Baker City herald. (Baker City, Or.) 1990-current, February 24, 2022, Page 22, Image 22

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Grande Ronde Symphony presents ‘bite size’ concert
By Lisa Britton
Go! Magazine
A GRANDE — The Grande
Ronde Symphony is going
small in size but not in sound for
its winter concert.
Titled “Bite Size Pieces,” the
performance will feature four
smaller ensembles. This ap-
proach emerged as an idea after
GRS had a hard time, due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, fi lling all
parts for a full symphony at its
concert in November.
“That makes it kind of diffi -
cult,” said Alice Trindle, president
of the Grande Ronde Symphony
Featuring smaller groups
allows for greater distance be-
tween musicians, and highlights
individual instruments that may
be hard to discern in a full sym-
phony concert.
“It allows our ear to become
more educated to the tones and
nuances of the instruments,”
Trindle said. “There are wonder-
ful pieces that are for these
small ensembles.”
The live, in-person concert
will be Wednesday, March 2,
7 p.m. in McKenzie Theatre on
the campus of Eastern Oregon
University. Masks will be required
for all audience members.
“We decided to celebrate the
talent of the orchestra’s musi-
cians by breaking our winter
concert performance into small
ensembles,” said Zachary Banks,
music director. “The ‘Bite Size
Pieces’ we have chosen are all
huge audience-pleasers and
truly showcase the quality of
musicians found within the full
symphony orchestra.”
The evening will begin with
the Grande Ronde Symphony
brass quintet setting the stage
with some works in the Baroque
style, followed by the sympho-
ny’s woodwind quintets featur-
ing a variety of musical styles
from Brazilian choro music to
American ragtime.
The fi nal ensemble for the
winter concert will be the Grande
Ronde strings performing the
classical “Eine Kleine Nacht-
musik” by Mozart and followed
Grande Ronde Symphony
winter concert
March 2, 7 p.m.
McKenzie Theatre, EOU
$12 adults, $10 seniors
$2 college students
$1 middle/high school
Tickets: Direct Music
Source, Betty’s Books,
by the lyrical “Holberg” Suite by
composer Edvard Grieg.
Tickets are available online
and at Direct Music Source in
La Grande and Betty’s Books in
Baker City. Cost is $12 adults,
$10 seniors, $2 college students,
and $1 for those in middle school
and high school. Season passes
are also available: $30 adults,
$20 seniors, $2 college students,
$1 high school students.
Special pricing is available for
families and groups. For informa-
tion, email grsymphony2@gmail.
David Cowan/Contributed image
Zachary Banks is the music director of the Grande Ronde Symphony.
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