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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1921)
FRIDAY, JANUARY k 19^ J. SHERW OOD, COAST AUTO UNES START I la th e M atter o f the contract w ith A ttorn ey« J. J. Stanley, 8. D. P o l 1J. C. Savacre and L . A - L iljeq via t fo r fo r t, and Judge C. R. W ade, o f th t I collection o f delinquent taxes, the fo l- city, w ith Claud G il«« and A . G I lowng order w aa m ade Jan. 4: Thmnpoon, o f M yrtle Point, wan | “ It hae heretofore been *ti pula ted among the u ilrty Coea county la w yer I by and bett/een the county court and present at the annual m eeting o f tin I L. A . L iljeq via t that said contract be County B ar Aaaociation a t the M ill! I term inated Jan. 1, 1921, and that said coma Club rooms a t M arshfield Tue* |J. C. Savage receive ten per cent o f [d a y evening. ' Judge Lawrence T hia collections up to th at date and H arris, o f the State Suprmne Court not th ereafter. * and Judges O. F . Sldpworth and Jobs s “ It appears th at there has been c o l-1 8. Coke, o f the C ircuit Court fo r thli lected a t this tim e $1098.52 o f which judicial district, w ere also present, the said J. C. Savage claim s $107 JS, O f course, talkin g w aa the long suit and said claim is hereby allow ed A o f those law yers and judges and ad it U sp ecifica lly stipulated that co *-{d resses w ere made as fello w s: [ tra ct Is a t aa end from said first day I County Judge W ade spoke o f conn- ~>t January, 1921.” jt y court entanglem ents and the legal The bond o f E. F. F ilin g s « as I phases o f the county ju dge’s daties, Sheriff fo r the fa ith fu l perform ance j Claud G iles discoursed on methods o f the duties o f that oOee given by J fo r the better protection o f bank de- the Am erican Surety com pany; and | posits. the bond o f $80,000 as tax collector Judge Coke (and the new rules he by the same com pany w ere accepted .{h a d compiled fo r practitioners before The Md o f D r. James Rfehaaewd Ms c o o * in th is ju dicial d is tric t fo r visits to the county ja il and the I He also talked earnestly fo r few er -ounty farm was accepted. * j law s and better enforcem ent o f ♦»m e The bond o f J. F. Beyers, as aaaea- I w e have, expressing the opinion that »or, given by the N ation al Surety [ i t would be better i f {b e legislatu re Company fo r $5,900, waa accepted. I met only once in five years. The bids o f A lv a L ee fo r running I Judge Skipwortb dQetod upon “ The w. to r Bullards* F erry tremendous responsibility in pasting I. ■ « crim inal cases and property suite, tier o f trucking on th e J involving the success or fa ilu re o f a the fo llo w in g order was I lifetim e. A. H. Derbyshire h it a tender spot -------- j sem e o f the bar, when in hie talk that several o f the on “ Co-operation,” he dwelt-upon the i county, costing several necessity o f probity in the lega l pro- sand dollars are beiag | fession and a m ore carefu l attention trucks, trailers, aad to the rules govern in g the practice o f to r H w ilP h e th e eu ly Let’s Get T ruk Suda First Just aa we are in sight o f th e goal -on the main highw ays o f Coos coun- yaars ahead o f ue—th ere comes from all sections an urgent demand fo r the laterals, which increase in number as w e g et fa rth er from the main with conditions even five y e a n ago vast program has been made and the m arket read appropriations w ill Help a whole lot on secondary roads, like the Coos Bay W agon read aad the one from M yrtle P oin t up the E ast Fork. But it w ill necessarily he m any y e a n before all the reads th at a n needed in this county qpe com pleted. “ I t ’ s a long w ay to T ipperary But w e a n on the w a y." An all-day session -of the Coquille aad M yrtle F ein t Cow T estin g Asso ciation w ill be held in M yrtle Point next W ednesday, Jan. 19. Lanch w ill Stole C it y 's Bicycle C h ief o f P olice C arter at M arshfield asked Deputy Sheriff Malehorn when He waa over there W ednesday i f the I city o f CoquQle owned a bicycle. M alehorn did not n e w , but Carter told him that that m orning a young ‘allow walked up to him and asked h o be arrested aa he had token a bi cycle from the city hall at CoquiUe. The bicycle in question is one that the city bought fo r M arshal M iller to use in n u k in g trips out to the outly- ng districts during the night. He had perm itted a penniless tram p to sleep a fe w nghts to the city ja il and when the fe llo w g e t ready to m ove on be cooped the bike to ride to Marsh the state: “ R A ID E D " “ M arshal Jack C arter and five dep uties from tha sheriff’ s office raided the annual m eeting o f the Coos Coun ty Bar Association. “ Judges H arris and Sldpworth Pr^M anhfleld, Ore., Jan. 12, 1921.— In the m idst o f the 12th annual ban quet o f the Coos County B ar Asso ciation , a t the MiUkroma Club rooms, M anhal Jack C arter, assisted by a /rosse from the sheriff’s office conclud ed that nothing but the presence o f moonshine could account fo r the noise and b rillia n tly ligh ted 1 M illicotoa Club rooms, dgnal a ll avenues o f The second Basket B all gam e o f the seaton w ifi be played a t th e new H igh School tom orrow (S atu rd ay) night, Jan. 15 a t 7A 0 p. m. Th e ppe- lirainary gam e w ill be between the M yrtle Poin t E ighth grade and the CoquiUe E ighth grade. The principal gam e w ill b e be tween the R iverton Independents and the CoquiUe H igh School. Adm ission I 10 and 20 cents. BANK OFFICERS ARE ELECTED