2 NOVEMBER 9�17, 2021 STAFF follow us ONLINE www.goeasternoregon.com TWITTER twitter.com/GoEasternOregon FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ goeasternoregon INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/ goeasternoregon contact us EDITOR Lisa Britton Go! Editor editor@goeasternoregon.com 541-406-5274 Sarah Smith Calendar Coordinator calendar@goeasternoregon.com SUBMIT NEWS Submit your event information by Monday for publication the following week (two weeks in advance is even better!). Go! Magazine is published Wednesdays in the  Wallowa County Chieftain and Blue Mountain Eagle. It publishes Thursdays in The Observer, Baker City Herald and East Oregonian. THE OPENING ACT RAISING THE CURTAIN ON THIS WEEK’S ISSUE What we’re into ‘MISS BENSON’S BEETLE’ AND THE HERMISTON PUBLIC LIBRARY’S BOOK CLUB friendship, all the while trying to accomplish their mission — fi nd- ing a rare beetle, hitherto uncate- gorized by British entomologists. If you’ve ever had enough of I feel a bit guilty for making an unfulfi lling life and wished this book my favorite, because to escape, then you might just I do not think it was written for fi nd a friend in “Miss Benson’s me. Much of the novel is about Beetle,” Rachel Joyce’s 2020 female friendships and women’s novel. I read it at the Hermiston struggles in a patriarchal society. Public Library’s book club, Book- As a man, I can sympathize and minders, a few months ago. I love try to understand but I cannot the book and the book club, and I relate. I think, if I were a character recommend both. in this book, I might even be a First, the book… villain, even though I would try to In “Miss Benson’s,” a middle- be otherwise. Through bumbling aged woman is a disrespected, or pettiness, I would probably be unappreciated teacher in a foil to the protagonists. This is England. She lives alone. She a bummer. has never had a true romance, Still, I love this book for its or even experienced adventure. adventure and its look into exotic One day, however, she fi nally has cultures and times. I also love its enough. She suddenly leaves her situation. When I wished to start job, walking away from every- a new life and have adventures, thing to plan a trip to the other this book was there for me. side of the world. Now, let me tell you about my Not wanting to go alone, she book club, which is also uplift- befriends a second woman, who ing. There, I meet people I still is strange and has a mysterious barely know. Yet we share our past. Together, the pair travel to thoughts and feelings about life foreign countries and form a tight as we also discuss a diff erent book each month. We meet the Library. I hope to see you there. second Tuesday of the month at — ERICK PETERSON, EDITOR, HERMISTON HERALD 1:30 p.m. at the Hermiston Public ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Baker City Herald 541-523-3673 The Observer 541-963-3161 East Oregonian 541-276-2211 Wallowa County Chieftain 541-426-4567 Blue Mountain Eagle 541-575-0710 Hermiston Herald 541-567-6457 Quality Vehicles. Reasonable Prices. 10500 West 1st St., Island City, OR• 541-204-0041 HOMESTEADMOTORSOR.COM