A6 BAKER CITY HERALD • SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2022 LOCAL & NATION Bipartisan bills would overhaul Electoral College count the help of outside experts, serious consideration is assured. In a statement, Matthew Weil, ex- ecutive director of the Democracy Program at the Bipartisan Policy Center, called the framework a “criti- cal step” in shoring up ambiguities in the Electoral Count Act. After Trump lost the 2020 elec- tion, the defeated president orches- trated an unprecedented attempt to challenge the electors sent from bat- tleground states to the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, when the vice president presides over certification. Under the proposed changes, the law would be updated to ensure the governor from each state is initially responsible for submitting electors, as a way to safeguard against states sending alternative or fake elector slates. Additionally, the law would spell out that the vice president presides over the joint session in a “solely ministerial” capacity, according to a summary page. It says the vice pres- ident “does not have any power to solely determine, accept, reject, or otherwise adjudicate disputes over electors.” That provision is a direct reaction to Trump’s relentless efforts to pres- sure then Vice President Mike Pence to reject the electors being sent from certain battleground states as a way to halt the certification or tip it away from Joe Biden’s victory. The bill also specifies the proce- dures around presidential transitions, including when the election outcome is disputed, to ensure the peaceful transfer of power from one adminis- tration to the next. That’s another pushback to the way Trump blocked Biden’s team from accessing some information for his transition to the White House. The second proposal, revolving around election security, would dou- ble the federal penalties to up to two years in prison for individuals who “threaten or intimidate election offi- cials, poll watchers, voters or candi- dates,” according to the summary. It also would seek to improve the way the U.S. Postal Service handles election mail and “provide guidance to states to improve their mail-in ballot processes.” Mail-in ballots and the role of the Postal Service came under great scrutiny during the 2020 election. An Associated Press review of po- tential cases of voter fraud in six bat- tleground states found no evidence of widespread fraud that could change the outcome of the election. A sepa- rate AP review of drop boxes used for mailed ballots also found no signifi- cant problems. The need for election worker pro- tections was front and center at a separate hearing Wednesday of the House Committee on Homeland Se- curity. Election officials and experts testified that a rise in threats of phys- ical violence is contributing to staff- ing shortages across the country and a loss of experience at local boards of elections. “The impact is widespread,” said up the animal in the end,” Ann said. “It’s tough to give up the little pig you’ve raised.” While his children showed their animals, Ron helped build the infra- structure for such events. Ron guided the fair board through a land swap in which the county acquired the old armory building and renovated it into the current Baker County Events Center. “That’s been a huge project for the fair board to refurbish and make that bunker into a community center,” Ron said. “That’s basically all it was, was a bunker,” he said with a laugh. He also helped complete the Cock- ram Arena, which is dedicated to former fair board member Fred Cockram, whose daughter, Michelle Kasebeg, nominated the Rowans as fair family for 2022. Dean Defrees, the vice chairman of the fair board, also nominated the family. “Speaking for myself and the rest of the board we will attest to the fact that Ron has been a champion for the fair, the fairgrounds, the commu- nity and Baker County,” Defrees said. “Few people realize the amount of volunteer time, with Ann’s support, that Ron has put in over the last 20 years.” Ron said he hopes to host more events at the fairgrounds in the fu- ture: rodeos, horse shows, concerts, gun shows, trade shows, festival of trees, high school dances, weddings, etc. “The more it gets used, the better,” he said. As Ron continues his volunteer work as the board’s chairman, the couple still hosts fair animals for the 4-H program on their land over a decade after their own children have left the program. Along with a few other families, the Rowans aim to provide opportunities for 4-H partic- ipants who might not have a place to keep their animals. The couple said it’s part of “recip- BY LISA MASCARO Associated Press A bipartisan group of senators agreed Wednesday, July 20 on pro- posed changes to the Electoral Count Act, the post-Civil War-era law for certifying presidential elections that came under intense scrutiny after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and Don- ald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election. Long in the making, the package introduced by the group led by Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Joe Man- chin of West Virginia is made up of two separate proposals. One would clarify the way states submit electors and the vice president tallies the votes in Congress. The other would bolster security for state and local election officials who have faced violence and harassment. “From the beginning, our bipar- tisan group has shared a vision of drafting legislation to fix the flaws of the archaic and ambiguous Electoral Count Act of 1887,” Collins, Man- chin and the other 14 senators said in a joint statement. “We have developed legislation that establishes clear guidelines for our system of certifying and counting electoral votes,” the group wrote. “We urge our colleagues in both parties to support these simple, commonsense reforms.” Both Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Repub- lican leader Mitch McConnell have signaled support for the bipartisan group, but the final legislative pack- age will undergo careful scrutiny. Votes are not likely before fall. But with broad support from the group of 16 senators, seven Democrats and nine Republicans, who have worked behind closed doors for months with Rowans Continued from A1 They were also successful — each was a champion at the fair, Katie for her lambs and Brent for his steer. Other times, though, they didn’t have such luck. “They had some really good fairs and other ones they weren’t very suc- cessful in, which is just like life,” Ron said. The couple agreed that the fair was a large part of character building for their children. “It’s not just learning about the animals, it’s learning life skills: per- sistence, caring for an animal, giving J. Scott Applewhite/AP file In this Jan. 6, 2021, photo, Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough, left, works beside Vice President Mike Pence during the certification of Electoral College ballots in the presidential election, in the House chamber at the Capitol in Washing- ton. Shortly afterward, the Capitol was stormed by rioters determined to disrupt the certification. A bipartisan group of senators announced Wednesday they have agree to changes to the Electoral Count Act, the law that describes how the presidential vote is certified. Neal Kelley, a former registrar of voters in Orange County, Califor- nia, who now chairs the Committee for Safe and Secure Elections. “And, while the effects on individuals are devastating, the potential blow to de- mocracy should not be dismissed.” Elizabeth Howard, senior coun- sel at the Brennan Center for Justice, told the committee that Congress needs to direct more money and support toward protecting election workers’ personal safety, including by funding local and federal training programs and providing grants to enhance security at election directors’ personal residences. Democratic New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, who recently reported a series of threats, told the panel the situation has be- come worse after former President Donald Trump’s attacks against the 2020 election result. “Unfortunately, we are still on a daily basis, in my state and across the country, living with the reverberat- ing effects of the ‘Big Lie’ from 2020,” she said. “And, as we all know, when it comes to leadership, what you say from the very highest echelons of government power in this country do have those reverberating effects.” Some Republican members of the committee condemned violence against election workers — and also drew a parallel to recent threats and intimidation directed toward some Supreme Court justices after their decision to overturn constitutional protections for abortion. GOP Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisi- ana rejected the notion that Trump and other election skeptics were solely responsible for the “atmo- sphere of mistrust” that grew up around the 2020 election. rocating” what the fair has provided to the Rowans and the efforts of ev- eryone involved. “There are a lot of people who ha- ven’t been recognized yet that do a lot for the fair,” Ann said. “It takes a village to put it on and make it suc- cessful.” The Rowans will be recognized at the Baker County Events Center on Tuesday, July 26, during an appreci- ation dinner and pie auction in sup- port of the 4-H program. The event, hosted by Friends of the Fair, begins at 5:30 and the dinner is at 6:30, fol- lowed by the auction. It is recom- mended that guests bring desserts for the auction. Text us your tire photo 541-519-8878 Old, young, rich, poor. Born here, just got here. we will text back with a quote for new tires! Our calling is you. Schedule online, anytime. 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