Outdoors Rec B Saturday, February 5, 2022 The Observer & Baker City Herald Victor McNeil/Contributed Photo Victor McNeil, director of the Wallowa Avalanche Center, uses a snowmobile to travel into the backcountry of Northeastern Oregon and assess avalanche danger. Digging in to find dangers as the Wallowas or the Elk- horns, and thus more prone to thaws and rain during winter, which can result in much different ava- lanche risks than elsewhere, McNeil said. “There’s a lot of ground By JAYSON JACOBY to cover,” he said. “We want Baker City Herald to do the best we can to get out into the field and visit ictor McNeil travels all of the zones.” the backcountry McNeil said the Center of Northeastern also solicits field reports Oregon with a shovel, but from experienced back- country travelers. he uses the tool for a pur- pose more profound than All the information is freeing a stuck rig. available, for free, on the Saving lives, potentially. Center’s website: https:// McNeil is director of the www.wallowaavalan- Wallowa Avalanche Center, checenter.org/. McNeil is the Center’s based in Joseph. The organization, only salaried employee. founded in 2009, mon- Other staff members, in itors the region for ava- addition to Kelly McNeil, lanche danger that can are avalanche special- ists Michael Hatch pose a risk to skiers, (director of the Out- snowboarders, snow- door Adventure Pro- shoers and snow- gram at Eastern mobile riders who Oregon University), venture into the Tom Guthrie and region’s untrammeled Caleb Merrill. mountains. Hatch A vital part of the McNeil said all the Center’s work is dig- Center’s staff mem- bers put in a considerable ging pits in the snow — amount of volunteer work, hence McNeil’s ubiquitous although they are reim- shovel — to study the var- ious layers in the snowpack bursed for travel and other expenses. and identify dangers, such as weak or icy sections, that can greatly increase the Growing interest in avalanche risk. learning to recognize “With avalanche fore- avalanche danger casting, you really don’t McNeil said the Center’s have the full picture until activities, and its budget, you get out and get your shovel in the snow,” McNeil have grown over the past four years or so. said. “That’s a huge part of The annual budget, what we do.” The Center issues fore- which was about $30,000, casts four days each week has risen to around $45,000. — Thursday through McNeil said that unlike Sunday — for each of the some larger avalanche fore- cast operations, the Wal- four zones in this corner of lowa Avalanche Center Oregon. The Center has its big- doesn’t receive financial gest annual fundraiser this support from any govern- ment agency. The Center weekend, the 10th annual relies on fundraisers such as Eastern Oregon Back- country Festival at Anthony the Eastern Oregon Back- country Festival, and grants Lakes Mountain Resort. McNeil, who lives in La and other donations. Grande with his wife, Kelly, But the biggest increase who is an avalanche spe- in the budget has resulted cialist with the Center, said from the Center’s avalanche that dividing Northeastern safety classes, which it Oregon into zones is neces- started offering four years sary because the conditions ago, McNeil said. that contribute to avalanche With more people trav- eling into the backcountry danger can vary widely in winter — a trend that has among them. The zones are: Northern accelerated during the pan- demic, as people seek less Blue Mountains, Elkhorns, crowded places to play — Northern Wallowas and attendance at the Center’s Southern Wallowas. That the Wallowas, a classes has followed suit, single, albeit extensive, McNeil said. mountain range is separated The Center teaches stu- dents how to analyze ter- into two regions illustrates rain and assess avalanche the point. McNeil said the ava- danger during a three-day lanche danger can be sig- course, and how to rescue nificantly different between people caught in a snow the two Wallowas zones, in slide, a one-day class. part because in most win- A trio of three-day ters quite a bit more snow classes earlier this year falls in the southern section attracted about 18 stu- dents each, while a one-day of the range. The Northern Blue course had 21 students, Mountains aren’t as lofty McNeil said. These are Wallowa Avalanche Center doubles number of weekly forecasts Dennis Dauble/Contributed Photo Scott Abernethy demonstrates how a two-hook rig under a slip bobber can lead to a double. Cold beats boredom Ice-fishing a fine cure for the winter doldrums V DENNIS DAUBLE THE NATURAL WORLD T Wallowa Avalanche Center/Contributed Photo Victor McNeil is director of the Wallowa Avalanche Center, which is- sues avalanche forecasts for four zones in Northeastern Oregon. larger turnouts than in the past, and the additional rev- enue — three-day courses are $450, and one-day classes $125 — make it possible for the Center to expand its work. This is the first year, for instance, that the Center has issued forecasts four days per week — in past winters there were two forecasts each week, on Thursdays and Saturdays, McNeil said. “We’ve developed a bit of a reputation for high- level education,” he said. Two types of travelers McNeil said the Cen- ter’s courses tend to attract two distinct groups of back- country travelers — snow- mobilers, and those who get around under their own power, whether by skis, snowboard or snowshoes. Generally speaking, snowmobilers who take classes are experienced backcountry travelers, McNeil said, and many have some skills in iden- tifying avalanche dangers even if they don’t have the technical knowledge that he and other instructors do. As for the nonmotorized travelers, McNeil said many who attend the Center’s courses are newcomers to mountain travel. But regardless of the stu- dents’ mode of travel and experience level, the goal is the same, McNeil said — to teach them to recognize places they should avoid during their trips, and how to rescue someone who gets caught in an avalanche. McNeil said that although many of the local snowmobilers he has taught have years or decades of experience traveling through the mountains, they understand the value of knowing how to study ter- rain and snow conditions to assess the risk level. At the most basic statis- tical level, snowmobilers tend to have a higher risk simply because they travel so much faster and cover so much more ground that they’re more likely, at some point, to ride into terrain where avalanches pose a threat. “Riders are just as engaged as the skier group, if not more so, in the classes,” McNeil said. “They’re just like sponges taking in information. It’s pretty cool to see.” This is avalanche country Northeastern Oregon is not infamous for deadly avalanches compared with, say, the Alps or parts of the Rocky Mountains. But that doesn’t mean avalanches are uncommon here, McNeil said. Although the Wal- lowas have been branded as “America’s Alps,” the comparison, however apt in terms of scenery and geology, is flimsy in other respects. See, Avalanche/Page B2 hirty minutes on the ice and my rod tip has not twitched once. I have jigged every which way I know how and never once felt tension. I dropped my offering until line went slack, reeled up two cranks, and pretended I did not care. Two lure swaps have also not led to action. I haven’t given up though. A school of hungry yellow perch should be close by. A short toss of a corn- hole bag away, Scott sits in a canvas chair and stares at a tiny Thill slip bobber as if doing so will provide answers to the meaning of life. Three fat perch flop beside his gear bag, indicating a patient approach can pay off. Scott wasted little time putting a 1/8-ounce Triple Teaser in the strike zone, that magic “within one foot of the bottom” layer where yellow perch are said to reside. They reside there because water has a unique property of being most dense at approxi- mately 38 degrees Fahr- enheit, a feature that results in conditions being warmest at the bottom of iced-over lakes. With area streams closed to steelhead fishing, seasonal affective disorder hit me hard this year. Hoping to bust out of my funk, I checked in with a flycaster friend a week prior. Conversation went something like this: Me: “I’m tired of looking out the window and waiting for snow to melt. Are you up for an ice fishing adventure?” Ken: “As much as I’d like an outing, I’m not much of a fan. Is the ice even stable?” Me: “Mullie and Doober were on the ice two days ago. They caught a dozen perch each.” Ken: “Yeah, but they’re Midwesterners that don’t know any better. Bobber fishing when it’s nice out is bad enough. Standing on ice and freezing your butt waiting for a bobber to sink is not that intriguing.” Rejection often leads to introspection. In this case I decided someone having a Great Lakes heritage would more likely embrace the idea of ice fishing than someone who favored dragging Wooly Buggers behind his float tube on a warm spring day. As if to affirm my supposition, a friend from Michigan shared a hot tip. “A source reported catching 100 perch a day at Red Rock Lake,” he said. “I have good info on where to fish and what they were using.” Thus began the typ- ical slow dance that often occurs between two busy retirees. What day? When and where to meet? The five-day weather report showed warming to 36 F and no wind at mid-week. A 9 a.m. start time would ensure roads were free of ice and not lead to circa- dian misalignment. Scott rolled into the driveway while I laced up my 1,200-gram insu- lated Blizzard Stalkers. Gear checked and loaded, we skirted the perim- eter of the Hanford Res- ervation under leaden skies, crossed the mighty Columbia River, and con- tinued north through wide-open farm country. Our route took us past orchard workers trim- ming apple trees, covered haystacks, circle irriga- tion pivots, and steel- sided warehouses the size of a football field. A quick review of Google Maps led to a county road south of Royal City and basalt outcrops flanked with big sage and rabbitbrush. Flocks of geese honked noisily as they circled over a series of cattail-lined ponds. Crossing over railroad tracks onto an ice-glazed gravel road, we reached 171-acre Red Rock Lake before noon. The quarter-mile trek from the parking area involved frozen chunks of slush over 8 inches of clear ice. Two folding chairs, gear bags, and hand-power ice auger strapped to a circa 1950 Flexible Flyer steel runner sled scraped along. Shouts of glee from anglers sheltered inside a blue nylon tent provided incentive to set up station next to a flock of freshly augered holes. See, Dauble/Page B2