HOME & LIVING B2 — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD FLAVOR Continued from Page B1 That was a deal, even in those pre-infl ationary times, because the dough- nuts are amazing. It’s not just that they were doughnuts and are therefore praiseworthy, although that fact is indis- putably true. These dough- nuts are special because they are lightly spiced with ginger and nutmeg and then rolled in cinnamon sugar. And yes, they tasted as good as that sounds. Even so, they weren’t my favorite of the old-fash- ioned baked goods that I made. That honor went to the Swedish tea ring, which enjoyed a few decades of popularity around the middle of the last century. At its heart, it is a sweet bread with cinnamon and raisins in it. But it is so much more than that. For one, you roll the dough out fl at and then smear the top of it with butter. It is almost as if you are going to laminate it and turn it into puff pastry, but instead you roll it up like a jelly roll. Before doing that, though, you sprinkle it with a generous mixture of rai- sins and brown sugar. The brown sugar is unexpected but important, because it brings an earthy hint of molasses to the dish. Once it is rolled up, you join the ends together to form a circle. And then, to give it the distinctive look of a Swedish tea ring, you slice deeply into it every inch or so and fan out the pieces before it cooks. That makes it a pull-apart treat sort of like monkey bread, if monkey bread were in the shape of a ring. I topped it with a simple glaze made from powdered sugar, milk and vanilla, which added just the right touch of sweetness. But it did more than that, too. I had leftover glaze, so I dunked a couple of my homemade doughnut holes in it. You can’t imagine how good that was. Those old-fashioned folks knew what they were doing. BUTTERHORN ROLLS Yield: 24 servings 4 ½ to 5 cups all-purpose fl our 2 ¼ teaspoons (1 package) rapid-rise or instant yeast 1 ½ teaspoons salt 12 tablespoons (1 ½ sticks) butter, divided 1 cup warm milk (110 degrees Fahrenheit) ½ cup granulated sugar 3 large eggs, beaten 1. Lightly grease a large bowl with cooking spray and set aside. In a diff erent large bowl, mix together 4 ½ cups fl our, the yeast and salt. Melt 8 tablespoons (1 stick) of the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat; let cool. 2. In a bowl, mix together the melted butter, warm milk, sugar and eggs. Make a well in the middle of the fl our mixture, and pour in the milk mixture. Stir until the mixture is shaggy and diffi cult to stir. Add more fl our if necessary. Turn the dough out onto a lightly fl oured work surface and knead until the dough is smooth, about 5 to 10 minutes. 3. Shape dough into a ball and place in the greased bowl. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let rest in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour. 4. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or spray with nonstick spray. Melt the remain- ing 4 tablespoons butter over medium heat; let cool. Divide the dough into 3 equal pieces. Work- ing on a lightly fl oured surface, roll each piece of dough into a 10-inch circle. Brush each circle with melted butter. Using a knife or pizza cutter, cut each circle into 8 equal wedges. 5. Starting at the wide end of each wedge, roll up the dough, ending with the pointed tip on the bottom. Place 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets and curl in the ends slightly to make a crescent shape. Cover the rolls with plastic wrap coated with cooking spray and let rise until the rolls are doubled in size, about 45 minutes. 6. Arrange 2 oven racks to the upper-middle and lower-middle positions in the oven, and preheat to 325 degrees. Bake the rolls until golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes, switching and rotating the baking sheets halfway through baking. Serve hot or warm. Per serving: 166 calories; 7 g fat; 4 g saturated fat; 39 mg cholester- ol; 4 g protein; 23 g carbohydrate; 5 g sugar; 1 g fi ber; 160 mg sodium; 21 mg calcium — Recipe from “America’s Best Lost Recipes” by the editors of Cook’s Country Magazine Hillary Levin/St. Louis Post-Dispatch Lemon chiff on pie. beat to stiff peaks again. Fold egg whites into lemon mixture until thoroughly combined. Fill baked pie crust with lemon chiff on mix- ture, and chill until fi rm. Top with whipped cream before serving. Per serving: 283 calories; 11 g fat; 5 g saturated fat; 99 mg cholesterol; 5 g protein; 40 g carbo- hydrate; 26 g sugar; 1 g fi ber; 301 mg sodium; 27 mg calcium — Recipe from “American Woman Cook Book” edited by Ruth Berolzheimer GRAM’S DOUGHNUTS Yield: About 20 servings LEMON CHIFFON PIE Yield: 8 servings 4 eggs, separated 1 cup granulated sugar, divided ½ cup lemon juice ½ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon gelatin (more than 1 packet) ¼ cup cold water 1 teaspoon lemon zest (grated lemon rind) 1 baked pie crust Whipped cream for garnish 1. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored; add ½ cup of the sugar, lemon juice and salt. Cook, stirring, in a double boiler (or in a heat-proof dish over simmering water), until it reaches the consis- tency of a custard. 2. Meanwhile, soften the gelatin in the water for 5 minutes (it will turn rubbery). Dissolve gelatin in the hot custard, then stir in lemon zest. Cool until mixture begins to thicken. 3. Beat egg whites to stiff peaks. Add remaining ½ cup sugar and 2 cups granulated sugar, divided 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 4 cups all-purpose fl our 1 tablespoon baking powder ½ teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 large eggs 1 cup buttermilk 2 quarts (64 ounces) vegetable oil, for frying 1. Mix 1 cup of the sugar and the cinnamon in a medium bowl until combined, and set aside. Whisk the fl our, baking powder, baking soda, salt, ginger and nutmeg in a large bowl. Beat the eggs, buttermilk and remaining 1 cup of sugar in a medium bowl. Make a well in the center of the fl our mixture and add the egg mixture. Stir together to form a moist and sticky dough. If the dough is too soft to be rolled, add more fl our, a little at a time. 2. On a heavily fl oured work surface, roll out the dough into a 14-inch circle, about ½-inch thick. Cut out dough rings with a fl oured doughnut cutter, refl ouring between cuts. If you do not have SWEDISH TEA RING Yield: 8 servings 2 ¼ teaspoons (1 packet) active dry yeast ¼ cup warm water, 105 degrees to 115 degrees ¼ cup lukewarm milk, scalded then cooled ¼ cup granulated sugar ½ teaspoon salt 1 egg ¼ cup shortening 2 ¼ to 2½ cups all-purpose fl our, divided 2 tablespoons butter, room temperature ½ cup brown sugar, packed 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon ½ cup raisins 1 cup powdered sugar 1 ½ to 2 tablespoons milk or water ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 1. In mixing bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Stir in milk, sugar, salt, egg, shorten- ing and half of the fl our. Mix with a spoon until smooth. Add enough remaining fl our to handle easily; mix with hand or spoon. 2. Turn onto lightly fl oured board; knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. Form into a ball and place inside a greased mixing bowl. Turn until ball is lightly greased all over. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1½ hours. 3. Roll dough on lightly fl oured board into rectangle, 9-by-15 inches. Spread with butter. Stir together brown sugar, cinnamon and raisins, and sprinkle evenly over the dough. Beginning with the long side, roll up tightly as for a jelly roll. Seal well by pinching the edges of the roll together. 4. Stretch roll slightly to make even. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or grease lightly) and form the roll into a ring on it, sealed edge down. Pinch the ends together. Use scissors to make cuts 2 / 3 of the way through the ring at 1-inch intervals, cutting from the out- side of the ring toward the cen- ter. Fan out the sections so each one lies more or less on its side. Cover, and let rise until double in size, about 45 minutes. 5. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake ring until golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes. 6. Mix together powdered sugar, milk or water and vanilla until mixture is of a spreadable consistency. Use this glaze to frost ring while it is still warm. Per serving: 390 calories; 10 g fat; 4 g saturated fat; 31 mg cholesterol; 6 g protein; 70 g car- bohydrate; 40 g sugar; 2 g fi ber; 166 mg sodium; 46 mg calcium — Recipe from “Betty Crock- er’s Hostess Cookbook” M ICHAEL 541-786-8463 M. Curtiss PN-7077A CCB# 183649 A C ERTIFIED M ASTER A RBORIST June 6 - 12, 2022 Certified Master Arborist Call Us for your Summer Trimming Needs always the first full week of june Adult Dances M ICHAEL Friday & Saturday Certified Tree Care Planting • Pruning • Removal M. Curtiss PN-7077A Parade Friday @ 2 pm 541-786-8463 CCB# 200613 michaeltcurtiss@yahoo.com New Family Friendly Location! New Menu! Bar Bites, Wood Stone Pizza and More! MON-TUES CLOSED WED-SAT 11-9 • SUN 11-7 1106 Adams Avenue Suite 100 • 541 663-9010 • tapthatgrowlers.com Her Feet, His Feet, We take care of ALL Feet We specialize in quality medical and surgical care for all types of foot and ankle problems. Travis T. Hampton, D.P.M. Foot and Ankle Surgeon www.GVfoot.com a doughnut cutter, use a 2½-inch cookie cutter to cut the dough rounds and 1-inch cutter to make the holes. 3. Transfer the doughnuts to a fl oured baking sheet. Gather the scraps and gently press into a disk; repeat the rolling and cutting process until all the dough is used. (The cut doughnuts can be covered with plastic wrap and stored at room temperature for up to 2 hours.) 4. Heat the oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat until the temperature reaches 350 degrees. Carefully lower 4 to 6 doughnuts into the hot oil. Turn the dough- nuts as they rise to the surface with tongs or a slotted spoon and fry, maintaining a temperature be- tween 325 and 350 degrees, until the doughnuts are golden brown on both sides, about 4 minutes. 5. Using a slotted spoon, trans- fer the doughnuts to a plate lined with paper towels and drain for 3 minutes. Toss the doughnuts in the cinnamon sugar and transfer to a plate. Repeat with the remaining doughnuts, regulating the oil temperature as necessary. Per serving: 305 calories; 15 g fat; 3 g saturated fat; 20 mg cholesterol; 4 g protein; 40 g carbo- hydrate; 21 g sugar; 1 g fi ber; 169 mg sodium; 54 mg calcium — Recipe from “America’s Best Lost Recipes” by the editors of Cook’s Country magazine La Grande’s Come Check Out Our New Location & New Menu! 541-963-0265 888-843-9090 TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2022 La Grande 1408 N Hall Street Enterprise 601 Medical Parkway Baker 3175 Pocahontas Rd. EMMA RICKER EMILY JENNA ARNOLDUS DENTON Ed Miller Xtreme Bull Riding Thursday, June 9, 2022 @ 6:30 pm PRCA Rodeo & Horse Racing Friday, June 10, 2022 @ 4 pm Saturday, June 11, 2022 @ 2 pm Sunday, June 12, 2022 @ 1:30 pm 4-H Horse Show - Mon & Tue, June 6th & 7th 4-H & FFA Livestock Show - Thu & Fri, June 9th & 10th Market Animal Auction - Saturday, June 11th @ 8am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tickets are available from Queen Candidates or online until June 6th Horsemanship - Sunday, June 5th @ 2pm Queen’s Coronation - Tuesday, June 7th @ 7pm