Baker City herald. (Baker City, Or.) 1990-current, August 09, 2022, Page 8, Image 8

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An explanation of incomplete proteins
Monterey Herald
Reader Ann F. writes:
“I remember learning a bit
about incomplete proteins
a long time ago, and that if
you combined, say, beans
with corn, you had a com-
plete protein, much as if
you’d eaten eggs, or meat,
or cottage cheese.
I always assumed that
you should eat them at the
same meal.
But I’m wondering, sup-
pose you had one incom-
plete for breakfast, and the
other for lunch — or for
dinner — or maybe even
the next day? I looked
online, but didn’t learn any-
thing about timing.
So I’d be interested in
your take on this, and also
on amounts — should the
servings be of equal size,
or, for an example, would a
spoonful of corn with a big
serving of beans, or vice
versa, work just fi ne?
And I wonder if some
combinations are better
than others. Is a peanut
butter sandwich (whole
wheat bread), for example,
any better or worse than
beans and corn? Or is it
just a good idea to eat a big
variety of foods?”
Great questions, Ann,
because guidance on this
issue has changed over the
years. According to the
most recent position paper
on vegetarian diets by the
Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics (, pro-
tein from a variety of plant
foods eaten during the
course of the day supplies
enough essential amino
acids to meet your protein
needs. (Amino acids are
required to “build” more
than 100,000 diff erent pro-
teins in the human body.)
Experts say the best bal-
ance of plant-based pro-
teins comes from eating
grain foods (which are lim-
ited in the essential amino
acid lysine, but have a good
amount of methioninc and
cysteine) as well as legumes
(which have enough lysine,
but are lower in methionine
and cysteine).
Thus, a diet that includes
grains such as wheat, oats,
rice and corn (corn is con-
sidered a grain as well as
a vegetable) in addition to
legumes like beans and
peas can provide all the
building blocks your body
needs to make complete
Soybeans are also
legumes, and here’s their
claim to fame: Because they
contain all the essential
amino acids we need, they
are considered a complete
plant protein.
To use your examples,
then, corn and beans in
normal portions would fi ll
each other’s protein “gaps”
whether you ate then at the
same time ... or not. Like-
wise, peanut butter (pea-
nuts are legumes) and
bread (grain) are also
And yes, the more
variety of foods one eats
on a vegetarian diet, the
better, say experts. Besides
Alexandre Dvihally/Dreamstime-TNS
Experts say the best balance of plant-based proteins comes from eating grain foods (which are limited in
the essential amino acid lysine, but have a good amount of methioninc and cysteine) as well as legumes
(which have enough lysine, but are lower in methionine and cysteine).
legumes and grain combi-
nations such as bean bur-
ritos or lentils and rice,
don’t forget that most veg-
etables also contain small
amounts of protein to
Choose these foods
throughout the day to
assure your body gets all
the ingredients it needs to
build a strong you!
Barbara Intermill is a
registered dietitian nutri-
tionist and syndicated col-
umnist. She is the author of
“Quinn-Essential Nutrition:
The Uncomplicated Science
of Eating.” Email her at
Common questions about genetic testing for cancer risk
Mayo Clinic News Network
Your genes play a role
in nearly all areas of your
health. A gene is like an
instruction manual for your
body that tells your body
how to function, develop
and stay healthy. People
have about 20,000 genes in
their bodies.
Many health condi-
tions have a genetic link.
Genetic testing can help
you and your health care
team understand if you have
an increased risk for devel-
oping certain conditions
that are present in your
If you’re at risk, you
may be able to take preven-
tive measures to decrease
your risk or undergo genetic
testing to clarify your risk.
Here are nine common
questions about genetic
Do all types of cancers
have a genetic component?
Most cancers are consid-
ered sporadic, meaning the
cancer happens randomly
or has environmental infl u-
ences, such as smoking and
lung cancer. About 25%
of cancers are considered
familial. This is when mul-
tiple members of a family
are aff ected by cancer.
These family members have
some shared genetic factors
in combination with shared
environmental factors that
lead to the development of
these cancers.
About 10% of cancers
are considered hereditary
or have a single specifi c
genetic component that can
be tested and increase a
person’s risk for developing
cancer. Genetic counseling
Continued from Page B1
For marinara
1 28-ounce can whole peeled
plum tomatoes
1 medium yellow onion,
peeled and halved
2 large cloves garlic, peeled
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Pinch of dried oregano
Salt and pepper
For lasagna
4-5 large zucchini
Salt and pepper
16-ounce container ricotta
1 1/2 cup shredded
mozzarella, divided
3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan,
divided, plus more for passing
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and genetic testing can help
determine which category
a person’s individual or
family cancer falls into.
It also can help estimate
your risk for developing
What types of genes are
examined during genetic
You may have an
increased risk for some
health conditions, including
some types of cancer,
based on your genes. A
genetic test looks for spe-
cifi c harmful gene changes,
called mutations or patho-
genic variants, that can
cause you to develop a
genetic condition.
Gene changes are like
spelling errors within your
body’s instruction manual.
Most genetic tests look
for changes in group of
genes called a panel. How-
ever, testing may look for
changes in a single gene
when there is a known
genetic mutation in your
family. The most common
genes typical thought of
related to cancer risk are
BRCA1 and BRAC2. These
genes are associated with
breast and ovarian cancer.
It’s known that changes in
other genes can increase
risk for these cancers, as
There also are gene
panels that assess risk for
other cancers, such as col-
orectal, pancreatic, prostate,
liver, uterine and endome-
trial cancers.
Am I guaranteed to get
cancer if I have a known
No. Inheriting a harmful
gene change means that you
have an increased risk for
cancer, but it does not guar-
antee that you will develop
a cancer in your lifetime.
If testing shows that you
have an increased risk for
cancer, you may need to be
screened earlier or more
For example, if you have
a change in the BRCA gene
that increases your risk for
breast cancer, your care
team will recommend that
you have mammogram
or MRI breast screenings
beginning at a younger
age or more frequently.
The genetic counselor will
explain your associated
cancer risks and screening
recommendations based on
your genetic test results.
What criteria do I need
to meet to have genetic
testing completed?
Your health care team
may recommend genetic
testing based on guidelines
established by the National
Comprehensive Cancer
Network (NCCN). These
guidelines use factors such
as your personal cancer his-
tory, family cancer history,
ancestry or the presence of
abnormal cells to determine
if you qualify for genetic
If you do not meet the
NCCN guidelines, you
can still pursue testing.
Your health insurance may
not cover any or all of the
testing costs, so more out-
of-pocket expenses to be
tested are possible.
Can genetic testing
help during cancer
If you are battling
cancer, genetic testing can
help your care team make
recommendations for treat-
ments and surgical proce-
dures. For example, some
cancers associated with
genetic mutations respond
better to certain types of
chemotherapy treatments.
Similarly, genetic testing
can help you determine
between a lumpectomy or a
mastectomy when making
surgical decisions about
breast cancer.
It also can aff ect the
management of cancer risk
over time.
The results also can
help other family mem-
bers. Potentially, your chil-
dren, siblings, nieces and
nephews could have inher-
ited the same gene muta-
tion. Knowing this informa-
tion can help them establish
early screening schedules
and make healthy decisions
about their lives.
How can I prepare
for a genetic testing
Gathering a detailed
family health history is the
most important thing to
prepare for a genetic coun-
seling appointment. Try to
gather information about
relatives, including types
of cancer diagnosed, age
of diagnosis, current age or
age at death. Also fi nd out
if any relatives have previ-
ously had genetic testing
If no previous genetic
testing has been performed,
often the best person to be
tested is the family member
with cancer.
That person is most
likely to have a genetic
change, if there is one. If an
aff ected family member is
unavailable for testing due
to death or lack of interest,
an unaff ected person can
still be tested.
Something else to think
1 large egg
Handful fresh basil, sliced very thin
Pinch red pepper fl akes,
or more to taste
1. Make marinara sauce: In a
medium saucepan or Dutch oven,
combine the tomatoes (with their
juices), onion, whole garlic cloves,
olive oil and oregano. Bring the
sauce to a simmer over medi-
um-high heat, then reduce heat
to low. Simmer sauce for about 45
minutes, stirring occasionally with
a wooden spoon, until it is thick
and fragrant. Remove onion and
then smoosh the cooked garlic
with a fork and then stir into the
sauce. Season to taste with salt
and pepper. Keep slightly chunky
or puree with an immersion
blender if you like your sauce
smooth. (Sauce can be made a
day or two ahead of time and
2. Preheat oven to 375 degrees
3. Using a mandoline or very
sharp knife, slice zucchini length-
wise into 1/8 -inch-thick strips,
sprinkle with a little salt, then place
strips in a colander or on a paper
towel-lined baking sheet to drain
for at least 15 minutes. (This will
draw out any excess water.)
4. In a small bowl, stir together
ricotta, 3/4 cup shredded mozza-
rella, 1/2 cup Parmesan, egg, basil
and pepper fl akes. Taste, then
season with salt and pepper.
5. Rinse zucchini under cold
water then spread out on paper
towels and pat dry. Depending on
the length of the strips, you may
want to cut each in half. (I used
6-inch strips of zucchini for the
6. Spread enough marinara
to cover the bottom of a 9-by-
13-inch baking dish (about 1/3
cup). Spoon about1 tablespoon
of ricotta mixture on top of a
zucchini slice, then roll up until
tightly closed. Place in baking dish.
Repeat with remaining zucchini
slices, making sure the roll-ups are
packed together closely. When
dish is full, cover roll-ups with 1
cup marinara sauce, or more if you
like a saucy lasagna.
7. Sprinkle the zucchini rolls
with remaining 3/4 cup mozzarella
and 1/4 cup Parmesan. Bake until
zucchini is tender and cheese has
melted and turned golden in spots,
about 20 minutes. Serve with
crusty bread and a green salad, and
more grated Parmesan for passing.
Serves 6-8.
about before your consulta-
tion is the purpose of your
test. Younger patients usu-
ally want to know their
personal risk so they can
do extra screening. Older
patients who are cancer sur-
vivors may wish to gather
information and share it
with downstream family
members so they are aware
of harmful genetic changes
they could have potentially
Am I only able to get
cancer if I have the BRCA
gene or one of these other
A common misconcep-
tion is that you have one of
these genes or you don’t.
Everyone has the BRCA
genes and these other genes
associated with cancer risk.
The role these genes play
in the body is to prevent
cancer from occurring.
It’s when a harmful
change occurs in one of
these genes that causes it
not to work like it should.
This leads to the increased
risk for cancer to develop.
People without these
harmful changes can still
develop cancer, but the risk
is not as high as someone
who has a hereditary
Am I more likely to
inherit something from a
parent of the same sex as
me? Or the parent that I
most resemble?
No. Every person has
two copies of every gene
— one copy inherited from
each parent. If a parent has
a harmful genetic change
in one copy of a gene, it is
random which copy they
will pass on to children.
Every child has a 50-50
chance of inheriting the
typical copy or the changed
copy, regardless of you or
your parent’s biological sex,
or whether you more closely
resemble one side of the
There is breast cancer
on my dad’s side of the
family, I’m not at risk
because my dad can’t pass
that on, right?
People often think that
a heritable risk for some
cancers, such as breast and
ovarian cancer, can’t be
passed on from males. This
is not true.
All people, regardless
of biological sex, can carry
a heritable risk factor for
any type of cancer and can
pass it on to any of their
While you can’t change
your genes, you can control
some aspects of your envi-
ronment, such as diet and
physical activity level, as
well as alcohol and tobacco
use. That’s why it’s still so
important to live a healthy
life, regardless of your per-
sonal and family genetic
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