CLASSIFIEDS TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2022 651 Help Wanted BAKER SCHOOL DISTRICT is currently accepting applications for an ELD Teacher – Second- ary. Position is Open Until Filled. For the application process, please go to https://www.appli- or contact Cathy Martin at or call 541-524-2260 Ext. 1004. BAKER SCHOOL DISTRICT is currently accepting applications for a Paraprofessional I position open at Haines Elementary for the 2022-2023 school year. As- sessment Test can be given at District Office. Position is Open Until Filled. For the application process, please go to 5J/onlineapp/ or contact Cathy Martin at cathy.martin@bak- or call 541-524-2260 Ext. 1004. BAKER SCHOOL DISTRICT is currently accepting applications for the following coaches: • BHS Boys’ JV1 Basketball Coach • BHS Girls’ JV1 Basketball Coach • BHS Girls’ JV2 Basketball Coach Positions are Open Until Filled. For the application process, please go to https://www.appli- or contact Cathy Martin at or call 541-524-2260 Ext. 1004. 664 Services 675 Service Directory For more information, please call Dianne Greif at 541-437-2021 or email All applications are available on the district website ( 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices Baker County CG Rentals & Property Mgmt,. LLC Cheryl A Guzman, Owner THE DEADLINE for placing a CLASSIFIED AD is 4:00 P.M. TWO BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE PUBLICATION Publication Days: Tuesday,Thursday,Saturday 675 Service Directory Baker Wireless Repair Cell phone and tablet issues Benjamin Arvat 541-403-6434 Baker County THE SEWING LADY Linda Foersterling 1609 Tenth St., Baker City 541-523-5327 541-519-5807 PO BOX 538 ∙ 1133 Madison Baker City, OR 97814 Baker County FENCES CEDAR & CHAIN LINK Remodels/Handyman Services Kip Carter Construction 541-519-6273 Great references CCB# 60701 Baker County MOBILE SERVICE www.outstandingcomputerre- Weekdays: 7 am – 7 pm Dale Bogardus (541) 297-5831 Michael 541-786-8463 A Certified Arborist Baker City Tony’s Tree Service 541-523-3708 Contact: Robert Strope RESIDENTIAL ∙ COMMERCIAL Todd Livingston Telephone: 541-962-1309 Email: FIN AN CIAL S U MMAR Y - R E S OU R CE S Actual Amount T OT AL OF ALL FU N D S 2020-21 Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital Federal, State and All Other Grants Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt Interfund Transfers All Other Resources Except Division of Tax & Special Levy Revenue from Division of Tax T ota l R e source s Union County CCB# 183649 ∙ PN – 7077A NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the City of La Grande Urban Renewal Agency will be held on June 1, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1000 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Oregon. The meeting will be available for viewing on the City’s scheduled Charter Communications channel 180 beginning at 6:00 p.m. You may also view the meeting on the La Grande Alive website at or on the East- ern Oregon Alive.TV Facebook page at The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 as approved by the La Grande Ur- ban Renewal Agency’s Budget Committee. Any person may appear at the meetings and listen to and/ or participate with comments. Those individuals who wish to provide comments may do so in-person or may provide virtual public comments with the same limitations as those attending in-person. Per- sons interested in providing their comments virtually shall contact City Staff at or by calling the City Recorder at (541)962-1309 not later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 to make arrangements. Each community member is asked to confine their comments to three minutes in length, whether the comments are in-person or virtual. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected online at www.cityoflagrande. org or obtained by mail or via email request to or phone request via phone message to (541)962-1313. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was pre- pared on a basis of accounting that is the same as used in the preceding year. Outstanding Computer Repair $ $ 1,006,627 $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 637,729 $ 69,291 $ 989,464 $ 2,703,111 $ Adopted Budget Approved Budget This Year 2021-22 Next Year 2022-23 1,083,896 $ 1,598,425 - $ - - $ 1,612,518 $ 40,330 $ 1,125,000 $ 3,861,744 $ FIN AN CIAL S U MMAR Y - R E QU IR E ME N T S BY OBJE CT CLAS S IFICAT ION Materials and Services $ 245,178 $ 358,065 Capital Outlay $ 392,551 $ 1,254,453 Debt Service $ 251,243 $ 256,442 Interfund Transfers $ 637,729 $ 1,612,518 Contingencies $ - $ 150,000 Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure $ 1,176,410 $ 230,266 T ota l R e quire me nts $ 2,703,111 $ 3,861,744 (541) 805-8216 - 1,837,954 37,564 950,000 4,423,943 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 369,212 1,468,742 251,329 1,837,954 150,000 346,706 4,423,943 3,861,744 $ - $ 4,423,943 - FIN AN CIAL S U MMAR Y - R E QU IR E ME N T S BY OR GAN IZAT ION AL U N IT OR P R OGR AM * N a me of Organizational Unit or Program FT E for that unit or program Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB# 202333 CCB 63504 ∙ LCB 6271 ELGIN SCHOOL DISTRICT IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITION FOR THE 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR: 9-12 Grade Math Teacher THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD — B5 $ $ T ota l R e quire me nts 2,703,111 $ - $ 2,703,111 3,861,744 4,423,943 T ota l FT E Mark’s Custom Mowing Lawn Debris Removal Call: (541)519-5624 Union County S T AT E ME N T OF CH AN GE S IN ACT IV IT IE S a nd S OU R CE S OF FIN AN CIN G * Urban Renewal is levying $52,422,181 in the increment value vs. 100% Jacket & Coverall Repair Zippers replaced, patching & other heavy duty repairs. Reasonable Rates! Fast Service! (541)805-9576 ∙ Baker City S T AT E ME N T OF IN D E BT E D N E S S LONG TERM DEBT Other Bonds Other Borrowings T ota l Estimated Debt Outstanding Estimated Debt Authorized, But July 1, 2022 Not Incurred on July 1 $1,795,000 $0 $631,655 $0 $2,426,655 $0 Published: May 24, 2022 Legal No. 299168 AW CONSTRUCTION, LLC CCB#186113 Andy Wolfer 541-910-6609 ELGIN, OR by Stella Wilder Baker County **VACANCY NOTICE** Elgin School District is accepting applications for the following po- sition for the 2022-2023 school year: K-6 Special Education Teacher Must hold proper endorsement David Gentry’s Custom Painting, LLC 541-403-1967 CCB#207675 Union County For questions, contact Tom Sorensen at 541-437-2321 or Applications are available on the district web page: All positions open until filled. Riley Excavation Inc. Elgin School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer EXECUTIVE TREE CARE, INC. Brian Walker, Arborist 541-432-8733 CCB 202271 ELGIN, OR WE ARE HIRING!! Burnt River SD is currently accepting applications for the 2022-23 school year: ∙ Dorm Host Parents Boys’ Dorm ∙ K-5 Teacher in a Self-Contained Classroom CCB# 168468 541-805-9777 Union County Baker County Contact: Lou Lyon, Superintendent 541-446-3466 or Charlene Surber, HR at 541-966-3224 for additional information. For a full job description or to apply visit: MMW ELECTRIC MOTOR & PUMP REPAIR, INC. North Powder School District is accepting applications for the following positions: • 1.0 FTE (full-time) 3rd Grade Teaching Position. • Full-Time Paraprofessional /Janitorial position (12 month) Successful candidates will be contacted for interviews. Appli- cations will be accepted until filled. Compensation will be based on experience and placement on the Salary Schedule. If you have questions please contact the district at the number below. If interested please submit a letter of inter- est, three letters of recommen- dation and an application to: 710 Pets, & Supplies 2036 Main St., Baker City 541-523-6284 CCB: 219615 Baker County For more information, please email or call Dianne Greif at 541-437- 2021. All applications are avail- able on the district website ( CLOSING DATE: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. ELGIN SCHOOL DIS- TRICT IS AN EQUAL OPPOR- TUNITY EMPLOYER. SHURTLEFF CONSTRUCTION CCB# 224281 General Contractor ALL phases of construction Over 30 Years Experience! (541) 805-0588 (541) 519-4905 WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2022 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you pretty much let it all hang out and allow others to deal with you as they will -- rather than controlling your behavior to suit those around you. Others may label you “inconsiderate” or “thoughtless,” and that may be so as far as social constructs are concerned, but you cannot be anything but what you truly are, and any attempt to hide or alter your nature to suit a given circumstance or some- one’s personal taste or preferences is sure to backfire. THURSDAY, MAY 26 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You are feel- ing the need for something to cling to today as your emotions well up and you fear losing control. A friend is standing by. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You’ll want to spend as much time as possible in prepara- tion for the next big thing -- even though you may not know exactly what it is. APPLIANCES & MORE (Positions are open until filled) ELGIN SCHOOL DISTRICT IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSI- TIONS FOR THIS SUMMER AND THE 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR: Summer food program Business manager Food service supervisor Part-time Spanish teacher DONNA’S GROOM & BOARD, LTD 1405 17th St. ∙ Baker City 541-523-6080 807 Fuel, Heating & Firewood Mike Voboril ∙ CCB#80969 541-523-2859 Firewood $220 in the rounds 4”-12” in DIA, $250 split. Other varieties of wood and logs available. Delivered in the valley. (541)786-0407 Union County 831 Wanted to Buy Andrew’s Tech Repair WANTED TO BUY Lapidary Rock Collections Jaspers, Plume Agate, Thunder Eggs, Turquoise, Opal, Petrified Wood, Logs/Rounds etc. Call Mike (541)742-4608 AndrewsTechRepair Hours: Everyday 7am-6pm A ndrew Frail ∙ 541-589-3593 Baker County CHESTERMAN’S CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 2327 10th St., Baker City 541-903-0480 Baker & Union County Thatcher’s Ace Hardware & La Grande Ace Hardware 2200 Resort St., Baker City 541-523-3371 2212 Island Ave., LaGrande 541-605-0152 Baker County STATE FARM GREG HINRICHSEN INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Greg Hinrichsen, Agent 1722 CAMPBELL STREET Baker City, OR 97814-2148 Union County INLAND Turf & Equipment 10303 W. 1st St Island City, OR 97850 541.963.4985 Baker County McELROY PRINTING, INC. Lance L Dixon or Molly Smith PO Box 10 North Powder, OR 97867 541-898-2244 (Ext: 8822) 1920 Court Avenue Baker City, OR 97814 541-523-2621 204 Automobiles 204 Automobiles Visit for our most current offers and to browse our complete inventory. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25,2022 878 Generators Lincoln Generator Welder, 18 horsepower, 60ft leads, on a trailer. $2,000 firm. 541-534-2298 101 Legal Notices NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE WALLOWA-WHITMAN NATIONAL FOREST The Whitney Flats DxP Sale is lo- cated within T. 10S., R. 36E., Sec- tions 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, and 35 T. 11S., R. 36E., Sections 03, 04, 05, 08, 09, and 10 WM. The Forest Service will receive Sealed bids at Wallowa- Whitman National Forest Head- quarters before or at the time of public bid opening at 10:00 AM local time on 06/23/2022 for an estimated volume of 27958 ton of Douglas-fir and Other Coniferous Species sawtimber, and 64814 ton of Ponderosa Pine sawtimber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. In addition, there is within the sale area an unesti- mated volume of Softwood Other sawtimber, and Softwood Other grn bio cv that the bidder may agree to remove at a fixed rate. Sale contains specified roads with an estimated public works construction cost of $155,706.34. Bidders qualifying as small busi- ness concerns under the Small Business Act may, when submit- ting a bid, elect for the Forest Service to build permanent roads. Additional information concerning this option is in the prospectus. The Forest Service reserves the right to reject any and all bids. In- terested parties may obtain a prospectus from the office listed below. A prospectus, bid form, and complete information con- cerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and submission of bids is available to the public from the h tt p : / / w w w. f s . u s d a . g o v / r e - sourcedetail/wallowa- whitman/landmanagement/. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. Legal No. 299114 Published: May 24, 2022 1415 Adams Ave • 541-963-4161 Check out our classified ads. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Reaching out without intent may only prove a waste of valu- able time today. You’ll want to tee up your selling points; be as persuasive as you can. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You’re behav- ing in a way that doesn’t bode well for another who is likely depending on you. It’s time to get serious and do what you must. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- The advice you receive today may not be applicable to your immediate situation, but you’ll surely want to tuck it away to use another time. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Listen to what comes your way -- or, rather, listen to the manner in which the message is delivered. This tells you a lot about its reliability. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You’ll feel a strong gravitational pull from someone who is very eager to get to know you better, but is this something you can’t afford? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You’ll receive the information you need, but in order to receive it in time to use it, you must give someone a very clear nudge! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- It’s a good day to pick up the pace somewhat, and others are eager for you to demonstrate just how good you are at controlling the race. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You can afford to let down just a little today, as the greatest responsibility is likely to be shoul- dered by a teammate -- but just for now. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- The fact that you’re feeling uninspired has little to do with the opportunities you’re facing; you’ve simply got to adjust your attitude. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You feel as though you’re coming to the end of the line, but that’s merely an illusion -- and one you must dispel quickly today. COPYRIGHT 2022 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500