6 FROM THE SHELF AUGUST 25�SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 CHECKING OUT THE WORLD OF BOOKS Review: ‘Billy Summers’ by Stephen King By Jeff Strickler Star Tribune L ike Stephen King’s other books, “Billy Summers” is full of monsters. But they’re not the paranormal type usually asso- ciated with the horrormeister. These monsters are murderers, mobsters, rapists and thieves — in short, wrongdoers of every stripe. Take the title character. Billy is a hit man who has been sum- moned to a small Southern town by a mob boss, Nick, with a job off er. The target is Joel Allen, a former mob henchman who has been arrested on multiple charges. The mob is worried that he’ll try to trade his inside infor- mation about their organization for a lighter sentence. It’s a tricky assignment. Allen is in protective custody, so the only access Billy will have to him is when he’s led up the steps of the courthouse for his arraign- ment. But Allen’s bulldog of a ‘BILLY SUMMERS’ By Stephen King Published by Scribner 528 pages, $30 lawyer is throwing one wrench after another into the legal pro- cess, making it impossible to tell if Billy is going to have to wait a few days, weeks or even months to get his shot. In a small town, there’s no way a stranger can lurk around the courthouse without raising curi- osity. Billy’s best approach is to become one of the townspeople and blend in to the point where — he hopes — he’s no longer noticed. His cover story is a handy one for himself and King. He claims to be an author struggling to concentrate on his novel. With his deadline approaching, his agent has told him to hole up in the small town until his manu- script is fi nished. So he takes an offi ce in a building that overlooks the courthouse. This works for Billy because it explains why he needs to remain secluded in privacy. When he gets bored playing games on his computer, he actually does start to write a book. And this part works for King because it gives him a chance to brood over the nature of creativity — “writing is a kind of war, one you fi ght with yourself” — while also providing the venue for a novel within a novel. Adding to Billy’s stress is his growing distrust of Nick. With the bulk of his fee coming after he makes the hit, Billy is certain that Nick wouldn’t hesitate to betray him to avoid having to make the payment. “Sooner or later, bad people do bad things,” Billy reasons. Ironically, he never applies that logic to himself. That’s because he doesn’t think he’s a bad person. On the contrary, he thinks he’s providing a valuable service to society by eliminat- ing people who deserve to be t sco oo u k n s on a ly) i d 0% d b ing b k clu 1 printe re buy with a boo (on if you a ticipate r to pa book Scribner/TNS eliminated. “He basically sees himself as a garbage man with a gun,” is how King describes him. Which puts the reader in a deli- cate position. King does such a good job of getting us to bond with Billy that we fi nd ourselves hoping for a successful assas- sination. King also deserves applause for resisting the urge to pan- der to readers’ short attention spans. Thanks in large part to Hollywood, thriller fans these days expect something — or someone — to be blown up as soon as the story starts. But King falls back on traditional pacing, taking time to defi ne the characters and establish the situation before launching the action. We’re 150 pages into the novel, and Billy still hasn’t even set eyes on Allen. But don’t worry; there are still more than 300 pages to go, and King has plenty of mayhem on his mind. Audio & E-Books Available 1813 Main St, Baker City, OR • (541) 523-7551 • https://bettysbooks.indielite.org