16 NOVEMBER 9�17, 2021 MIXED MEDIUM THE ARTS AROUND EASTERN OREGON “An inspiring and moving account of three people who helped create modern Oregon.” Pendleton Center for the Arts/Contributed image This miniature painting on wood by Nell Parker, measuring just 3 inches, will go to the highest bidder during the PCA’s online auction. — Nicholas Kristof, Author, Pulitzer Prize winner, human rights advocate Pendleton art center again offers online auction Event raises funds for expenses not covered by grants Go! staff P ENDLETON — The Pendle- ton Center for the Arts hosts a Gala Auction every other year, and last year the pandemic took the event online. That adaptation came with a silver lining — the discovery of an online plat- form that made the event easy for both staff and patrons. So easy, in fact, that this year PCA is hosting an off -year auction event to complement their holi- day programming. “It feels like things are looking up,” said PCA Executive Director Roberta Lavadour. “To celebrate we’ve put together a fundraiser we think the community will have fun with. The online auction worked so well last year, and we raised important funds for ex- penses that grants don’t cover.” This year the nonprofi t is hop- ing to raise $14,000, the annual cost of health insurance for the center’s salaried, full-time staff . “Our board members put a lot of eff ort into coming up with items we think people will love,” she said of the auction’s of- ferings. “The experiences and handcrafted items can help you with Christmas shopping, too.” Some familiar favorites, such as furniture by Jeff Blackwood and ceramic earrings by Marie Pratuch, will be featured along- side new items like a custom pa- percut by Jenny Morgan and an outdoor adventure at Meacham. Some board members used their connections with artists from outside the area to secure one-of-a-kind works, including a 3-inch miniature painting on wood by Maine artist Nell Parker. Anyone can participate, and the event opens for online browsing and bidding on Thurs- day, Nov. 18, at 32Auctions.com/ PCAHealthy2022. Visitors will create an account with an email and password, but will not be asked to enter any credit card information to bid. Items will also be available to view in person at PCA begin- ning Nov. 18. The auction ends Saturday, Nov. 27, at 2 p.m. All items will have a “buy it now” feature for patrons willing to spend a little more to guarantee a winning bid. More information is avail- able by calling 541-278-9201 or emailing director@pendleton- arts.org. Available at: Betty’s Books Baker City The Bookloft Enterprise Josephy Center for Arts and Culture Joseph or order online at: www.eomediagroup.com/books/eminent_oregonians By Jane Kirkpatrick, Steve Forrester and R. Gregory Nokes Foreword by Chet Orloff • Preface by Steve Forrester Published by Steve Forrester, 2021. 196 Pages. Paperback, $24.85