HOME & LIVING B4 — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2022 What we now know about long COVID By NICOLE VILLALPANDO Austin American-Statesman AUSTIN, Texas — Doc- tors at UT Health Austin have been trying to solve the puzzle of why some COVID-19 patients remain sick for months or now years. Since last July, people who have what some call long COVID or long- haulers COVID have been treated at a post-COVID-19 program at UT Health Austin, the clinical arm of University of Texas Dell Medical School. “Now, we’ve learned a lot,” said Dr. W. Michael Brode, the medical director of the post-COVID-19 program. People who continue to have symptoms from COVID-19 long after the initial infection fall into three categories: • People who were hos- pitalized and were even on a ventilator who have lin- gering symptoms from the ventilator and recovering from a serious illness. They typically get better within six months to a year. • People who have lin- gering symptoms such as a cough that can go on for three to six months, as a cough can with other illnesses. • And there are people whose COVID-19 infec- tion triggered a new dis- ease, Brode said. This new disease is long COVID or post-COVID-19 or long- haulers COVID. Typically, these were not the people hospitalized for COVID- 19. It doesn’t seem to matter how severe the dis- ease initially was. Instead, their autonomic nervous system has been disrupted by COVID-19. That’s the system that controls such things as breathing, heart- beat and digestion. “This third group the medical community doesn’t Joseph Prezioso/AFP/Getty Images-TNS Medical workers treat a patient suff ering from the eff ects of COVID-19 in the ICU at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut, on Jan. 18, 2022. know what to do with,” Brode said. Their common com- plaints often are fatigue similar to chronic fatigue syndrome and brain fog. They also might have shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, dizzi- ness because of changes in blood pressure, problems with digestion, trouble reg- ulating their body tempera- ture and diffi culty sleeping. A common phenomenon is post-exertional malaise, in which they actually get worse after physical or mental activity. People also can experi- ence food allergies or sen- sitivities that they have not had before, or they might have rashes. Some people also experience heightened anxiety or new anxieties. Brode said that, while long COVID can happen to anyone, there are some defi - nite groups of people that it seems to happen to more often: otherwise healthy women in their 30s and 40s; men in their 40s and 50s; and teenagers. We still don’t know how long these symptoms will last, Brode said. “We have people who were sick in March and April of 2020 who are not fully recovered,” he said. The program is now seeing about 150 patients. What happens in long COVID? COVID-19’s eff ects are still being researched, but some clues can be found in previous viral outbreaks, as well as less talked about side eff ects that can come after any virus. “In some ways, I’m becoming a student of his- tory,” Brode said. “This clearly happened after the 1918 Spanish fl u and the 1890s fl u.” Long COVID is the body’s reaction to the COVID-19 virus, which is a systemic disease that invades everywhere. COVID-19 is happening in the vasculature — the body’s arrangement of blood vessels. Because COVID-19 is new, it’s a disease that the body doesn’t recognize to know how to handle properly. Researchers have looked at skin biopsies in people with long COVID and found small fi ber neu- ropathy, or damage to the smallest nerves in the body. Those nerves reg- ulate the body’s sensory perceptions. These same small nerve cells also are found in the nose, the ears, the heart and lungs, which is why such COVID-19 symptoms as loss of smell, diffi culty with bal- ance, rapid heart rate or shortness of breath might continue. Unlike people who had severe COVID-19 and were hospitalized and on ven- tilators, people with long COVID don’t have damaged lungs or damaged hearts, at least not that shows up on tests, Brode said. It could be that current tests aren’t good enough to detect the small fi ber damage, he said. Instead, the people who have long COVID might not have anything wrong with their lungs or heart, but the autonomic nervous system thinks they do. It’s like the body is still sending sig- nals that it’s experiencing the virus and needs to react, triggering rapid heart rate and shortness of breath. Treating variant by variant for long COVID Right now, the Austin program is working with people who were infected in the fi rst three waves, through the delta variant. It is too early to treat people who got the omicron variant because the center typically starts working with people who have had symptoms for at least three months. Brode has not seen any diff erence between people who were infected with the original coronavirus and people infected with the delta variant. He sus- pects in a few months he won’t see a diff erence in people infected with omi- cron compared with delta or earlier variants. “It’s hard to prognosti- cate,” he said, but the hope is that there might be less long COVID with omicron because of the number of people who have been vac- cinated. Vaccination tends to reduce the symptoms of the virus in a breakthrough case. The hope is that, if the COVID-19 virus is a trigger for long COVID, perhaps the vaccine can help protect against that, “but it doesn’t bring it to zero,” he said. He estimates that right now about 4% of people who have had COVID-19 fall into the third category of people and will have long COVID. His hope is that with omicron, it might get to as low as 1% for people who had that variant. are off ered medications. There have yet to be tar- geted therapies specifi c to long COVID, but Brode is hopeful there will be and that the post-COVID pro- gram at UT Health will be able to participate in clinical trials for those. How doctors are treating long COVID Most lingering COVID-19 symptoms will start to get better within four to 12 weeks after the initial infection. See your primary care physician if they are getting worse, there are new symptoms, or it’s been four weeks without improvement. Treat the symptoms by doing such things as using over-the-counter cough medicine for cough or acet- aminophen for headache. If you’re experiencing gas- trointestinal issues, try smaller meals more often and stay hydrated. If you are dizzy when getting up, get up slowly to allow your blood pressure to adjust. Brode said he has seen a lot of people in the hospital after COVID-19 because they have fallen. If it’s exhaustion or brain fog, don’t try to push through it and do too much; that can make symp- toms worsen. Take frequent breaks and slowly build back up to your usual level of activity. “I think this is a time to really listen to the body, give yourself some grace and just rest when your body says so,” Brode said. But if you’re having trouble getting back to your usual activities, phys- ical therapy from someone who knows how to treat people after COVID-19 is important, Brode said. If things haven’t improved by three months, ask for a referral to the post-COVID program. At fi rst, doctors were treating each symptom to try to ease those. Now, they are leaning on treat- ments that have worked for chronic fatigue syndrome or dysautonomia — when your body can’t regulate its autonomic nervous system. Some antidepressant medi- cations that are more stim- ulating have been shown to be helpful with fatigue and anxiety. It also helps with infl ammation in the brain. Doctors are prescribing physical therapy, but not standard courses in which you push through to build up strength. New proto- cols have been written to provide physical therapy designed for people with post-exertional malaise. That means slowly getting moving again. “I have not met anyone who pushing through that wall is eff ective,” Brode said. “In all scenarios, it makes it worse.” Doctors also can pre- scribe mental health therapy to help with the long-term eff ects of having a chronic illness. Much of the other ther- apies are about treating the symptoms. Melatonin two hours before bedtime is sug- gested for people who are having diffi culty sleeping. For people who lost their sense of smell, nasal ste- roids and smell therapy can help regain that sense. People with daily headaches What to do if COVID-19 symptoms linger C lassifieds Published by The Observer & Baker City Herald - Serving Wallowa, Union and Baker Counties PLACING YOUR AD IS EASY...Union, Wallowa, and Baker Counties Phone La Grande - 541-963-3161 • Baker City - 541-523-3673 On-Line: www.lagrandeobserver.com www.bakercityherald.com TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2022 Email: Classifieds@lagrandeobserver.com Classifieds@bakercityherald.com 110 Announcements 110 Announcements DEADLINES: LINE ADS: Tuesday: 8:30am Monday Thursday: 8:30 am Wednesday Saturday: 8:30 am Friday DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date 110 Announcements To Place a Classified Ad Please email your contact information and the content to be included in the ad to: classifieds@bakercityherald.com If you are unable to email please call: (541) 523-3673 Deadlines for Classified Ads 4:00 PM two days prior to publication Tuesday Publication..........Friday by 4 PM Thursday Publication.....Tuesday by 4 PM Saturday Publication....Thursday by 4 PM PULL TABS ACCEPTED AT THE FOLLOWING BAKER CITY LOCATIONS ∙ Baker City Herald ∙ Dollar Tree ∙ Black’s Distributing ∙ Ryder Bros ∙ VFW ∙ Baker Elk’s Lodge ∙ Main Event ∙ Lefty’s Tap House ∙ Baker City Fire Dept. ∙ Haines Sell-Rite ∙ Idle Hour ∙ Salvation Army