T 111 cut
his damned heed off I” Wilson then
kicked the door open, end came to-
vard him crouching, with Ms gun
pointed at Stephens, repeating the
threat, **111 cut your —------head off I"
As Wilson rushed toward him, Btoph-
ent averred, he shot him.
Stephens himself refused to ga on
the stand in Ms own defense, thought
The earn iff Reed sa administrator
! of the estate o f Prance« S. Ferry vs.
Sunday afternoon, February IS, 1921,
Fred Hollister come up for hearing in
at 8:15 o’clock at the Liberty Theatre.
the Circuit Court here Tuesday end
The pablie is moat cordially invited.
Judge Coke gave judgment for the
plaintiff. Though, the order has not
yet been drawn we understand that
tMs settles the long pending litiga­
tion over the estate of Fred Hollis­ Mm. Bennett Swan
ter's mother, involving about $4,000, his attorney.
inversely to Ms cMMR,
Wilson was elreei
ment in the circuit
It has begun to look end féal this burning a note for
week as if the garden planting am­
: K
MftSoACnUMiUi on
gotten under control after the water
was tamed on but not before M m
building was m ort than half dot
he and Me family moved,
Ray Ollivant, grocer, Marshfield.
Chea. Webb, retired, Coquille.
W elter Norris, former, Peirview.
A. » . Mercer, merchant, Coosto