BUSINESS & AG LIFE B2 — THE OBSERVER & BAKER CITY HERALD CHAMBER Continued from Page B1 directors comes with long meetings, time commit- ments and so many tasks to add to your already- full plate. But what else is it? If the meetings and the extra work were it, well, trust me, I’d most likely be the only one to show up for Chamber board meetings. The two cruxes of non- profi t board service are so diffi cult to describe because they’re intangible. It’s so diffi cult to describe how this or that organiza- tion is “making a diff er- ence.” Serving on a board is your opportunity to make where you live, work and play a better place. For you, for your family, for your friends, for your colleagues. If you want to see more food trucks or a food truck pod — let’s go! We can make it happen! How about a “Taste of” event where our restaurants can show off their signature dishes and experiment with new menu possibilities — let’s make it a reality! Maybe our little corner of Northeastern Oregon can lead the way for the newest music festival or mountain biking festival — get at it! Volunteering for a local nonprofi t organization is your opportunity to truly make a diff erence in and for your community. If there’s a project you’re interested in, it’s your opportunity to immerse yourself in it, learn all aspects of it and have true impact. If changing the world — your world — isn’t enough of a reason … the people are. Some of the most important people in my life have become so through volunteering and collabo- rating on board and non- profi t organization proj- ects. Volunteering may not always result in fi nding your future life partner, though it might. Volun- teering may not always result in making your best friends in the whole world, but it might do that as well. The question to ask your- self is: Can you risk not vol- unteering, when the stakes are that high? One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing someone say an organization or event “should have done” this or that. Don’t just tell someone else your idea and expect it to happen. Get out there and make it happen. You’ve heard the adage: If you want something done … No matter how the change happens, if you truly immerse yourself in it, serving on a nonprofi t organization’s board of directors will change your life. You can change the world around you, but the board will also change your world. Shameless plug: If you’re interested in being involved, the Union County Chamber is looking for new board members. Nomina- tions will open soon, so call me if you want to get involved in something life changing. ——— Suzannah Moore- Hemann is the execu- tive director of the Union County Chamber of Com- merce & Visitors Informa- tion Center. Now Open for Dine In HOPES Continued from Page B1 With a total square footage of more than 21,000, the Maridell Cen- ter’s fi rst fl oor would pro- vide enough space for the entire company’s production. According to Jeanne Williamson, the only other way they could move the business to La Grande would be to construct a new building in the busi- ness park. “We’d really like to be able to bring some jobs here to La Grande,” she said. “Right now we’re inviting our staff and hosting them for a weekend out here to spend a couple of days and nights so they have an idea of what it’s like.” Keeping the focus on the community THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2021 for occasions such as proms, weddings and other high-capacity events. “It would be a gift to the community,” Jeanne Wil- liamson said. “We could rent it out, but the object of the upstairs would not be for profi t. It would be to provide something to the community.” As for the basement, the Williamsons are opti- mistic that the space can become a new commu- nity gathering spot. They have fl irted with the idea of turning the downstairs into a brew pub or wine bar, but the renovations would take quite some time before that would be a possibility. The bottom fl oor served as a laser tag arena in the recre- ation center, but is believed to have been an indoor swimming pool when the building was constructed in 1914. This is not the fi rst time the Williamsons have worked on a renovation project in La Grande, as the couple previously pur- chased the spaces at 1113 Adams Ave. and 1115 Adams Ave. The building currently hosts Rebel Woolworks and Eleven Fifteen Salon & Spa. Jeanne Williamson repainted the exterior of the building and the couple restored the interior after it had been used for Kneads Bakery for more than 20 years. New beginning, new name The Williamsons have a ways to go before their ambitions for the former Maridell Center will be achieved, starting from square one: They are looking to change the name to refl ect the La La Grande’s Avid dancers, the Wil- liamsons are ecstatic about the opportunities pre- sented by the upstairs ball- room. The large ballroom space needs a facelift, but the Williamsons have The most valuable and long-term plans to bring respected source of new life to the top fl oor. local news, advertising In addition, ADA accessi- bility upgrades would be and information for part of the renovation pro- our communities. cess in the upstairs area. “We would really like to bring that ballroom back,” Jeanne Williamson said. “We’d love to just have it Still running be for the community for unsupported events, yoga, concerts, dancing and more.” Windows 7? The ballroom space We’ll help you has historically been used Certified Master Arborist Upgraded certification striving to deliver the best care Starting a list for Dormant Pruning Season M ICHAEL Master Certified Tree Care Planting • Pruning • Removal M. Curtiss PN-7077A 541-786-8463 CCB# 200613 avoid critical issues by installing Windows 10! Family Friendly Location Delivery no longer available Grande community. “It’s a crucial building in the town, and we would like to give it a name that represents La Grande and the town’s history,” David Williamson said. According to Jeanne Williamson, the new owners want the name to resonate with La Grande residents because the couple only moved to the area within the last few years. “We’re looking for a name for the building that will help people realize what La Grande and the Grande Ronde Valley is all about,” she said. Readers can send name suggestions to the Wil- liamsons at their email address, Jeannew@ever- Computer not running as fast as when it was new? Let us install lightning-fast solid state drive! New Menu! Bar Bites, Wood Stone Pizza and More! MON-TUES CLOSED WED-SAT 11-9 • SUN 11-7 1106 Adams Avenue Suite 100 • 541 663-9010 • C lassifieds Published by The Observer & Baker City Herald - Serving Wallowa, Union and Baker Counties PLACING YOUR AD IS EASY...Union, Wallowa, and Baker Counties Phone La Grande - 541-963-3161 • Baker City - 541-523-3673 On-Line: THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2021 Email: 110 Announcements 110 Announcements To Place a Classified Ad Please email your contact information and the content to be included in the ad to: If you are unable to email please call: (541) 523-3673 Deadlines for Classified Ads 4:00 PM two days prior to publication Tuesday Publication..........Friday by 4 PM Thursday Publication.....Tuesday by 4 PM Saturday Publication....Thursday by 4 PM DEADLINES: LINE ADS: Tuesday: 8:30am Monday Thursday: 8:30 am Wednesday Saturday: 8:30 am Friday DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date 110 Announcements Hospice & Pallative Care, LLC “Affirming life......every day, every time” VOLUNTEER doing what you love! Volunteering is so rewarding and a great way to contribute to your community. If you would like to volunteer a little, a lot, or once in awhile, go to and fill out a volunteer application If you need assistance contact: Lori at 541.524.7688 Lost your pet? Find it fast with a classified ad. by Stella Wilder THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2021 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you have been endowed with talents that make you the envy of many you encounter in your daily travels -- but that is partially because you tend to attract into your orbit the very kind of people with whom you have the most in common, emotionally and spiritually, if not intellectually. Indeed, so many look up to you that you must always take special care that you don’t begin to believe the “hype” about who you are or what you can do. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- That which you expect to be easy is almost guaranteed to surprise you, but you’ve equipped yourself with the tools you need to handle it. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- You must keep the communication flowing freely among all team members today. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re on the wrong track. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- The rules are in place for a reason -- and that reason is sure to become crystal clear to you as the day progresses. A truth is revealed to you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- You may be called out today for something you didn’t do, and it will behoove you to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- The recognition you’re after may prove elusive today. Remember that you’re playing a very competitive game, and your time will come. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- You know exactly how to get someone to do what you want, but it isn’t the best way to deepen the relationship. Try another tactic. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Your efforts behind the scenes are sure to help those who are in the spotlight today. Tomorrow it may be your turn -- so get ready! ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- You may not be able to persuade someone that you’re the right person for a certain job without getting your hands dirty. Don’t hold back! TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- The best thing for you today may be the comfort of a familiar routine. There’s no need to face that which you haven’t yet figured out. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Take care that you don’t attract too much attention today, or you’ll find it almost impossible to do something that requires a low profile. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You may be able to enjoy the freedom that anonymity can provide -- but only for a short time. Before you know it, you’ll be in the spotlight. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You are more than willing to follow where a family member leads you -- but you’ll want to be prepared for the moment when you’re suddenly all alone. COPYRIGHT 2021 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500