2 THE OPENING ACT AUGUST 18�25, 2021 STAFF follow us ONLINE www.goeasternoregon.com TWITTER What we’re into: Road-trip-worthy podcasts ‘THE STRANGE SESSIONS’ AND ‘LOCATIONS UNKNOWN’ twitter.com/GoEasternOregon FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ goeasternoregon INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/ goeasternoregon contact us EDITOR Lisa Britton Go! Editor editor@goeasternoregon.com 541-406-5274 Sarah Smith Calendar Coordinator calendar@goeasternoregon.com SUBMIT NEWS Submit your event information by Monday for publication the following week (two weeks in advance is even better!). Go! Magazine is published Wednesdays in the  Wallowa County Chieftain and Blue Mountain Eagle. It publishes Thursdays in The Observer, Baker City Herald and East Oregonian. ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Baker City Herald 541-523-3673 The Observer 541-963-3161 East Oregonian 541-276-2211 Wallowa County Chieftain 541-426-4567 Blue Mountain Eagle 541-575-0710 Hermiston Herald 541-567-6457 RAISING THE CURTAIN ON THIS WEEK’S ISSUE W e take a lot of drives as a family, usually with hiking or camping as the destination. I don’t know about all families, but with our children a road trip without some sort of distraction eventually dissolves into who can annoy each other the most. Which makes me, the mom, cranky. For many years we’ve listened to audiobooks to pass the time on long vacations. I love it when we fi nd a book so captivat- ing that one of the kids pleads to keep driving just so we can hear a little bit more. On one trip around Oregon, we listened to one of the longer Harry Pot- ter books and fi nished it just two blocks from our house. We deemed that quite the accom- plishment. Over the last 18 months we haven’t taken any long trips. Instead, we’ve stayed fairly close to home, within two hours or so. Podcasts have turned out to be our choice for these car rides, and two in particular rank as our favorites. Both cover cases of disap- pearances, mysteries, or odd happenings that remain un- solved. “The Strange Sessions” features Kurt and Krista from Wisconsin. These two cover all sorts of strange topics. They of- ten start the podcast by tasting strange foods (often of a pickle variety), and their conversational dialogue makes me feel like I’m visiting with these two in a back- yard around a campfi re. Some of our favorite episodes detail strange happenings in various states, such as ghost stories, lo- cal legends and funny laws. Our other favorite podcast is “Locations Unknown,” also based in Wisconsin. The two www.facebook.com/locations- unknown www.facebook.com/TheStrange- Sessions guys — Mike and Joe — de- scribe it as “chronicling unex- plained disappearances in Amer- ica’s wilderness.” They are avid hikers, and it’s fun to hear about all the places they visit around the United States. Although, considering that the majority of their topics are about people dis- appearing in these wild places, it does give our kids fodder to argue against extensive back- country hiking in national parks (which we don’t really do anyway, but that doesn’t stop them from voicing their opinion). Both podcasts release episodes several times a month. Find them wherever you like to get your podcasts. — LISA BRITTON, EDITOR, GO! MAGAZINE SUMMER FUN! YOUR CHOICE! ONLY $9,995 SOLD 2001 MUSTANG- V8, Leather, Stick Shift, Stage 1 Build! 2008 MINI COOPER- Leather, Auto, Only 32k Miles! 2003 MUSTANG- V6, Convertible, Only 32k Miles! Quality Vehicles. Reasonable Prices. 10500 West 1st St., Island City, OR• 541-204-0041 HOMESTEADMOTORSOR.COM