A6 BAKER CITY HERALD • THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2022 SCIENCE JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE Early images from NASA reveal stunning details BY CORINNE PURTILL AND SUMEET KULKAMI Los Angeles Times Billions of years ago, long before a swirling cloud of gas and dust coalesced to form the sun, light left the earliest stars and began a long journey through space. The light has been travel- ing ever since, covering tril- lions upon trillions of miles. It hurtled by galaxies and their nascent stars, some of which were accompanied by planets. And on one of these, a species evolved with the ability not only to question what might be out there, but to build tools to see what its own eyes could not. On Monday, July 11, the world got its first glimpse of that ancient light courtesy of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, the most sophisti- cated and ambitious deep-space viewing tool yet assembled. It’s a snapshot of deep space, the light from innumera- ble galaxies swirling around a central point like the light thrown off from a disco ball. Flanked by President Joe Biden and Vice President Ka- mala Harris, NASA Adminis- trator Bill Nelson unveiled the image at a White House news conference. “If you held a grain of sand on the tip of your finger at arm’s length, that is the part of the universe that you’re seeing — just one little speck of the universe,” Nelson said. Webb is the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, which transformed science’s understanding of the vastness of the universe. One of Hub- ble’s most famous images, the eXtreme Deep Field, shows flecks of light representing some 5,500 galaxies, the faint- est of which enable us to look back in time 13.2 billion years. Webb allows astronomers to zoom in on Hubble’s faint- est flecks. “It’s an emotional moment when you see nature suddenly releasing some of its secrets,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, as- sociate administrator for NA- SA’s Science Mission Direc- torate. “It’s not an image. It’s a new worldview. You’re going to see nature giving up secrets that have been there for many, many decades, centuries, mil- lennia.” Webb can, quite literally, see galaxies far, far away as they were long, long ago — just a few hundred million years af- ter the big bang. It intercepts light in the infrared part of the spectrum, whose wavelengths are too long to be visible to the human eye. Built at Northrop Grum- man’s Space Park in Redondo Beach, California, Webb launched on Christmas Day from French Guiana. Its desti- nation was L2, scientific short- hand for the second LaGrange point roughly 930,000 miles from Earth. It’s one of five places where the gravitational forces of the sun and the Earth are in balance, allowing Webb to remain a fixed distance from our planet. It took nearly a month for the telescope to get there. Then the telescope slowly and deliberately unfolded itself over the course of two weeks. An intricate system of latches, cables and pins re- leased a five-layer sunshield about the size of a tennis NASA images This landscape of “mountains” and “valleys” speckled with glittering stars is actually the edge of a nearby, young, star-forming region called NGC 3324 in the Carina Nebula. Cap- tured in infrared light by NASA’s new James Webb Space Telescope, this image reveals for the first time previously invisible areas of star birth. Stephan’s Quintet, a visual grouping of five galaxies, is best known for being prominently featured in the holiday classic film, “It’s a Won- derful Life.” NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveals Stephan’s Quintet in a new light. court. Once that was in place the telescope’s 18 hexagonal mirrors swung into place, creating a honeycomb-like structure 21 feet across. The process wouldn’t have seemed out of place in an episode of “Transformers.” (Indeed, NASA released a short video about Webb featuring Peter Cullen, the actor who voiced Optimus Prime in the original 1980s cartoon.) Each mirror is coated in 100 nanometers of gold to enhance its ability to reflect infrared light. The mirrors were care- fully aligned by focusing on a star with the unwieldy name 2MASS J17554042+6551277. The test image, released to the public in March, showed a brilliant star that appeared to radiate light from six points, a feature of the telescope’s hexag- onal mirrors. But the background caught scientists’ attention: Behind the star were countless flecks of light, each representing a galaxy billions of years old. It was a tantalizing peek at the telescope’s capabilities. Hubble, launched in 1990, has offered unprecedented in- sight into the cosmos during its decades of service. Its ob- servations have helped sci- entists determine the age of the universe and the rate of its expansion, along with dis- covering black holes, obscure moons and exoplanets. But Webb is exponentially more powerful. Its mirror is six times larger than Hub- ble’s, meaning it can collect far more light and look farther back in time. It also has far greater capabilities to study in- frared light. Webb wouldn’t work if it were where Hubble is. The newer telescope is so much more sensitive that it would be overwhelmed by light and heat from the Earth, moon and sun. But its distance also means that it’s too far away to be repaired manually by spacewalking astronauts, as Hubble has been five times since its launch. Hubble had been in the sky for less than a decade when NASA began talking about the technology that would eventu- ally replace it. Construction of the new telescope, named for NASA’s second administrator, began in 2004 with a $1 billion budget and targeted launch date of 2010. But the budget and time- line expanded nearly as fast as the universe it was meant to explore. The team didn’t just have to ensure the materials and tech- nologies on the telescope would work properly once shot into space. In many cases, given the pathbreaking nature of the device, they also had to invent those materials from scratch. The segmented cryogenic mirrors, the five-layer sun- shield, the microshutters that capture infrared light — all of it had to first be imagined and lab-tested before being man- ufactured for use on the tele- scope. Its soaring costs ate into budgets for NASA’s other proj- ects. In 2011, Congress floated a bill to kill the project entirely. If a risk this big failed, “the progress of astronomy could be set back by a generation,” the journal Nature warned in a 2010. 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