The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 04, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    These and «11 other Jonteel
Toilet Preparations are de­
lightfully perfumed with the
famous 0 •dor Jonteel.
Face Powder Jonteel
Yes, St. Valentine Day is coining, Monday,
February 14, and aa usuai we have prepared for it
by securing a large stock of the prettiest and most
appropriate novelties to be had. They range from
Come early, while the stock is complete, to make
your selections.
----------■ • ■ r a s p ,
. a
Acetylene Welding
Machine Work »
Battery. Service
Anto Repairing
I have the beat o f Mechanics in my shop
Have your car repaired by uc
We guarantee both labor and satisfaction
C abin Young and wife, of Coquill«,
•pent the week end at Myrtle Point
with her slater, Mr«. L. S. Martin and
Saturday, January 29th, the Grand
Chief of Oregon, Mrs. Belyen, assist­
ed by the Grand District Deputy of
Cooe county, Mrs. ’W alter Condrum,
and Grand Senior, Mrs. Pope, of
Bandon, were here for the purpose ef
instituting a Pythian Sisters lodge. A
preliminary meeting in afternoon was
heM in which they elected the officers,
who were: P. C., Laura Schroeder; M.
E. C., PeaH Hendrix; E. S. Molly
Schriefer; E. J., Louise Thompson;
Manager, Vivien Anderson; M. R. and
C., Mrs. E. C. Barker; M. A F„ Ife*.
J. D. Wood fin; Proc., Marie Bmta;
Guard, Helen Billings; trustees: Mrs.
Ora Laird, Mrs. C. S. Murphy, Miss
Irene Weekly. The degree eta* and
officers of MuUhfleld put on the work.
Installation of officers and initiation
of members were held in the even­
ing, sbout 39 being initiated. They
named tile Temple Damonles.
meeting nights will be the second and
fourth Fridays of each month. They
will not have initiatfon naxt meeting
aa the books have not yet arrived.
Clark Fensler, Claud Giles, George
Bryant, all of Myrtle Point, and
Charley Schroeder, of Norway, went
over to Marshfield to' attend the Elks,
meeting held there Wednesday. - ;’";-
E. P. Mast, of Lee, was in town
Wednesday on business.
Will Harmon, of Lea, who has been
ill with rheumatism for the past
month, is able to be around again.
J. J. Hughes, ef Cooe Bay, waa ov­
er cm business Tuesday.
H. Winter, of Yakima, Wash., was
down here u few days this week on
business. „
George Spencer, of Portland, waa a
visitor in this locality Tuesday and
J. J. Bateman, garage man of
Marshfield, was over here on business
Charlss O. Jennings, of Myrtle
Point Garage, went to Brookings
Wednesday on business.
4 /
N. A. Walker, of Portland, was
bore on business Wednesday.
Chas. Brown, of Powers, was down
here on business Wednesday.
L- A. Perrone, of the Perrons camp
at Gaylord, was seen on our streets
John Carver, of this city, who has
boon ir^ Idaho, for the past two weeks.
returned home Monday.
George B etter, of this city, was
over et the Bay on business Saturday.
The Junior Epworth League social
was^s greet success. Rev. Mr. Woed-
fin’s class of Junior Epworthians met
a t his home last Saturday night,
about thirty of them being present. A
greet time was enjoyed in games end
refreshments. The Junior League is
a little church school which meets on
Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. for wor­
ship sad Bible and character study,
without denominational inculcation.
rwhoart Carrot Seed
ovc 1 U
Danvers H alf L o n g carrot
* .
Yellow Giant carrot
wc b
Vetch, sack lots 9c; less quantity 94c lb
Red Clover seed -
- 3
Grey Oat«, W hite O ats, Barley
Solid Pack Pie Apricots, gal. can, 50c
Yellow Cling Pie Peaches ”
” 50c
Polar White Soap, full «zed bar.................. - ......... 17 for fl.OO
Fancy $udded Walnuts, 1920 crop ............. ..........: ...._ 3 6 c lb
Best No. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts, 1920 c r o p . . . ' - --------- 32c ft
We have a few 2 5 ftta x es Italian Split Prunes at* box. .$1.75
Great Peopie in History Appreciate
Iowa: Mr*. G. E. Low, president;
Grace Nortea, vies president;
Oerding, secretary, and Mrs. El
Shelley, treasurer. There will 1
meeting Monday a t S » an to the
Hall. Both times who have 4
up and those who have act, a n
4 MC carata, waa pressate* te Qaaaa Victoria.'
We have the latest in Wedding
Rings and Diamond Rings
W. H. Schroeder & Sons
It b Not a Path of R om *
Phone 611
A t Graham’s Garage
There is no better steel used in
cutlery than you will find in
W inchester Knives
Th« * ÍN C H E S n tt Store
equipment. Value of personal pro­
perty about $4009.00. Mrs. E. Mar­
shall, Langlois, Oregon.
Constable P. W. Goodman says
that ell Is net clear sailing far tbs
prohibition officer, although he al­
ways has the advantage of the sus­
pected persons. He was recalling Ms
experience a t ths John Coy ranch
below Bandon, whose he and Sheriff
EMngsen last week found the evi­
dence of a still and some moonshine
la quart fruit Jars. When the officers
entered the hams they found a form­
idable woman resenting' their en­
trance, and while proceeding with the
search they were hampered material­
ly . Mr. Goodman finally discovered
some two-quart Jars beneath some
doth, but on taking one of the Jars,
the defender of the home grabbed it
away from him.
He then took the other one, bu%
before he could get away with it, the
other Jar waa thrown at him, strik­
ing the one he held and breaking
off the top. His thumb was slightly
cut in ths fray, but he had sufficient
of the contents left to serve tile pur­
pose. But hie antagonist was not so
easily circumvented and chased Mm
(.boot the bouse and into the yard,
in quest of spilling the remainder
f the moonshine. Mr. Goodman fi­
nally waa rescued by the sheriff and
the officers proceeded to Bandon with
their evidence.—News.
< Mette.
Coquille, Jan. I, 1920.
On and after this data I will be
responsible for no Mile, except on a
written order signed by myself. ^
E. A. Stonecrnher.
A. T. MORRISON D ktrict A**nt