B4 — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD SATuRDAY, SEpTEmBER 4, 2021 CLASSIFIEDS 654 Help Wanted Union Co. 677 Baker County Service Directory 677 Baker County Service Directory 677 Baker County Service Directory 716 Hay, Straw, Forage 112 Union County Legal Notices Eastern Oregon University is currently seeking a FT Pro- gram Director. Salary $48,906 - $64,556 Annually DOE w/ a comprehensive benefit pack- age. For more information please visit us at https://eou. peopleadmin.com THE SEWING LADY STATE FARM Outstanding WANTED: Large hay bales or round bales for cows. Summerville area. (541)534-9421 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Eastern Oregon University is currently seeking a FT Ad- ministrative Program Assistant in the College of Education & Business. Salary $2741.00/ Month w/ a comprehensive benefit package. For more information please visit us at https://eou.peopleadmin.com 655 Help Wanted Out of Area Automotive Diagnostic Repair Technician Main Street Motors in Enterprise Oregon is looking for an automotive diagnostic, repair maintenance technician who is responsible, punctual, with a great work ethic, and looking for an opportunities to live and work in a great area. If you have experience or a just beginning in your journey in automotive repair, we welcome you to find out more about us. Responsibilities in- clude automotive diagnostic, repair, maintenance, and multi point inspections. Some com- puter skills required. If you are interested or have questions please contact: David at 541-426-2100 Jim at 208-791-9905 or find us on Indeed. House need new paint? The Service Directory is the place to look. Linda Foersterling 1609 Tenth St., Baker City 541-523-5327 Tony’s Tree Service Baker City GREG HINRICHSEN INSURANCE AGENCY INC. MOBILE SERVICE GREG HINRICHSEN, AGENT www.outstandingcomputerrepair.com 1722 CAMPBELL STREET Baker City, OR 97814-2148 Dale Bogardus 541-523-3708 Thatcher’s Ace Hardware & La Grande Ace Hardware D AVID G ENTRY ’ S 2200 Resort St., Baker City 541-523-3371 2212 Island Ave., La Grande 541-605-0152 CCB 63504 ∙ LCB 6271 C USTOM P AINTING , LLC 541-403-1967 CCB#207675 APPLIANCES & MORE www.appliancesandmorellc.com 2036 Main St., Baker City 541-523-6284 CCB: 219615 CHESTERMAN’S CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY dtupholstery@outlook.com 2327 10th Baker City 541-903-0480 McELROY PRINTING, INC. stitches@bmdw.com 1920 Court Avenue Baker City, OR 97814 541-523-2621 For Sale By Owner: Tools and Equipment. Many years of collecting, welding machines, cars, trucks, tools of all kinds. Too many to men- tion. Call 541-379-0851 840 Miscellaneous SUBSCRIBERS! Jacket & Coverall Repair Zippers replaced, patching & other heavy duty repairs. Reasonable Rates! Fast Service! TAKE US ON YOUR PHONE and LEAVE YOUR PAPER AT HOME ! FULL editions of the (541)805-9576 ∙ Baker City Baker City Herald -AND- La are Grande Observer now available online! 541-519-5807 PO BOX 538 ∙ 1133 Madison Baker City, OR 97814 Mike Voboril ∙ CCB#80969 No need to travel all over town to look for garage sales ... you'll find them listed right here in classi- fied. 3 EASY STEPS 1. Register your account before you leave 2. Call to stop your print paper 3. Log in wherever you are at and enjoy! SHURTLEFF CONSTRUCTION CCB# 224281 These little ads really work! Join the thousands of other people in this area who are regular users of the classi- fied. See how simple and effective they can be. We're open from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for your convenience. General Contractor ALL phases of construction Over 30 Years Experience! Call Now to Subscribe! (541) 963-3161 Classifieds get results. (541)805-0588 (541) 519-4905 DONNA’S Don’t want it? Don’t need it? Don’t keep it! SELL IT WITH A CLASSIFIED AD! (541) 297-583 1 C HERYL A G UZMAN , O WNER cgrentalsbakercity@gmail.com 541-523-2859 828 Misc for Sale W EEKDAYS : 7 AM – 7 PM CG R ENTALS & P ROPERTY M GMT ,. LLC MMW ELECTRIC MOTOR & PUMP REPAIR, INC. Computer Repair GROOM & BOARD, LTD 1405 17th St. ∙ Baker City 541-523-6080 678 Union County Service Directory RILEY EXCAVATION I NC . CCB# 168468 rileyexcavation@gmail.com 541-805-9777 by Stella Wilder SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are almost certain to attract a great deal of attention throughout your lifetime, simply because what you do and how you behave are so singular and unusual that you’re sure to be in someone’s sights, somewhere, at any time of the day or night, either directly or indirectly. Fortunately, you thrive on such attention, and you’ll almost surely learn to use it to your advan- tage, whether personally or professionally. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You are very eager to be taken seriously at this time, espe- cially since you are trying out something new that seems to suit you very well. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- You’ve come to a crossroads of sorts today, and you must take the time to consider your situation care- fully and assess all plans in the making. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- Once you’ve immersed yourself in a certain situa- tion today it will be quite difficult to get yourself out again. Think twice! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You must make your intentions known today before you put your plans in motion. Much depends on getting others on board. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You will want to position yourself perfectly today in order to enjoy the best possible gains. Don’t let anyone derail your efforts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You are never afraid of doing what is necessary to get things done as required -- but today you may balk at something that crosses the line. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You must be open and honest with those doing business with you today, or you’re soon likely to find yourself without any customers at all! ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- You receive a message today that doesn’t seem to apply to you at all -- until you decipher its code to glean its “hidden” meaning. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Others are looking to you for any indication about how to behave in a situation that is anything but normal. You’ll surely be leading the way. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You’ll hit your stride today and likely cross the finish line ahead of the pack -- but take care that you don’t let yourself be pulled off course. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You can spend your morning getting routine affairs out of the way -- just in time to address a new and challenging situation you never expected. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You’ll be dealing with one or two unusual paradoxes through- out the day, and it’s most important for you to maintain a clear and honest outlook. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2021 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are one of those diligent, hardworking individuals who goes about their business with little fuss, attracting little attention but securing remarkable results that are themselves noteworthy and memorable. Indeed, it may be that what you do is remem- bered far more than you are yourself -- but you will likely be fine with this, as you main- tain a very healthy attitude about your place in the world, which you understand is fleet- ing. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You may find yourself fretting over certain details today until you realize you’re actually keeping alive an issue that is dead. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- You know how to deal with what comes today better than almost anyone else -- but if you find someone better than you, by all means get help! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You have some hard work in store, but you can handle it with relative ease if you create a schedule for yourself and stick to it faithfully. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You mustn’t let another’s behavior throw you into a funk today. Own your own feelings -- just as they must own theirs as well. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You may realize today that a certain relationship has run its course. There is, however, much to celebrate as you remember things past. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You mustn’t let the natural progression of things get you down today. Focus on what you’re able to do, not on what has passed you by. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You may have concerns about how certain things may affect your reputation -- but by day’s end, you should realize that you’re sitting pretty. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- It’s time to step up and do what you’ve promised you’ll do for quite some time. If you pass up this opportunity, it may never arise again. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You are paid what you are owed today -- and that may surprise you. You must be sure that your own debts are paid as well -- sooner, not later! GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You must be willing to defend your beliefs today, especially when they are assailed by someone who doesn’t share your moral compass. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Now is no time to say “no” if you can find any reason at all to say “yes.” Support for those who need it will come back to you in many ways. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You must avoid any kind of entanglement today that keeps you from doing what you have promised to do. You may have to say “no” to a good friend. COPYRIGHT 2021 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500 EXECUTIVE TREE CARE, INC. Brian Walker, Arborist 541-432-8733 CCB 202271 Andrew’s Tech Repair https://www.facebook.com/ AndrewsTechRepair Hours: Everyday 7am-6pm Andrew Frail ∙ 541-589-3593 M ICHAEL 541-786-8463 A Certified Arborist CCB# 183649 ∙ PN – 7077A INLAND Turf & Equipment www.inlandturf.net 10303 W. 1st St Isalnd City, OR 97850 541.963.4985 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2021 COPYRIGHT 2021 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500 111 Baker County Legal Notices IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR SPECTRUM TV LINEUP: Communities Served: City and County of Baker, OR. On October 1, 2021 , NBC Sports Northwest, channels 37, 426 & 814 on Digi Tier 1/ Spectrum Select, will cease providing programming on your Spectrum channel line- up. To view additional sports programming, tune to Root Sports Northwest. Check your guide for channel location and programming details. For a complete channel line- up, visit Spectrum.com/ Channels. To view this notice online, visit Spectrum.net/ ProgrammingNotices. Legal No. 260549 Published: September 4, 2021 112 Union County Legal Notices REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR Architectural & Related Professional Services Union County is seeking pro- posals for architectural and related professional services to design and create a con- ceptual model of a new public safety building and provide an estimate of building costs to build the conceptual public safety building. RESIDENTIAL ∙ COMMERCIAL Todd Livingston (541)805-8216 Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB# 202333 709 Market Basket THOMAS ORCHARDS Kimberly, Oregon U-Pick Freestone Canning Peaches.......... $1.05/lb ∙ Improved Elberta ∙ Monroe ∙ Angelus Nectarines ................... $1.25/lb Plums .......................... $1.50/lb Bartlett Pears .............. $ .75/lb Ready Pick Peaches, Plums, Pears, Nectarines & Apples BRING CONTAINERS for u-pick Open 7 days a week 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. only 541-934-2870 Visit us on Facebook for updates 710 Pets & Supplies Three very tame kittens free to good homes. About 8 weeks old. To loving homes only. Union, OR. 541-805-9464. 113 Wallowa County Legal Notices Electronic copies of the Re- quest for Proposals may be obtained at www.union- county.org or by calling Union County at (541)963-1001. Complete proposals will be ac- cepted until 4:00 p.m. on Octo- ber 4, 2021 Published: September 4, 2021 Legal No. 260453 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR SPECTRUM TV LINEUP: Communities Served: City of Island; County of Union; Towns of La Grande and Union, OR. On October 1, 2021 , NBC Sports Northwest, channel 426 on Digi Tier 1/Spectrum Select, will cease providing programming on your Spec- trum channel lineup. To view additional sports program- ming, tune to Root Sports Northwest. Check your guide for channel location and pro- gramming details. For a complete channel lineup, visit Spectrum.com/Channels. To view this notice online, visit Spectrum.net/Programming Notices. Published: September 4,2021 Legal No. 260554 113 Wallowa County Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Enterprise Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 7th, 2021 at 7:00PM. The hearing will take place at the Enterprise City Hall. At this time, the City Hall is closed to the public. However, we will accept both written testimony via email (required to be submitted to lmcquead@enterpriseoregon. org by 3:00PM on September 7th) or verbal testimony via Zoom: Topic: September Planning Commission Meeting Time: Sep 7, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87662678882?pwd=SXNzamF5cllUY WJRV1NYMlBvZWR2Zz09 Meeting ID: 876 6267 8882 Passcode: 280988 One tap mobile +13462487799,,87662678882#,,,,*280988# US (Houston) +16699009128,,87662678882#,,,,*280988# US (San Jose) Published: September 4, 11, 18, 2021 Legal No. 260555 Estate of Rita A. Lanman Notice to Interested Persons (No. 21PB06926) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun- ty of Union. In the Matter of the Estate of Rita A. Lanman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Stephen D. Nice has been ap- pointed as personal represen- tative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to pres- ent them to the undersigned personal representative in care of the undersigned attor- ney at: 9250 SW Tigard St., Tigard, Oregon 97223 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, or such claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal rep- resentative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and first published Au- gust 28, 2021. Steven D. Nice, Personal Representative c/o Stephanie Carter, OSB No. 093064 HILARY CARTER LAW Attorney for Personal Representative 9250 SW Tigard St. Tigard, OR 97223 Published: August 28, Sep- tember 4, 11, 2021 Legal No. 259475 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF UNION [Probate Department] In the Matter of the Estate of CHERE MERLE MINK, Decedent. Case No. 21PB07039 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal repre- sentative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the un- dersigned personal represen- tative at 808 Adams Avenue, PO Box 967, La Grande, Ore- gon, 97850, within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional informa- tion from the records of the Court, the personal represen- tative, or the lawyer for the per- sonal representative, Wyatt S. Baum, Baum Smith LLC, 808 Adams Avenue, PO Box 967, La Grande, OR 97850. Dated and first published on August 28, 2021. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Dusteen Mink 4511 SE Naef Road Milwaukie, OR 97267 Phone: (503) 306-8902 LAWYER FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Wyatt S. Baum, OSB No. 111773 Baum Smith, LLC 808 Adams Avenue PO Box 967 La Grande, OR 97850 Phone: (541) 963-3104 Fax: (541) 963-9254 email: office@baumsmith. com Published: August 28, Sep- tember 4, 11, 2021 Legal No. 259409 Call 541-963-3161 or 541-523-3673 to place your ad. DOES EVERYONE KNOW YOUR BUSINESS +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 876 6267 8882 Passcode: 280988 The purpose of this public hearing is to allow testimony regarding vacation rentals in the city. Lacey McQuead City Administrator Published: September 4, 7, 2021 Kelly Ribail has been ap- pointed Personal Represen- tative (hereafter PR) of the Estate of Steven Gene Rib- ail, Deceased, Probate No. 21PB07019, Union County Circuit Court, State of Oregon. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceeding may obtain additional informa- tion from the court records, the PR, or the attorney for the PR. All persons having claims against the estate must pres- ent them to the PR at: Mammen & Null, Lawyers, LLC Zachary Nice, Attorney for PR 1602 Sixth Street - P.O. Box 477 La Grande, OR 97850 (541) 963-5259 within four months after the first publication date of this no- tice or they may be barred. Legal No. 260540 Even if you think they do, you'll have to keep remind- ing them about it. CRUISE THROUGH classified when you’re in the market for a new or used car.