8 AUGUST 18�25, 2021 BEHIND THE SCENES FROM THE COVER ‘Nimiipuu Experience’ coming to Baker City Programs slated for Aug. 21-22, Aug. 28-29 www.nezpercetraditions.com By Lisa Britton Go! Magazine B AKER CITY — Nez Perce Tourism just got started when the pandemic hit, and this year is ramping back up with history-laden jet boat tours and white water rafting trips from its headquarters in Lewiston, Idaho. And now the organization is bringing its program to Baker City’s National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. “Nimiipuu Experience” can be seen during two weekends: Aug. 21-22 and Aug. 28-29. The program is interactive with singing, drumming and dancing, said Stacia Morfi n, CEO of Nez Perce Tourism. “It’s heavily history and en- tertainment,” she said. Each of the four days will include three performances on the center’s porch. Times are 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. They will move to Baker City on two Saturdays — Aug. 21 and Aug. 28 — for an additional presentation at 5 p.m. in Geiser- Pollman Park. Admission is free to all perfor- mances. Nimiipuu, which means “The People,” is the tribe’s preferred name, Morfi n said. The ances- tral homelands include portions of Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Montana and Wyoming. “‘Nez Perce’ was the name given to us by French fur trad- ers,” Morfi n said. She said all people involved in the organization are “enrolled or descendants of Nimiipuu na- tion.” Nez Perce Tourism off ers “the only tours created to connect you to Nimiipuu culture through interactive storytelling, song, drum, and dance,” the organiza- tion’s website states. “Our guides are so knowl- edgeable,” Morfi n said. “This is their way of life.” To learn more, visit the web- site, www.nezpercetraditions. com. NIMIIPUU EXPERIENCE Aug. 21-22, 28-29: 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. at National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center Aug. 21 and Aug. 28: 5 p.m. at Geiser-Pollman Park Baker City Free First Friday at Crossroads R eflection s Featuring Amy VanGaasbeck and Slade Elbert 2020 Auburn Avenue Baker City, Oregon 541.523.5369 www.crossroads-arts.org Exhibition on display Friday, August 6 through Saturday, August 28 Crossroads is open Monday through Saturday from 10:00am to 5:00pm