4 MIXED MEDIUM FEBRUARY 9–16, 2022 THE ARTS AROUND EASTERN OREGON Exhibit opens featuring new work by Sarah Bird Go! staff L A GRANDE — Art Center East is now featuring works by local oil painter Sarah Bird in the main gallery. The show opened Feb. 4 and continues through March 26. Bird developed her own techniques in oil painting after graduating in 2014 from New York-based Grand Central Ate- lier, where she undertook a four- year intensive course of study in traditional realism and authentic classical art. “New Works by Sarah Bird” showcase Bird’s oil paintings of traditional altar-like arrange- ments of natural objects set against cloth backgrounds and also her nontraditional land- scape compositions of plants, leaves and branches. Bird’s original oil paintings have been shown in Los An- geles, Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island. She is currently a Master of Fine Arts candidate at Sierra Nevada University. Sarah Bird There will be a closing recep- tion for the show on Friday, March 11, from 6-8 p.m. All are welcome at this free event at ACE, 1006 Penn Ave. Find out more about this exhibit and other events at art- centereast.org. ACE is open Wednesday- Friday, noon-5 p.m., and Sat- urday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Exhibits can also be viewed online at artcentereast.org thanks to a partnership with John J. Howard Real Estate. Art Center East gal- leries are open to the public and admission is free. Sarah Bird/Contributed image Oil painter Sarah Bird is the featured artist in Art Center East’s main gallery through March 26.