SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2021 MEMORIES of the adults around them. Second, they wanted answers. Continued from A1 “Their need to want She had to repeat the figure definitive answers of what’s happening and what were the twice. consequences. And there were “It was amazing,” Whit- no answers,” Mitchell said. ney said. “We came together. He did have one truth to We were all just devastated. offer. How can you have any petty “I told them things are go- squabbles with anyone when you see something like that? ing to change,” he said. So many people wanted to He has not yet returned to volunteer.” New York City. Two decades later, it’s that community spirit that helps Grant Johnson Whitney balance the sadness Johnson, now 32, was one of her memories of what she, of the seventh grade students along with so many millions of in Mitchell’s classroom that Americans, saw that day. morning. He remembers watching She wasn’t born when news coverage of the attacks President John F. Kennedy on TV before he left for school. was assassinated on Nov. 22, When he got to BMS, John- 1963. And although she remem- son said students, rather than dividing into groups of friends bers Jan. 28, 1986, the day as they normally did, were the space shuttle Challenger congregated in one large mass, exploded, Whitney said 9/11 all of them, he said, “talking will always be the day that about what we had seen.” stands out. Johnson said Mitchell She was an adult that day, helped him, and his class- and a parent. mates, understand the historic “I remember being fully aware that these were parents nature of what had happened and moms and dads and aunts — and indeed, what was still happening as they sat in and uncles,” she said. “When you’re a parent you their desks. “I think Mr. Mitchell re- understand better the devasta- ally recognized the gravity of tion that’s happening before that event,” Johnson said. “I your eyes.” don’t think we, as students, Bill Mitchell, retired teacher understood the full magnitude of what was happening.” Sept. 11, 2001, was a Johnson said the sober Tuesday, and every Tuesday Bill Mitchell played basketball expressions on the faces of at 6 a.m. before heading to his his teachers and other adults was at least as compelling, in classroom at Baker Middle School, where he taught social terms of the significance of that day, as anything else. studies. “To see a building collapse, As the time for school ap- proached, he headed to get his that’s pretty startling,” he said. Johnson chuckles as he mail at the school office. “It’s just as clear as if it was admits that he has a “terrible memory.” yesterday,” he said. But he also understands Dana Blankenship, who that one reason his recollec- taught science at BMS, met tions aren’t as vivid as they Mitchell at the stairs. “He said ‘It’s Pearl Harbor might be is that the situa- tion changed so rapidly that all over again. Turn your TV morning — first the views of on.’ ” Mitchell did, and watched the towers on fire, then their the chaos in New York City, a collapse. He’s still grateful for place he’d visited several years before with a group of middle Mitchell for helping students deal with events that were school students. And on that day, a Tuesday unprecedented in their lives. “I think he put it in context ingrained in so many Ameri- can memories, he would stand for us,” Johnson said. “He realized this was a tremen- before multiple classes. dous moment.” “I remember thinking the lesson plan for today has changed drastically. It became Tabor Clarke a question-and-answer day,” Clarke, a Baker City he said. jewelry store owner, was in an unusual, and troubling, situ- Mitchell remembers two ation on the morning of Sept. reactions from his students. First, they were picking up — 11, 2001. His father and mother, F.B. and absorbing — the anxiety events are important, they should be overseen by their current sponsors. Continued from A1 “I agree with that, it makes perfect sense and we shouldn’t support from the county have events being handled through the lodging tax. by whoever gets this contract “That would be a total with visitors services,” Nichols miscommunication that we said. “Events should be are trying to stop them and handled by, and this is not just I think it’s really important my idea but multiple people, they will continue, it’s just going to continue in the right that the one that has the event should be responsible fashion and the right format and that’s where it’s at,” Ben- for that event.” Bennett said he doesn’t nett said. think it’s appropriate to But Bennett said he include language in the new believes the visitors center visitors center contract that contract should deal with operation of the center and not requires the contractor, in ad- other tasks, including manag- dition to operating the center, to manage events. ing events. “There’s multiple appli- Nichols agreed with Ben- nett that although community cants and what if the people VISITORS BAKER CITY HERALD — A3 LOCAL & REGION Greg Derr/The Patriot Ledger-TNS Flags placed on the Braintree, Massachusetts, Town Common in honor of those killed on 9/11. and Zona Clarke of Baker City, were in an airliner. And in those anxious minutes, when it was not clear how many planes might have been hijacked, and from which airports, this seemed a precari- ous position indeed for worried relatives such as Clarke and his brother, Nelson, who also lives in Baker City. Tabor Clarke was at home that morning when his wife, DeeDee, heard something on the radio about a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers. They turned on their TV. “There it was,” Tabor said. At that moment he didn’t know exactly where his par- ents were — or even whether they were on the ground in Il- linois, where they had traveled to visit F.B. Clarke’s sister, or already airborne. As it turned out, the latter was the case. The Clarkes were en route from Chicago to St. Louis when the plane’s captain told passengers about what by then was believed to be a planned terrorist attack. The flight was diverted from St. Louis to Wichita, Kansas. Back in Baker City, Tabor and Nelson learned about 10 a.m., from a phone call from their father, that their parents were safe on the ground. during cleanup, and search and rescue. One of them developed severe lifelong health issues from breathing whatever was in that dust. The loss of life and other damage to people extended far beyond what happened that morning, and continued for years afterward. The only bright spot was that for a little while, people everywhere came together to support each other, and remembered what America felt like.” caught in traffic. Kassien said he started try- ing to call many of his friends and relatives who were sup- posed to be in Manhattan that day. Cell service was sketchy, and in many cases he wasn’t able to reach his loved ones. He continued to watch TV coverage. He watched the South Tower collapse, followed, 29 minutes later, by the North Tower. “I was sitting in the kitchen of my friend’s house in complete and utter disbelief,” Kassien said. Lori Lien Lien submitted her memo- ries by email: “My husband and I had only been home a few days from having our second child at the local St. Elizabeth Hospital. On the morning of 9/11, we were up early with baby Eli and my mom called to alert us to what was happen- ing. Turning on the TV, I could not grasp the evil that would inspire the events unfolding before us. I was holding the Jamie Kassien most precious gift life can offer Kassien, who grew up in anyone — our brand new baby New York, was about three boy. I remember thinking that hours from Manhattan, at a the world that I grew up in friend’s house and watching NBC’s “Today” morning show, would never be the reality for when he saw video of the first my two young children. Hold- tower in flames. ing my kids throughout that Initially, he said, the pre- day, gave me immense peace sumption was that this was an that my family was safe and accident, not a terrorist attack. at the same time, immense fear that I may not be able to But Kassien continued to protect them in a world where watch. And he remembers events like this can happen on how somber Matt Lauer, the any given Tuesday.” “Today” show host, looked as he interrupted the program, his hand to his earpiece, to tell Mark Bennett, Baker viewers that a second plane County commissioner had slammed into the other On Sept. 11, 2001, Bennett tower. was the county’s emergency “Instantly my stomach management director and dropped,” Kassien said. planning director. He had two friends who He was at his ranch near worked in the North Tower. Unity, getting ready to drive One worked on the 82nd the 50 or so miles to his office floor, about 10 stories below at the Courthouse in Baker where the plane struck. City, when he got a phone call Kerry McQuisten, Baker Kassien later learned that from Grant Young, then the City mayor assistant planning director. McQuisten submitted her that friend had missed work that day because he had at- “The nation’s under attack,” recollections by email: “I was living near Seattle tended a party the night before Bennett recalls Young telling him. at the time. I remember my and had a hangover. In those first few confusing mom calling me and telling me His other friend, whose hours, before the geographic to turn on the TV. It was hard office was near the bottom scale of the threat to the coun- to believe what I was seeing. I of the North Tower, also was started flipping through all of supposed to be at work that try was clear, Bennett said the news channels that were morning but his cab was federal and state officials were live from around Asia, and nothing is censored there in terms of footage, so I saw some scenes that definitely were Patrons can reserve FICTION not captured on mainstream • “The Guide,” Peter Heller materials in advance online media here. • “Lightning Strike,” or by calling 541-523-6419. “I have friends who ended William Kent Krueger Baker County Library’s new up traveling to be on the scene • “The Love Songs of that are great visitors center people aren’t capable of man- aging an event?” Bennett said. Harvey, though, contends that including event man- agement in the new visitors center contract is important to formalize what has happened for many years, including the Chamber’s management of Miners Jubilee. He acknowledged that event management wasn’t mentioned in the previous visitors center contract. “It didn’t have to be because they were already doing the service, it was being provided for the last several years so we didn’t think to put it in before because they were already doing it,” Harvey said, referring to the Chamber. additions include 15 new bestsellers, four new movies, 20 new children’s books, and 125 other new books, includ- ing 103 that are available online. See everything new this week to Baker County Library District at wowbrary. org. Materials featured, and in library collection, does not indicate endorsement or approval of contents by the library. Selections are based on factors such as demand, public interest, diversity of viewpoint, community relevance, and others. W.E.B. Du Bois,” Honoree Fanonne Jeffers. • “Ridgeline,” Michael Punke • “A Slow Fire Burning,” Paula Hawkins • “Velvet Was the Night,” Silvia Moreno-Garcia NONFICTION • “Unsettled : What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters,” Steven E. Koonin • “Unwinding Anxiety: New Science Shows How to Break the Cycles of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind,” HUNTING PHOTO CONTEST Show off your hunting skills HUNTING PHOTO CONTEST Gina Perkins Perkins submitted her memories by email to the Herald: “The strongest memory of what our experience was on September 11, is the complete normalcy in which the day began. We lived far from town and our kids always got up early to be ready for the bus. I remember them finishing breakfast with our two young- est sitting on the couch with their coats on watching a little TV before it was time to go. It was tuned into the news. And then the unthinkable hap- pened right before our eyes. “My husband and I won- dered if we should allow the kids to go to school (which we did). So unsure of what might happen, I went to the grocery store to pick up some extra things — just in case — and I remember the utter silence in the store and nervous glances between customers who were obviously worried and scared. Me, too. “A couple of days later when things were in the midst of turmoil, I remember attending a football game in Unity, literally next to a cow pasture, and how everything was so peaceful. It was very hard to imagine the suffering happening on the other side of our country. Flags were everywhere, including in the backs of pickups and on cars in the parking lot. “What seemed to stand out the most was the noise of the kids playing and parents cheering seemed far away as thoughts drifted, again to what else might happen.” New At The Baker County Library B BRAGGIN' RIGHTS trying to get in touch with all county emergency manage- ment directors. At one point, he recalls, there was a call to “lock down” all airports, including a privately owned landing strip near Richland. By mid-morning it was obvious that there was no sig- nificant risk to Baker County, Bennett said. At that point his role became not so much official as that of a citizen, watching and pondering the situation like his friends and neighbors. “I just remember the shock,” Bennett said. ENTER NOW Judson Brewer • “We Are What We Eat: A Slow Food Manifesto,” Alice Waters • “Whale Day and Other Poems,” Billy Collins • “W1nning : The Unforgiving Race to Greatness,” Tim S. Grover • “The Woman They Could Not Silence : One Woman, Her Incredible Fight For Freedom, and the Men Who Tried to Make Her Disappear,” Kate Moore MOVIES • “12 Mighty Orphans” (Drama) • “In the Heights” (Musical) • “Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway” (Family)