8 AUGUST 25�SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 BEHIND THE SCENES FROM THE COVER Ben Lonergan/East Oregonian Tour participants enter the Pendleton Underground on July 1, 2021. Take a tour any time of year By Greg Alexander Go! Magazine P Pendleton Underground gives a green light to the Red Light District ENDLETON — Pendleton’s penchant for saloons and bordellos has long been an open secret — at one time 32 bars and 18 brothels operated in a four-block area. Today, a bronze statue of Stella Darby, the town’s favorite madam, graces Main Street. But back in the day, well-to- do patrons couldn’t risk any public association with her. Fortunately, a series of conve- nient tunnels just below street level helped keep illicit trysts hush-hush. CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 First Friday at Crossroads R eflection s Featuring Amy VanGaasbeck and Slade Elbert 2020 Auburn Avenue Baker City, Oregon 541.523.5369 www.crossroads-arts.org Exhibition on display Friday, August 6 through Saturday, August 28 Crossroads is open Monday through Saturday from 10:00am to 5:00pm