w Wm ri.: » lE ir KajftRr - ’ J f Jo«Tre te r H ia B rillian t • Rgr i| t est ara Hera. Marna» pErliaM Dencey. tha brilliant sjxrwT« J distal/ following tho analstlee be gained almost International fame aa • spaaker. winning praise from high I cold this week, allied aCcers and also personal com­ i this after- mendation from mold Marshal Joffta, i .the train to- Tho Now York Sun said of him: “Ho ■ ~~ One te send any money te that firm. City Cleaners and Tailors am now opes of ten far huahime tn the Storse trip Bldg., Front St., Firot class elean- lag, pressing and repairing. Satis- Suite made to faction guaranteed. a. gee OUT lfte W fine sani­ ;>les. 1none iosa. expression. About thirty Elk* from Coquilie, Myrtie Point and U » territory be- Wednesday to attend the si B. P .0. E. roll call that tar­ ing. Tha next big Elks’ affair is to >e bald in CoquOlo soma time next non th. 1 Bav. F. G, -leonine's, meter of the > are sxpect- Ingene Bptaropal church and form > an the ly stationed hare, was honored by elec- tiea as dean of the Central Convoca­ tion of the. Oregon Episcopal diae Money to Lean f glasses, announces that he WiB be doing business here Wednesday and in Baadwi every Monday; Marshfield added his name to the Sentinel lint naaday, Lockhart building; was James W. Watt instead ot tad Myrtle Point every Friday. Home B. Ward, whs owns that goat of which we apoki aAea. -99k E. R. Bryant, apodal deputy sher­ iff, who has bean aafltating Constable Goodman in the moonshine raids re­ cently la defendant in a divorce suit died by Mo wtfa at Coqulle. The tar, who- tatari out to Inattaask, is now visiting at time and it is understood that M r. land la Bat expected home far Bryant will not contest i t Their home ’a at North Band.—Times. of tassit a f * . ■ see erab," said tha «an oca use I’ ve anything to be sad' about, but just been out rm sad. fJ F if " If you asked me what K meant la be end. I wouldn’t know, tor I don’t know the difference between being and and being glad. “I «loot know «Bat words mean, and I don’t cam. Bo I .aappoee I would ho speaking the truth jnet as mfieb If I mid I was glad. “But It would sound vary confusing if I Mid one moment that I waa and and tha next that I was glad. It la better for me to M y | am sad. and be done wttb.lt - And besides 1 lack sad. I ham a. vary mournful taco—a tarn that looks so nrorafnl that It almoat mekM yoa laugh. "Usually no one laughs when a mournful face Is seen, hat there Is something rather ridiculous about mg T m a aa< crab. “ N ot • wonderful fluency of language.” Mr. Dencey enjoyed a wide experi- «M e 1« travel. Ho hu visited moot of thn South Araarlcon cotintrleo u wed •• practically all of the European governments. . Prior to tbo war ho waa a well-known joumallet In west­ ern Canada. Oancay’a lecture la a treat He haa boon a veritable eeoea Ho« M u the peat aummer on a lane eaatertJ Chautauqua circuit He «111 apeak on “The Invisible frontier.* *Ta tho Amt place I have a targe «hell covering,- and tartda, or rethor. If you should turn mo upside down, which I don’t mm particularly about, however, you wilt flud that I am fun bf legs and daws and all aorta of things which amka mo go and stay, and In fact which arnke am live. "You sea. I’ve never been to school, do 1 am not vary good about tailing you of myself. “1 would ha better If ealy I had gone to school, hat they have aa school for crabs—oooe that I have ever heerd of, el any rate; and If I should go I would doubttaM make Che whale echool weep, looking at my sad face. “And If they' all wept they weald oH begin to wade la team sad then swim in team a£d than dim la team, and then be drowned bp team “That’s a and thought of mins, taut Is yours in I -iim We are showing a full line of fresh stock-fully 'f-Wi * guaranteed and at these reasonable prices: Water Bottle $1.75 up Fountain Syringe $1.75 up Combination Bottle $2.75 up i. J . j Now C m m fat Circait Court Jan. 28— R. H. Coshun vs. G. K. Wentworth, George Finley and W. H. Bradford. Application for judgment foreclosing tax Kens. Jan. 28—R. H. Coehun vs. T. A. Stillwell. Same. Jan. 29—J. D. Graham A Sons vs. E. L. Primm, G. B. Lancaster, part­ ners, and L. H. Pearce. ' Jan 31—Coos county vs. David Boh-, arts et aL Foreclosure of Tax Lien. Jan. 28—Gus Schroeder and lira. Ante Da bong, both oi Are go. Jan. 29—Oliver Freeman Page and Deads Harrison, both of North Bend. They were married here the earns day hy Justice Stanley at hia office. True Business Precepts. T o rise In the world you mast keep on doing. See that you have enouch Irons In the Are ft> k eep you busy. Add a new one as you become skilled to do faster and b etter work. K eep them a ll hot and use the hammer with trained eye add hand. Kaep at I t L e t others tire I f they m ust There w ill alw ays be enough work to keep you busy and the buster you are the more you w ill learn to accomplish. Don’t be afraid o f new things. Every one who attem pts to rise has them. T h e w ay you attack them w ill reveal W. P. Whittington waa on Tuesday appointed administrator, of tha estati of J. C. Whittington, o f thè Myrtle Point section. He leaves $1,000 in preperty and the appraisers appoint­ you succeed Interested watchers of ed ware Wm. Warner, Wm. McNair, your efforts w ill' pass on the story o f ind A. B. Hermann. Tha heirs art your a c tivity thereby advertising yeur W. P. Whittington, o f Coquile, a worth and helping you rise to yonr rightful place In the world. Bo brother, Jane Crutchfield, o f Bandon, whatever yon do use the right means a sister, and two sisters living in Cal- and keep your Iron* list.— G r it , "Instinct" and "Reason* undersigned has purchased o f M rrison the former W ood ru ff barber shop on Front street, next The H. F. door to the m eat m arket, and solicits a continuance o f the patron a ge it has enjoyed, aa w e ll as a ren ew al o f the acquaintance o f his old frien ds, who rem em ber him as h a vin g been in the Those who talk o f “ Instinct" as talcing the place o f reason In the lowet animals have atterly fa iled to exptala this flock, or unit, “ Instinct" which governs the actions o f many different kinds o f birds. It Is hard to hellers that the name "Instinct” operates on each Individual In such a w ay as to produce the same reaction on* every Individual. O llier naturalists, per­ haps more fanciful, b elieve that the anhnals have some subtle means of communication, perhapa through the operation o f a sixth sense, and that the flock Impulse la derived from a kind o f reasoning Instead o f from that Indefinable something which hat been called “ Instinct.” I t . Is a esfe guess that anyone who watches the autumn maneuvers o f a flock’ o f black­ birds w ill And his b e lief In tho “ In­ stinct" theory te p id ly weakening. " 1 ham lots o f la 1 suppose. O f course want lots o f lags and be u lcel , •T h em always seams te be tw o ways o f looking at a question. I ’v e hem ap oa the beach, sad people ham looked at me and than .I was put back In the water. 1 w m dropped over from a b o a t "T h a t w m all r ig h t F or dropped Into the water. And the water, as you can-Imagine. A sea crab would be apt to like the water. T h e r a Is the soft-«helled crab. Ha has a little shell sod little legs, and them am many fu aay parts to him under his shell. "H e waa found m the b m «B eao day. and than a kind pe rson put him hark In the water. "H e «Sight have been eaten, but he w am ’t W ell, be looked very graceful In the «rater. Ah, no. them I g o and make another mistake. “ I meant to any that he looked grateful. Yes, ho w m grateful, cad he «warn off w ith a gratefu l expres­ sion on Ms face. “ H ow absurdly I talk. I balk a t bis grateful im m isi V. R. WILSON Watchmaker and Optician ? ■■ a .S3